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Japans 77


undefined, object
copy deck
entō (円筒)
a cylinder
etai no shirenai (得体の知れない)
strange, strange-looking, mysterious
Esuperantogo (エスペラント語)
eriwakeru (選り分ける)
to assort, to sort, to sift out
eragaru (偉がる)
to be self-important, to think highly of oneself, to put on airs
eppei suru (閲兵する)
to review troops
eraku (偉く)
greatly, terribly, very, very much
erabu (選ぶ)
to choose, to select, to pick out, to elect, to assort, to sort
eria (エリア)
an area
esu ō esu (エス・オー・エス)
an SOS (call)
eria māketingu (エリア・マーケティング)
area marketing
erebētā (エレベーター)
an elevator, a lift
erigonomi suru (選り好みする)
to be fastidious, to be particular
enzui (延髄)
the bulb, the medulla oblongata
enzetsu ga umai (演説がうまい)
to be a good speaker
enzai (冤罪)
a false charge
esutetikkusaron (エステティック・サロン)
a beaty clinic
erekutoronikku mēru (エレクトロニック・メール)
electronic mail
Esuperantoshiyōsha (エスペラント使用者)
an Esperantist
enzai o kōmuru (冤罪を被る)
to be falsely accused
eru eru (エル・エル)
an L.L., a language laboratory
erigami (襟髪)
the scruff of the neck
erinuku (選り抜く)
to pick out, to single out
erasōni iu (偉そうにいう)
to talk big
erai (偉い)
great, famous, excellent; heavy, awful; Well done!
erā (エラー)
an error
erimoto (襟元)
the neck
erishō (襟章)
a collar badge
en'yūkai (園遊会)
a garden party, a lawn party
esukimō no (エスキモーの)
Eskimo ~
esa (餌)
food, a bait, a decoy
erīto (エリート)
the elite
enzetsu (演説)
a speech, an address, a lecture, public speaking
esukarēto suru (エスカレートする)
to escalate
etari to bakari ~ suru (得たりとばかり~する)
to seize the opportunity of doing, to jump
ese (似非)
false ~, would-be
erasōna (偉そうな)
erekutōn (エレクトーン)
an electronic organ
erītoishiki (エリート意識)
erimaki (襟巻)
a scarf, a muffler, a comforter
esa o yaru (餌をやる)
to feed, to give food
Eru nīnyo (エルニーニョ)
El Niño
eri o tadasu (襟を正す)
to straighten oneself
enujī (エヌ・ジー)
NG, no good
erāmessēji (エラーメッセージ)
an error message
ēsu (エース)
an ace
era (鰓)
the gill(s)
ero (エロ)
erotic, eroticism
etchina hanashi (エッチな話)
a dirty story, an indecent story
eso (壊疽)
eri (襟)
the neck; a collar, a neckband, a lapel
enzetsu suru (演説する)
to make/deliver a speech, to speak
esu efu shōsetsu (エス・エフ小説)
a science fiction novel
erasōna kao o suru (偉そうな顔をする)
to put on airs
etarigao (得たり顔)
a look of triumph
en'yō (遠洋)
an ocean
erekutoronikku raiburarī (エレクトロニック・ライブラリー)
an electronic library
erekutoronikku (エレクトロニック)
eppei (閲兵)
a review
enzetsu ga mazui (演説がまずい)
to be a poor speaker
enzetsusha (演説者)
a speaker
eriashi (襟足)
the border of the back hair
erikubi (襟首)
the nape/back of the neck
Eru nīnyogenshō (エルニーニョ現象)
an El Niño phenomenon
esukimōjin (エスキモー人)
an Eskimo, an Innuit
esukarētā (エスカレーター)
an escalator, a moving staircase
esunikkuryōri (エスニック料理)
ethnic cuisine
erekutoronikku bankingu (エレクトロニック・バンキング)
electronic banking
eru (得る)
to get, to have, to obtain, to earn, to gain, to acquire, to win, to find; to can, to be able, to may
erekutoronikkukomāsu (エレクトロニック・コマース)
electronic commerce, EC
eshaku (会釈)
a salutation, a greeting, a bow
esutetishan (エステティシャン)
an esthetician
erekigitā (エレキ・ギター)
an electric guitar
esemono (似非者/物)
a fake; a hypocrite
en'yōgyogyō (遠洋漁業)
deep-sea fishery, deep-sea fishing
entōjō no (円筒状の)
esute (エステ)
erohon (エロ本)
an obscene book
esoragoto (絵空事)
a fabrication, [Infml.] a pipe dream
erītokōsu (エリート・コース)
the elite track
erekutoronikku paburisshingu (エレクトロニック・パブリッシング)
electronic publishing
erinuki no (選り抜きの)
picked, choice, well-chosen
esu efu (エス・エフ)
esukarēshon (エスカレーション)
an escalation, a gradual increase, a gradual expansion
enzetsukai (演説会)
a speech meeting

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