undefined, object
copy deck
- bicycles produced after 1974
- must have reflectors on front and rear
- percent reduction in serious head injury with use of helmet
- 85%
- who gets 23 valent pneumococcal vax
- >2yrs and SCC, asplenia, nephrotic s, CRF, immunosuppression
- angle of infant car seats
- 45degrees
- immunodeficiency patients do not get which vax
- varicella, OPV, MMR
- who gets cholesterol test
- all patientes with parent of elevated cholesterdol, or if the patient is has risk factors for eraly herat disease
- who gets fasting lipoprotein profile
- all kids with parent or grandparents ith coronary disease before 55
- increased risk for homicide and suicide with gun in house
- 5x incresae in suicide, 3 times increase in homicide
- age of fixing and following object
- 3 months
- level of cholesterol considered too high as risk factor in family members
- 240