Latin vocabulary 7
undefined, object
copy deck
- atrium
- atrium, reception hall
- canis
- dog
- coquus
- cook
- cubiculum
- bedroom
- culina
- kitchen
- est
- is
- filius
- son
- hortus
- garden
- in
- in, on
- laborat
- works
- mater
- mother
- pater
- father
- sedet
- sits
- servus
- slave
- tablinum
- study
- triclinium
- dining room
- via
- street
- amicus
- friend
- ancilla
- slave-girl, slave-woman
- cena
- dinner
- cibus
- food
- dominus
- master
- dormit
- sleeps
- gustat
- tastes
- intrat
- enters
- laetus
- happy
- laudat
- praises
- mensa
- table
- mercator
- merchant
- quoque
- also, too
- salutat
- greets
- toga
- toga
- tunica
- tunic
- ad
- to
- bibit
- drinks
- circumspectat
- looks around
- clamat
- shouts
- ecce!
- see! look!
- et
- and
- exit
- goes out
- exspectat
- waits for
- forum
- forum
- ianua
- door
- iratus
- angry
- leo
- lion
- magnus
- big, large, great
- navis
- ship
- non
- not
- portat
- carries
- respondet
- replies
- ridet
- laughs, smiles
- salve!
- hello!
- surgit
- gets up, rises
- taberna
- store, shop, inn
- videt
- sees
- villa
- house
- vinum
- wine
- agit
- does
- negotium agit
- does business, works
- anulus
- ring
- cera
- wax, wax tablet
- coquit
- cooks
- cur?
- why
- e, ex
- out of, from
- ego
- I
- eheu!
- alas! oh dear!
- habet
- has
- inquit
- says
- iudex
- judge
- mendax
- liar
- pecunia
- money
- perterritus
- terrified
- poeta
- poet
- quaerit
- searches for
- quis?
- who?
- gives back
- satis
- enough
- sed
- but
- signum
- sign, seal, signal
- tu
- you
- vendit
- sells
- vocat
- calls
- adest
- is here
- adsunt
- are here
- agricola
- farmer
- ambulat
- walks
- audit
- hears, listens to
- clamor
- shout, uproar
- contendit
- hurries
- currit
- runs
- euge!
- hurrah!
- fabula
- play, story
- fabulam agit
- acts in a play
- femina
- woman
- hodie
- today
- iuvenis
- young man
- meus
- my, mine
- multus
- much
- multi
- many
- optimus
- very good, best
- petit
- attacks, seeks
- plaudit
- applauds, claps
- puella
- girl
- senex
- old man
- spectat
- looks at, watches
- stat
- stands
- turba
- crowd
- ubi?
- where
- urbs
- city
- venit
- comes
- abest
- is out, is absent
- aberat
- was out, was absent
- avarus
- miser
- bonus
- good
- emit
- buys
- erat
- was
- ferociter
- fiercely
- festinat
- hurries
- fortis
- brave, strong
- fur
- thief
- infans
- baby, child
- intente
- intently
- libertus
- freedman, ex-slave
- olim
- once, some time ago
- parvus
- small, little
- per
- through
- postquam
- after, when
- pulsat
- hits, punches
- quod
- because
- res
- thing
- scribit
- writes
- subito
- suddenly
- superat
- overcomes
- tum
- then
- tuus
- your, yours
- vituperat
- tells off, curses
- cenat
- eats dinner, dines
- centurio
- centurion
- conspicit
- catches sight of
- cum
- with
- facit
- makes, does
- heri
- yesterday
- ingens
- huge
- intellegit
- understands
- lacrimat
- cries, weeps
- mortuus
- dead
- narrat
- tells, relates
- necat
- kills
- nihil
- nothing
- omnis
- all
- parat
- prepares
- pestis
- pest, rascal
- poculum
- cup, wine cup
- procedit
- advances, proceeds
- prope
- near
- pulcher
- beautiful, handsome
- rogat
- asks
- tacite
- quietly, silently
- tamen
- however
- terret
- frightens
- umbra
- ghost, shadow
- valde
- very much, very
- agitat
- chases, hunts
- consumit
- eats
- ducit
- leads
- eum
- him
- facile
- easily
- ferox
- fierce, ferocious
- gladius
- sword
- habitat
- lives
- hic
- this
- ignavus
- cowardly, lazy
- incitat
- urges on, encourages
- nuntias
- messenger
- pes
- foot, paw
- porta
- gate
- postulat
- demands
- puer
- boy
- pugnat
- fights
- recumbit
- lies down, reclines
- saepe
- often
- sanguis
- blood
- silva
- woods, forest
- spectaculum
- show, spectacle
- statim
- at once
- totus
- whole
- agnoscit
- recognizes
- celebrat
- celebrates
- celeriter
- quickly
- civis
- citizen
- cupit
- wants
- dat
- gives
- dies
- day
- dies natalis
- birthday
- emittit
- throws, sends out
- exercet
- exercises
- fert: tulit
- brings, carries
- homo
- person, man
- hospes
- guest
- ille
- that
- inspicit
- looks at, inspects, examines
- iterum
- again
- manet
- remains, stays
- medius
- middle
- mox
- soon
- notus
- well-known, famous
- offert: obtulit
- offers
- ostendit
- shows
- paulisper
- for a short time
- post
- after
- revenit
- comes back, returns
- suus
- his
- tradit
- hands over
- abit
- goes away
- accipit
- accepts, recieves
- callidus
- clever, smart
- capit
- takes
- contentus
- satisfied
- exclamat
- exclaims
- frater
- brother
- imperium
- empire
- inimicus
- enemy
- invenit
- finds
- it
- goes
- liber
- book
- nos
- we
- nuntiat
- announces
- pax
- peace
- portus
- harbor
- quam
- than, how
- semper
- always
- sententia
- opinion
- servat
- saves, protects
- solus
- alone, lonely
- tacet
- is quiet, is silent
- uxor
- wife
- vehementer
- violently, loudly
- vos
- you (plural)
- convenit
- gathers, meets
- credit
- trusts, believes, has faith in
- de
- down from, about
- favet
- favors, supports
- gens
- family
- invitat
- invites
- legit
- reads
- liberalis
- generous
- minime!
- no!
- murus
- wall
- noster
- our
- nunc
- now
- placet
- it pleases, suits
- primus
- first
- promittit
- promises
- pugna
- fight
- rapit
- seizes, grabs
- secundus
- second
- senator
- senator
- sollicitus
- worried, anxious
- stultus
- stupid
- tertius
- third
- utilis
- useful
- vale!
- good-bye!
- verberat
- strikes, beats
- vir
- man
- amittit
- loses
- cinis
- ash
- complet
- fills
- custodit
- guards
- densus
- thick
- duo
- two
- epistula
- letter
- flamma
- flame
- fortiter
- bravely
- frustra
- in vain
- fugit
- runs away, flees
- fundus
- farm
- iacet
- lies
- iam
- now
- igitur
- therefore
- incidit
- falls
- mirabilis
- marvelous, strange, wonderful
- mittit
- sends
- mons
- mountain
- nubes
- cloud
- optime
- very well
- paene
- nearly almost
- sentit
- feels
- tandem
- at last
- templum
- temple
- terra
- ground, land
- timet
- is afraid, fears
- tres
- three
- unus
- one