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Devotion to one's country. This belief inspired War Hawks to desire war because they believed Britain was treating the U.S. like it was still a colony.
The Navigation Acts
Parliament passed laws to ensure that only England benefited from trade with the colonies, such as shipping certain products exclusively to England. Colonists were angry because they were forbidden to trade with other colonies, but many colonists ignored these laws or found ways to get around them.
Impact of the Erie Canal
Made shipping goods much cheaper and easier. NYC became center of commerce, and trade there increases. Trade and travel increased. Other states built canals, making links between farms in the West and cities in the East.
Culture of Native American groups in the Southwest
Lived in Pueblos, were descended from the Anasazis, built hogans (houses made of mud plaster over a framework of wooden poles), and had a kiva (underground chamber where men held religious ceremonies). This region included the Hopis, Acomas, Zunis, and Lagunas.
Why did the New England colonies become known for shipbuilding, fishing, whaling, and subsistence farming?
They had infertile soil, so they could not establish farming as a major industry. They were close to the coast, so whaling and fishing were easier for them. They had lots of forests that were good for lumber and shipbuilding. Port towns were established.
The "Great Compromise"
Roger Sherman from Connecticut's plan to have 2 houses of Congress; the Senate, where state representation was equal and each member served 6 years, and the House of Representatives, where each state's representation was determined by population and each member served 2 years.
Election of 1796
The person with the most electoral votes, John Adams, became President and the person with the second most electoral votes, Thomas Jefferson, became Vice President. A problem from this situation was that Adams and Jefferson belonged to different political parties, so political tensions were strong in the Executive Branch. In modern elections, presidential candidates choose their vice presidential candidates to run with them, so the situation in 1796 could not occur.
Constitutional Convention of 1787
Delegates met to revise the Articles of Confederation, but ultimately decided to write the Constitution as a replacement.
John Adams
Lawyer who defended British soldiers in the Boston Massacre trial. He believed in "innocent until proven guilty." In spite of these actions, he supported colonial independence.
Kitchen Cabinet
Jackson's group of unofficial advisors consisting of newspaper editors and Democratic leaders that met to discuss current issues. Jackson used the Kitchen Cabinet more than his official Cabinet.
Why did Southern colonies develop a plantation economy and a slave system?
The soil was good for growing rice, cotton, indigo, and tobacco. They developed plantations because they couldn't keep up with Northern industrialization. Most plantations relied heavily on slave labor to run the plantations smoothly.
laissez faire
It literally means let alone in French. It means that government should interfere as little as possible with the economy.
Checks and Balances
Each branch of government has a check on the other two to make sure each branch is acting fairly and within its limits. This system prevents a branch from overpowering the others and running things unfairly.
The three locations of the capital
New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C.
Battle of Lexington and Concord
These two battles occurred on the same day. They were the first military conflicts of the war. Lexington was the first one, in which a shot suddenly rang out as minutemen were leaving the scene at Lexington. Fighting then occurred. The British won the brief fight. In the second battle, Concord, the British had gone onto Concord and, finding no arms, left to go back to Boston. On the bridge back, they met 300 minutemen. The British were forced to retreat, and the Americans claimed victory.
Alien Act
Allowed the President to remove any foreigner from the country who was thought to be dangerous. Immigrants had to live in America 14 years before being able to vote. Most immigrants were Democratic Republicans, so this kept them from voting for a long time.
loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole
The Federalists
Strong federal government; supported Britain; loose interpretation of the Constitution; emphasized manufacturing, shipping, and trade; led by Alexander Hamilton; favored national bank and protective tariffs
Bombardment of Fort Sumter
The Confederate army bombed the Union's Fort Sumter. The Union surrendered the fort, and the attack sparked the Civil War.
Executive Branch
Carries out the laws
Challenges faced by Jamestown Settlement
It was the first permanent English colony. No established government, swampy conditions led to disease, and shortage of food as they searched for gold.
Jay's Treaty
Chief Justice John Jay was sent to have peace talks with Great Britain. Britain agreed to pay for damages to American ships and return forts in the West. America had to pay off its debts to British merchants. This treaty was seen by Americans as very unfair because they felt they were giving up more than Britain was.
The Tariffs of 1828 and 1832
The main goal of them is to increase the cost of foreign goods and protect domestic industries. 1828: high. 1832: lower after Southern uproar and protest because many Southern planters relied on the European goods that would have the tariff. Still, it was called the Tariff of Abominations by the South.
Native American culture
Different groups often developed different cultures because they adapted to their different environments in different ways.
Culture of Native American groups in the Eastern Woodlands
Iroquois were the most powerful people of this region. They built long houses out of poles sided with bark and chose the sachems (the name given to the tribal chiefs). They lived in present day New York State.
