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Logical Fallacies

Use this set to help you study the different advertising techniques.


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Red Herring Example
*Person A: What about Christmas? *Person B: Well, my aunt is coming next week.
False Cause
Wrongly assumes a cause-and-effect relationship ('A' causes 'B' without proof that a relationship actually exists).
Scare Tactic Example
"If you vote for this candidate, then your children's lives will be at stake!"
Hasty Generalization
Draws a conclusion about a population based on a small sample (jumping to conclusions).
False Cause Example
Christians believe in God. Muslims believe in God. Therefore, Christians are Muslims.
Creates the impression that everybody is doing it and so should you
Hasty Generalization Example
I met some students from Fort Riley yesterday, who were very polite. I think all children from that area must be well-behaved.
Glittering Generality Example
"I am the new candidate for CHANGE." or "It's NEW"
False Dilemma Example
Either you are with me or against me.
Red Herring
Presents an irrelevant topic to divert attention away from the original issue. The logic follows this form: Topic A is under discussion. Topic B is introduced under the assumption that it's related. Topic A is abandoned.
Traditional Wisdom Example
The theory that witches and demons cause disease is far older than the theory that microrganisms cause diseases. Therefore, the theory about witches and demons must be true.
Pitch Beast
Uses an animal to endorse a person, product, or idea.
Traditional Wisdom
This occurs when it is assumed that something is better or correct simply because it is traditional or "has always been done"
Scare Tactic
Creates fear in people as evidence to support a claim. Mostly this is done by some form of threat.
A famous person endorses a product, ideal, or candidate.
Appeal to Emotions
When something is associated with good/bad feelings, then it must be true/wrong (manipulates people's emotions)
Pitch Beast Example
When the Gieco Gecko is used in commercials to endorse the insurance company.
Ad Hominem Example
*Person A: I think that the US will come out of this recession quickly. *Person B: What do you know about economics? You don't even have a job!
Appeal to the People
Uses the views of the majority as a persuasive device (very similar to bandwagon).
Testimonial Example
When Oprah Winfrey mentions a book, it becomes a best seller.
Ad Hominem
When the person presenting an argument is attacked instead of the argument itself (against the person).
Appeal to Emotions Example
A commercial comes on the TV asking for money to help remove animals from abusive homes and shows a slide show of cute kittens and puppies.
Glittering Generality
Uses attractive, but vague, words that embody ideals such as: freedom, fame, justice, respect. This technique seeks to evoke emotions without making any commitments.
Statements that are logically false, but which appear to be true. Basically, an error in reasoning.
Bandwagon Example
"You're not cool unless you wear this brand of clothing"
False Dilemma
Either A or B is true. C is not an option. This is based on the assumption that the choices offered are the only choices.

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