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Vocabulary, Ch3, 16-25


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adolescent (adj.)
growing from childhood to adulthood; roughly, of the teenage period.
adolescent (noun)
antediluvian (adj.)
antiquated; belonging to the time before the Biblical Flood (when all except Noah and his family perished)
archaic (adj.)
no longer used, except in a special context; old-fashioned
callow (adj.)
young and inexperienced; unfledged
contemporary (adj.)
of the same period or duration
contemporary (n.)
person who lives at the same time as another
withered old woman
decrepit (adj.)
weakened by old age
defunct (adj.)
dead; deceased; extinct
forebear (noun)
forefather, ancestor
hoary (adj.)
1. white or gray with age
2. ancient
infantile (adj.)
of or like an infant or infancy; childish
inveterate (adj.)
1. firmly established by age; deeprooted

2. habitual
juvenile (adj.)
1. of or for youth; youthful

2. immature
longevity (noun)
1. long life

2. length of life
matriarch (noun)
1. mother and ruler of a family

2. highly respected elderly lady
mature (adj.)
1. full-grown; ripe

2. carefully thought out
nonage (noun)
legal minority; period before maturity
nonagenarian (noun)
person in his or her 90's (Note also octogenarian, person in the 80's, and septugenaarian, person in the 70's.
obsolescent (adj.)
going out of use; becoming obsolete.
obsolete (adj.)
no longer in use; out-of-date.
patriarch (noun)
1. venerable old man

2. father and ruler of a family or tribe; founder
posthumous (adj.)
1. published after the author's death

2. occurring after death
primeval (adj.)
pertaining to the world's first ages; primitive.
primordial (adj.)
1. existing at the very beginning

2. elementary; primary; first in order
pristine (adj.)
in original, long-ago state; uncorrupted
puberty (noun)
physical beginning of manhood (at about age 14) or womanhood (at about age 12)
puerile (adj.)
foolish for a grown person to say or do; childish.
senile (adj.)
showing the weakness of age
superannuated (adj.)
retired on a pension; extremely old
venerable (adj.)
worthy of respect because of advanced age, achievement, virtue or historical importance.
veteran (noun)
1. person experienced in some occupation, art or profession.

2. ex-member of the armed forces
yore (noun)
(always preceded by of) long ago
abstemious (adj.)
sparing in eating and drinking; temperate; abstinent
carousal (noun)
jovial feast; drinking party
dipsomania (noun)
abnormal, uncontrollabe craving for alcohol; alcoholism
inebriated (adj.)
drunk; intoxicated
sober (adj.)
not drunk; temperate
(antonym - drunk; intoxicated)
sobriety (noun)
temperance; abstinence
sot (noun)
person made foolish by excessive drinking; drunkard
teetotaler (noun)
person who totally abstains from intoxicating beverages

(antonym - dipsomaniac)
bow (noun)
forward part of a ship; prow
(antonym - stern)
brine (noun)
1. salty water

2. ocean; sea; the deep
doldrums (noun, plural)
1. calm, windless part of the ocean near the equator

2. listlessness
wrckage of a ship or its cargo found floating in the sea; driftage.
jetsam (noun)
goods cast overboard to lighten a ship in distress
jettison (verb)
throw (goods) overboard to lighten a ship or plane; discard
leeward (adj.)
in the direction away from the wind
(antonym - windward)
marine (adj.)
of the sea or shipping; nautical; maritime
mariner (noun)
sailor; seaman
starboard (adj.)
pertaining to the right-hand side of a ship when you face the bow (forward)
antinym - port
carrion (noun)
decaying flesh of a carcass
contaminate (verb)
make impure by mixture; pollute
antonym - decontaminate
dross (noun)
waste; refuse
expurgate (verb)
remove objectionable material from a book; bowdlerize; purify
immaculate (adj.)
spotless; absolutely clean; pure; faultless
offal (noun)
waste parts of a butchered animal; refuse; garbage.
purge (verb)
cleanse; purify; rid of undesired element or person.
slatternly (adj.)
untidy; dirty from habitual neglect; slovenly
sloven (noun)
person habitually untidy, dirty, or careless in dress habits, etc.
sordid (adj.)
filthy; vile
squalid (adj.)
filthy from neglect; dirty; degraded
squalor (noun)
filth; degradation; sordidness
sully (verb)
tarnish; besmirch; defile
adjacent (adj.)
lying near or next to; bordering; adjoining
approximate (adj.)
nearly correct
(antonym - exact; precise)
contiguous (adj.)
touching; adjoining
environs (noun, plural)
districts surrounding a place; suburbs
juxtapose (verb)
put side by side; put close together
juxtaposition (noun)
close or side-by-side position
propinquity (noun)
1. kinship