Battle of Yorktown
French surrounded the british on water w/ there navy and Washingtons men surrounded them by land. End of war and cornwallass surrendered
The Mayflower Compact
Agreement signed by Pilgrims before they landed at Plymouth Rock to agree how they would govern their colony. Connection to American democracy: We make agreements to settle things and keep our country a unified nation.
The Stamp Act
Put a tax on legal documents and taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards, and even dice. All of those items had to carry a stamp that the tax had been paid. This act led to riots in NYC, Newport, and Charleston.
Study of evidence left by early people
The Townshend Acts
Taxed goods, such as glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea. It also allowed customs officials to search without real reason in order to prevent smuggling. Colonists believed that this tax was an example of taxation without representation.
Trail of Tears
The Indians' long journey to the West, during which many died of illness and exhaustion.
The Tariff Crisis
South Carolina passed the Nullification Act, declaring the Tariff of 1832 illegal and threatened to secede from the Union. Jackson had to decide what to do with regard to states' rights and the power of the national government.
Embargo Act
The U.S. tried to hurt Britain and France by cutting off the supplies they needed from America because it banned all the U.S.'s foreign trade.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, a book about a slave who is treated badly, in 1852. The book persuaded more people, particularly Northerners, to become anti-slavery.
Why/how did the Spanish colonize North America?
They were the first explorers of this region. Their main economic activities were gold, silver, farming, and slave trading. The relations with the Indians were hostile. Their explorers were Columbus (Hispaniola) and Magellan (Pacific). Their settlement was New Spain.
Gadsden Purchase
Strip of land in present-day Arizona and New Mexico that was acquired by the U.S. in 1853 for $10 million.
Impact of European colonization on Native Americans
Many Native Americans were enslaved. Many Native Americans were killed by diseases brought by Europeans. The Europeans tried to convert Native Americans to their religion.
League of Iroquois
It was an alliance of the five nations: Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, and Cayuga. It was the way Iroquois governed themselves. They formed a strong relationship with the French.
Challenges faced by settlers in Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Harsh first winters, lack of food in winter, makeshift shelters, and many died from disease and starvation
Supporters of the Constitution that were led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. They firmly believed the national government should be strong. They didn't want the Bill of Rights because they felt citizens' rights were already well protected by the Constitution.
The Invasion of New York
In the largest battle of the Revolution, after landing 22,000 troops in Long Island, the redcoats drove the Americans back to Brooklyn Heights. There was also a battle at White Plains.
Strengthening the Presidency
Jackson increased his power as President through his use of the spoils system, his determination to shut down the Bank of the United States, and his use of the Force Act to enforce that Tariff of 1832.
Spoils system
The practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs. Jackson made this practice famous for the way he did it on a wide scale.
Role of women in Iroquois culture
They had more power in society than women in Europe at the time. They held political power and were allowed to own property.
Belief that the purpose of colonies was to benefit the mother country
William Penn
A Quaker that founded Pennsylvania to establish a place where his people and others could live in peace and be free from persecution.
Separation of Powers
The government's power is divided among the three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial.
"no taxation without representation"
Colonists insisted that only they or their elected representatives had the right to pass taxes. Colonial assemblies were annoyed they had no voice in establishing taxes. Since the colonists did not elect representatives to Parliament, Parliament had no right to tax them.
The Intolerable Acts
Created to punish Massachusetts colonists for the Boston Tea Party. These restrictions led to more anger towards Great Britain. It consisted of the Port Bill, the Quartering Act, limits on town meetings, and British officials being tried in Great Britain for crimes committed in the colonies.
Results of the War of 1812
U.S. gained national pride from victories at New Orleans and at sea. The British recognized U.S. boundaries and stayed out of the Northwest Territory. American industry prospered making more goods at home. The Federalist Party diminished.
How did conditions between Britain and France affect US shipping and trade prior to the War of 1812?
France and Britain were at war, so the US wanted to remain neutral and trade with both. However, Britain and France wanted to prevent each other from trading with the US, so both would impede trade by seizing US ships.
Lewis and Clark
Sent on an expedition by Jefferson to gather information on the United States' new land and map a route to the Pacific. They kept very careful maps and records of this new land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase.
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
These stated that a state had the right to declare a law unconstiutional, or nullify a law, within its borders. These were written by Jefferson and Madison to resist the Alien and Sedition Acts
Jacksonian Democracy
A policy of spreading more political power to more people. It was a "Common Man" theme.
Why/how did the French colonize North America?
They had friendly relations with Native Americans, and their main economic activity was the fur trade. They had settlements in Quebec, Canada. Their famous explorers were Cartier, La Salle, Verrazano, Marquette and Joliet, and Samuel de Champlain.
