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World History Mr. H



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An ancient Chinese ethical and philosophical system originally developed from the teachings of the early Chinese philosopher Confucius.
mid 1800s. Marx argued class struggle. Revolution by workers.
Define Brahman
Early hindes believed in the existence of a single force in the universe a form of ultimate reality or God, called Brahman. It was the duty of the individual self- called the atman- to seek to know this ultimate reality.
Conservatism - a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, favoring obedience to political authority and organized religion.
The Crusades
11-13th Century Wars to win back the Holy Land. Christians attacking Muslims.
What makes up civilization?
A complex culture in which large numbers of human beings share a number of common elements. Characteristics: Government, Religion, Social Structure, Writing, and Art
When was Copernicus' heliocentric theory developed?
Divine Right Theory
Belief that kings receive their power from God
Define Reincarnation
The rebirth of an individual's soul in a different form after death.
Center of the Eastern Roman Empire. It was later named Constantinople.
Proxy Wars
Wars that are not face to face for 2 other countries at war. For instance: U.S. and Russia fighting in North and South Korea.
Social Contract?
Through a social contract an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will self-interests must be forced to abide by the general will.
Key Ideas of Reformation
To change a government or religion if one does not agree with it?
What is tabula rasa?
Idea that people are born with a clean slate
Realism - mid 19th century movement that rejected romanticism and sought to portray lower and middle class life as it actually was.
Nationalism - the unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols.
Imperialism - The extension of a nation's power over the other lands.
What did Montesquieu believe?
The separation of powers. Execute- enforce law. Legislative- make law. Judicial- interpret laws.
Cold War
1948-1991 Fighting Between U.S. and Russia
1st Four Civilizations?
Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India
Greatest figure of the enlightenment. Criticized Christian religion. Believed in Tolerance.
Who was Locke?
Believed people were good at heart, and people are entitled to life, property, and liberty.
Romanticism - an intellectual movement that emerged a the end of the 8th century in reaction to the ideas of the enlightenment; it stressed feelings, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing.
Who was Hobbes?
1600's: Political philosopher, strong leader
What did Diderot make?
Man in the state of nature? Which is Leviathan and Social Contract
Men need laws to stop from killing one another.
Industrial Revolution
Started in Great Britain in the 1700s. Some contributing factors for this are: expanded farmland, improved transportation and good weather, new crops larger population, new industrial machines, natural resources and a supply of markets gave Britain manufacturers a ready outlet for their goods. It spread all over Europe.
Reasons for Napoleon's fall
- The fall began with the invasion of Russia in 1812. The Russians burnt down villages enabling Napoleons army from finding any food. Napoleon left Moscow and began the "great retreat" across Russia. Many troops were lost due to the harsh winter. Napoleon was sent to exile on the island of Elba, but later slipped back into France. In 1815, he suffered another defeat. This exiled him to St. Helena.
Reasons for the Decline of the Roman Empire
After Constantine's death Eastern and Western Rome stayed divided. Western Europe was under attack by invading Germanic Tribes. The Huns pushed the Visigoths into Roman territory where they became allies, but eventually revolted. After the Visigoths triumphant revolt many Germans now crossed the frontiers. The Visigoths sacked Rome. Later Western Rome fell, but Eastern Rome (Byzantine Empire) thrived for many more years.
A phase of relaxed tensions and improved relations between two adversaries
Scientific Method
A systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence that was crucial to the evolution of science in modern world. Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion
Idea of Agnosticism?
Open to the idea of God, but not sure.
Key Ideas of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was an 18th century philosophical movement of intellectuals who were greatly impressed with the achievements of the Scientific Revolution.
Versailles Treaty, effects
Treat of Versailles - a peace treaty that officially ended World War 1. It required Germany and its allies to accept full responsibility for causing the war and make substantial territorial concessions and pay reparations to certain countries that had formed the Entente powers. They also had to reduce its army and navy and eliminate its air force.
4 Noble Truths
1. Ordinary life is full of suffering. 2. This suffering is caused by our desire to satisfy ourselves. 3. The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goals and to see others as extensions of ourselves. 4. The way to end desire is to follow the middle path.