2. nearness of place; proximity
analogy (noun)
likeness in some respects between things otherwise differnet; similarity; comparison
arbitrary (adj.)
autocratic; despotic; tyrannical; proceeding from a whim or fancy
(antonym - legitimate)
arbitrate (verb)
1. decide a dispute, acting as an arbiter or arbitrator

2. submit a dispute to arbitration
axiom (noun)
self-evident truth; maxim
axiomatic (adj.)
self-evident; universally accepted as true
bias (noun)
opinion formed before there are grounds for it; prejudice; predilection; partiality
bigoted (adj.)
intolerant; narrow-minded
bigotry (noun)
views or behavior of a buigot (one intolerantly devoted to one's own beliefs and prejudices); narrow-mindedness; intolerance
cogitate (noun)
think over; consider with care; ponder.
criterion (noun)
standard; ruleor test for judging (plural - criteria)
crux (noun)
most important point; essential part
deduce (noun)
derive be reasoning; infer
dilemma (noun)
situation requiring a choice between two equally bad altenatives; predictament
dogmatic (adj.)
asserting opinions as if they were facts; opinionated; asserted without proof
eclectic (adj.)
choosing (ideas, methods, etc. ) from various sources
fallacious (adj.)
based on a fallacy (erroneous idea); misleading; deceptive
(antonym - sound; valid)
fallible (adj.)
liable to be mistaken
(antonym - infallible)
heterodox (adj.)
rejecting regularly accepted beliefs or doctrines; heretical; nonconformist
(antonym - orthodox)
hypothetical (adj.)
supposed; having the characteristics of a hypothesis, a suppossition made as a basis for reasoning or research. (If supported by considerable evidence, a hypothesis becomes a theory, and eventually, if no exceptions are found, a law.)
illusion (noun)
misleading appearance; false impression; misconception
indubitable (adj.)
certain, incontrovertible; indisputable
(antonym - questionable; doubtful)
orthodox (adj.)
generally accepted, especially in religion; conventional; approved
(antonym - heterodox; unorthodox)
paradoxical (adj.)
having the characteristics of a paradox (a self-contradictory statement which may nevertheless be true)
plausible (adj.)
superficially true or reasonable; apparently trustworthy
preposterous (adj.)
senseless; absurd; irrational
rational (adj.)
1. able to think clearly; intelligent; sensible
(antonym - absurd; irrational)

2. based on reason
rationalize (verb)
invent excuses for one's actions, desires, failures, etc.
sophistry (noun)
clever but deceptive reasoning
specious (adj.)
apparently reasonable, but not really so
speculate (verb)
1. reflect; meditate; conjecture

2. buy or sell with the hope of profiting by price fluctuations
tenable (adj.)
capable of being maintained or defended

antonym - untenable
amorphous (adj.)
shapeless; having no definite form; unorganized
concave (adj.)
curved inward, creating a hollow space

(antonym - convex)
contour (noun)
outline of a figure
distort (verb)
1. twist out of shape

2. chenge from the true meaning
malleable (adj.)
1. capable of being shaped by hammering, as a metal

2. adaptable
rotund (adj.)
1. rounded out; plump

2. full-toned
sinuous (adj.)
bending in and out; winding; serpentine
symmetrical (adj.)
balanced in arrangement; capable of division by a central line into similar halves

(antonym - asymmetrical)
symmetry (noun)
balance; harmony
grave (adj.)
deserving serious attention; weighty; momentous
nugatory (adj.)
of little or no value; trifling; worthless; useless
paltry (adj.)
practically worthless; trashy; piddling; petty
paramount (adj.)
chief; above others; supreme
relevant (adj.)
bearing upon the matter in hand; pertinent

(antonym - irrelevat; extraneous)
coy (adj.)
pretending to be shy
demure (adj.)
1. falsely modest or serious; coy

2. grave; prim
diffident (adj.)
lacking self-confidence; unduly timid; shy

(antonym - confident)
modest (adj.)
not thinking too highly of one's merits; unpretentious; humble

(antonym - ambitious)
modesty (noun)
freedom from conceit or vanity; unpretentiousness; humility
staid (adj.)
of settled, quiet disposition; sedate
brazen (adj.)
1. shameless; impudent

2. made of brass or bronze
egoism (noun)
excessive concern for oneself; selfishness; conceit

(antonym - altruism)
ostentatious (adj.)
done to impress others; showy; pretentious
overweening (adj.)
thinking too highly of oneself; arrogant; presumptuous
pert (adj.)
too free in speech or action; bold; saucy; impertinent
vain (adj.)
1. conceited; excessively proud or concerned about one;s personal appearance or achievements

2. empty; worhtless

3. futile
vainglorious (adj.)
excessively proud or boastful; elated by vanity
vanity (noun)
condition of being too vain about one's appearance or achievements; conceit

(antonym - humility)

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