Bank of the United States
A place where all the tax money would go, money would be printed, loans issued, and loans regulated.
Election of 1824
No one won a majority of electoral votes, so the House of Representatives had to decide among Adams, Jackson, and Clay. Clay dropped out and urged his supporters in the House to throw their votes behind Adams. Jackson and his followers were furious and accused Adams and Clay of a "corrupt bargain."
Important points of the Declaration of Independence
1st: The purpose of government is to protect the national rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 2nd: Wrongs done by the King. 3rd: Colonies declare independence
Andrew Jackson's role in the U.S. buying Florida
Demolished a Seminole fort and captured several small towns; Spain was too preoccupied with uprisings in Latin America to fight the U.S.
Emancipation Proclamation
Issued by abraham lincoln on september 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free
Oregon Trail
A route followed by wagon trains from Independence, Missouri to Oregon.
Power is divided between a national government and a state government
Turning point of the American Revolution. It was very important because it convinced the French to give the U.S. military support. It lifted American spirits, ended the British threat in New England by taking control of the Hudson River, and, most importantly, showed the French that the Americans had the potential to beat their enemy, Great Britain.
Indian Removal Act
Jackson' decision to force Native Americans to move west out of the Mississippi into barren lands.
Navigation Acts
Laws that governed trade between England and its colonies. Colonists were required to ship certain products exclusively to England. These acts made colonists very angry because they were forbidden from trading with other countries.
Lincoln's view on slavery
He believed it was wrong and wanted to prevent it from spreading. However, he did not want to interfere with states in which it already existed.
Monroe Doctrine
Issued by Monroe as a result of Spanish colonies declaring their independence. It was warned Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere. It was issued to keep Europe out of the Western Hemisphere.
The Missouri Compromise
So that the balance of 11 free states and 11 slave states is not upset, Missouri is allowed to be admitted as a slave state, but Maine is admitted as a free state.
National Road
First national road building project funded by Congress. It made travel and transportation of goods much easier because it was one continuous road that was in good condition.
Election of 1860
Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery. As a result, the South no longer felt like it has a voice in politics and a number of states seceded from the Union.
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Overall, very weak central government and no executive branch. 1. The central government had no power to tax. 2. The central government could not print or coin money. 3. No central court system 4. Passage of any bill required 9 out of 13 states. 5. Each state had one vote. 6. An amendment required unanimous support. 7. Congress had no power to raise an army.
Bill of Rights
Added to the Constitution to make sure the individual liberties of each citizen were protected.
Legislative Branch
Passes (makes) the laws through writing bills.
Alien and Sedition Acts' effect on the Federalist Party
People viewed these acts as unconstitutional and were turned off by the Federalists' support of them. People decided to vote for the Democratic Republicans instead.
Difficulties experienced by settlers on the Oregon Trail
Heavy gear, rough trails, fierce weather, raging rivers, lack of food, drought, animal attacks.
Manifest Destiny
The belief that America had the right to cover land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean out West. They very much supported Westward Expansion.
Oregon Trail's effect on the U.S.
50,000 people migrated to Oregon; it made traveling out West more appealing and relatively easier.
Hamilton's plan for handling the national debt
1) Government would pay off federal and state bonds by buying them all up. He would sell new bonds to pay the old ones. 2) Create a Bank of the United States where all the tax money would go, money would be printed, loans issued, and loans regulated. 3) Install a protective tariff to boost the American economy
Long House
A house that the Iroquois built out of poles sided with bark. Trees were the main material used to build them. It had a hallway with small rooms on either side which ran the length of the long house. Multiple families lived in it, and each family had its own room.
Marbury v. Madison
set the precedent for judicial review
Strengths of the Articles of Confederation
1. Brought the American Revolution to a successful conclusion. 2. Negotiated Treaty of Paris in 1783. 3. Kept states united. 4. Passed Northwest Ordinance of 1787.
Treaty of Paris
agreement signed by British and American leaders that stated the United States of America was a free and independent contry
Why were the Middle colonies able to develop "cash crops" and manufacturing?
They had good land. This region contained the breadbasket colonies.
Difference between a tariff and a protective tariff
A protective tariff is a tax on foreign imports that promote the domestic economy; they make domestically manufactured goods more appealing because they are cheaper than the foreign goods with taxes on them.
Culture of Native American Groups in the Southeast
Divided the year into 13 months and lived in villages and farmed. They enjoyed a warm climate, fertile soil, and plentiful rain.