Roots of the French Revolution
bourgeoisie, peasants, pastors/nobles::::::::1789. Kig louis XVI left france in debt france becomes a constitutional monarchy revolution prompted nationalism spriti
Man in the state of nature
People cannot live without ONE LEADER.
Roots of WW1
triple entente . nationalism imperialism that archduke guy
Places Cold War took place
Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Cuba
The deliberate mass murder of a particular racial political or cultural group
Reasons for WW2
aggression of japans Germans
Natural Rights?
The right to live, land, justice
What are the 5 concepts of philosophy?
Reason, Nature, Happiness, Progress, Liberty
Idea of Deism?
God left the world. Like a clockmaker.
Contributions of the Greeks
Democracy, Drama, Art, Architecture, Philosophy, Sculpting
3 Motives of Exploration
Attraction to Asia trade: Spiritual, and secular affairs, economic motives; Ottoman Turks blocked access to Asia by land
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, Japan
8 Fold Path (Middle Path)
1. Right view. We need to know the Four Noble Truths. 2. Right intention. We need to decide what we really want. 3. Right speech. We must seek to speak truth and to speak well of others. 4. Right action. The Buddha gave five percepts: Do not kill. Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not be unchaste. Do not take drugs or drink alcohol. 5. Right livelihood. We must do work that uplifts our being. 6. Right effort. The buddha said those who follow the Way might well follow the example of an ox that arches through the deep mud carrying a heavy load. He is tired but his forward gaze will not relax until he comes out of the mud. 7. Right mindfulness. we must keep our minds in control of our senses. 8. Right concentration. We must meditate to see the world in a new way.
5 Pillars Of Islam
Belief, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, and Pilgrimage.
Social Darwinism
1800s - 1900s. Theories that were applied to human society in a radical way by nationalists and racists; Survival of the fittest.
Some of Mark's ideas?
Great movement class struggle. Haves take advantage of have nots. Workers are exploited for employers. Capitalism will destroy itself.
Middle Passage
Journey slaves took from Africa to America.
Monotheistic. Islam emphasizes salvation and offers hope of an afterlife. Islam does not believe that its first preacher (Muhammad) was divine. Muhammad is considered a prophet like Moses. Allah is God.
What did Rousseau believe about people?
People are corrupted by society.
Political and Social system that developed during the Middle Ages, when royal governments were no longer able to defend their subjects: nobles offered protection and land in return for service.
Enlightenment: When? Where?Also known as?
1700's, Age of Reason
Key Relationships of Confucianism
Believed the universe was made in suc a way that if humans would act in harmony with its purposes their own affairs would prosper. FOLLOW THE DAO. The Dao was duty and humanity.The concept of duty meant that all people had to subordinate their own interests t the broader needs of the family and the community. Everyone should be governed by 5 constant relationships. Parent and child, husband and wife, older sibling and younger sibling, older friend and younger friend, and ruler and subject . Duty is often expressed in form of "work ethic."
Imitation of the Greeks. What Romans did for their empire.
The Renaissance
Means Rebirth. Time of antiquity. Secular=worldly. Just came out of middle ages and went from 1350-1550.
Ally Powers
Britain, Russia, U.S.
What was Hitlers "Living Space"
satisfying demands of dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain peace and stability.
A policy that was made to contain Communism in Russia, and other parts of the area. Basically allying U.S. with countries around communist countries to stop Communism from spreading.
Fascism - a political philosophy that glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a doctorial ruler.
Who were the philosphes?
People who wrote in the enlightenment
Age of Exploration
Europeans were attracted to Asia that is what started their exploration. Expansion of Europe to the rest of the world.
Triangular Trade
Marked emergence of new world economy. Connected Europe to Africa, Asia, America. Had manufactured goods, guns, cloth, slaves
Ethnic Cleansing
a policy of killing or forcibly removing an ethnic group from its lands
Idea of Buddhism?
6th century B.C. Appeared in northern India and was the product of Siddhartha Gautama. Believed in "balance."
Effects of the Enlightenment?
American and French Revolutions. The way people think in the world today.
Define Caste System
A set of rigid categories in ancient India that determined a person's occupation and economic potential as well as his or her position in society.

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