Triangular Trade
Leg 1: New England merchants brought products, like fish and lumber, to the West Indies to trade them for molasses and sugar. 2nd leg: Merchants sailed to West Africa with rum, guns, gunpowder, cloth, and tools and then traded those goods for slaves. 3rd leg: Traders sailed to the West Indies, where slaves were sold. Then using profits from slaves, bought more molasses and the cycle started again. Breakdown: New England traded rum to the West Indies in exchange for molasses. The West Indies merchants bought slaves from West Africa, which they brought back to the Americas.
Judicial Branch
Decides if laws are carried out fairly and if laws are constitutional.
Sam Adams
Member of the first and second Continental Congress, signed the Declaration of Independence, and served as governor of Massachusetts. He was very supportive of a revolution.
Nominating conventions
A new way of choosing candidates. Each state would send delegates to choose the party's candidate, allowing common people to become more involved with the selection of the candidate and the election itself.
Why/how did the Dutch colonize North America?
Their settlement was in New Amsterdam, and they had diplomatic relations with the Native Americans. Their main economic activity was the fur trade, and their main explorers were Hudson and Peter Minuit.
Writs of Assistance
It was part of the Townshend Acts. It said that the customs officers could inspect a ship's cargo without giving a reason. Colonists protested that the Writs violated their rights as British citizens.
Louisiana Purchase
The U.S., under Jefferson, bought the Louisiana territory from France, under the rule of Napoleon, in 1803. The U.S. paid $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase, and Napoleon gave up his empire in North America. The U.S. gained control of Mississippi trade route and doubled its size.
The Democratic Republicans
Strong state governements; supported France; strict interpretation of the Constitution; emphasis on agriculture; led by Thomas Jefferson; opposed the national bank and protective tariffs
Culture of Native American groups on the Northwest Coast
Rich harvests, fished, held potlatches (ceremonial dinners) to showoff their wealth, and benefited from nearby forests. They enjoyed a favorable climate and abundant food supplies.
The Compromise of 1850
Slavery becomes outlawed in Washington D.C., California is admitted as a free state, and Utah and New Mexico will determine whether slavery is allowed through popular sovereignty. Also, the Fugitive Slave Law is passed.
Port of New Orleans
Important port city where lots of trade occurred. Jefferson wanted to make sure Americans always had access to ship goods there.
The Tea Act
An act passed by Parliament to help the British East India Company by allowing the company to sell tea directly to the colonies without using colonial merchants. Colonial merchants were angry because they felt cheated by the British government. Colonists felt the British were violating their right to free enterprise.
John C. Calhoun & Nullification
Calhoun was Vice President and pro-nullification, while Jackson claimed that giving states the right to nullify laws would threaten the unity of the nation.
Opposed the Constitution, led by Patrick Henry and George Mason, and wanted a weak central government and a Bill of Rights to protect citizens.
Paul Revere
American silversmith who became a hero after his famous ride to warn of the British advance on Lexington and Concord.
First major battle of the Revolutions. It showed that the Americans could hold their own, but the British were also not easy to defeat. Ultimately, the Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition, and Bunker Hill was in British hands. However, the British suffered more deaths.
Why/how did the English colonize North America?
They had diplomatic relations with Native Americans. Their main economic activity was farming, and their settlements were in Jamestown, Virginia; Plymouth, Massachusetts; and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Their main explorer was Cabot.
The XYZ Affair
Three French agents asked for over ten million dollars in tribute before they would begin diplomatic talks with America. When Americans heard the news, they were outraged. Adams decided to strengthen the Navy to show France that America was a force to be reckoned with.
Lincoln's view on preserving the Union
He believed that the U.S. had to be reunited as one nation, or the country would truly fall apart. For this reason, he entered the Civil War.
Sedition Act
Made it a crime to criticize the government or government officials. Opponents claimed that it violated citizens' rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, gauranteed by the First Amednment.
Roger Williams
He founded Rhode Island on riligous tolerance
Culture of Native American groups in the Great Plains
Used buffalo hides to make cone-shaped tents called tepees. They farmed and planted corn, beans, squash, and sunflowers. They had a ruling council that included the best hunters. They were spread across the Great Plains from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River.
Weak central government; how the states were organized under the Articles of Confederation.
Industrial Revolution
Before it, most goods were produced by hand and most people were farmers, but it led to a shift towards manufacturing and cities. Machines replaced hand tools and new sources of power, such as steam and electricity, replaced human and animal power.
How did the British policy toward the thirteen colonies change the French and Indian?
The war put the British Empire in debt, so they had to tax the colonists to raise money. This increased tension between the British and American colonists.
The practice of forcing people into service. British ships would stop American vessels and impress American sailors. This led to Americans becoming extremely angry and eager for war with Britain.
The Bank War
Jackson was determined to destroy the Bank of the United States because he thought it was too powerful. He felt the Bank was unconstitutional and only benefited the rich.

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