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Screening for AAA in men aged 65-75 who have ever smoked
Screening for AAA in men aged 65-75 who have never smoked
lower priority (C)
Screening for AAA in women
D Not recommended
screening for EtOH misuse in adults
screening for EtOH misuse in adolescents
ASA for primary prevention of Cardiovascular events for adults at increased risk    
screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women
screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria in nonpregnant women or men
Not Recommended
discuss chemprevention of breast cancer inwomen at increased risk of BR CA and decreased risk of adverse events
discuss chemprevention of breast cancer in women not at increased risk of BR CA
Recommend against (D)
Genetic risk asseessment and BRCA Mutation testing for breast and ovarian CA susceptibility in women whose family history is associated with increased risk for deleterious mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes
Genetic risk asseessment and BRCA Mutation testing for breast and ovarian CA susceptibility in women whose family history is NOT associated with increased risk for deleterious mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes
Recommended Against
Screening for BR Cancer with Mammography in women ages 40+
Screening for BR CA with CBE or BSE
Insufficient (I)
Structured Breastfeeding education and behavioral counseling programs to promote breastfeeding in women after child birth
Sbrief interventions or peer counseling to promote breastfeeding
Insufficient (I)

screening for Cervical CA with Pap smear in Women 

  • younger than 65
  • who are sexually active
  • who have a cervix 
screening for Cervical CA with Pap smear in Women 
  • older than 65 withp revious negative screen
Recommended Against (D)
screening for Cervical CA with Pap smear in Women
  • with hx of total hsterectomy for benign disease 
Recommended Against (D)
screening for Cervical CA with Pap smear in Women
  • with new technologies 
Insufficient (I)

screening for Cervical CA with Pap smear in Women

  • with HPV 
Insufficient (I)
Screening for chlamydia in increased risk women
Screening for chlamydia in low risk women
No Recommendation (C)
Screening for chlamydia in women at increased risk and age 25 or younger
Screening for chlamydia in low risk pregnant women older than age 25
No recommendation (C)
Screening for chlamydia in men
Insufficient (I)
Screening for colorectal CA in adults ages older than 50
Prevention of dental caries in preschool children using oral fluoride supplements in specific areas whose water is dificient in flu
Prevention of dental caries in preschool children using risk assessment
Insufficient (I)
Screening for depression in adults within a system of care
Screening for depression in children and adolescents 

Screening for type 2 diabetes in adults with hypertension or dyslipidemia 

Screening for type 2 diabetes in adults without hypertension or dyslipidemia
Insufficient (I)
Intensive behavioral dietary counseling in adults with hyperlipidemia or other risk factors for CVD
Routine behavioral counseling to promote a healthy diet
Insufficient (I)
Screening for Gonorrhea in newborns
Screening for Gonorrhea in sexually active women, including those who are pregnant if they are at high risk
Screening for Gonorrhea in men and women at low risk
Recommended against (D)
Screening for Gonorrhea in men at high risk
Insufficient (I)
Screening for Gonorrhea in pregnant women not at high risk
Screening for Hepatitis B in pregnant women
Screening for Hepatitis B in general non pregnant population
Recommended Against (D)
Screening for HIV in pregnant women
Screening for HIV in all adolescents and adults at increased risk
Screening for HIV in all adolescents and adults not at increased risk
No recommendation (C)
Screening for HTN in adults 18+
Screening for HTN in children and adolescents  
Insufficient (I)
Screening asymptomatic pregnant women for iron deficiency anemia
Screening asymptomatic children aged 6 to 12 months for iron deficiency anemia
Insufficient (I)
Iron supplementation for asymptomatic children aged 6 to 12 months who are at increased risk
Iron supplementation for asymptomatic children aged 6 to 12 months who are at average  risk
Insufficient (I)
Iron supplementation for non-anemic pregnant women
Insufficient (I)
Screening for obesity with intensive counseling and behavioral interventions in adulta
Screening for obesity with low to moderate intensity counseling 
Insufficient (I)
Counseling for overweight and not obese
Insufficient (I)
Screening for osteoporosis in women aged 65 and women 60-64 with risk factors 
Screening for osteoporosis in women younger than 65 and women 60-64 without risk factors
No recommendation (C)
Screening for syphillis in increase risk and pregnant adults
Screening for syphilis in those not at increased risk  
Recommended against (D)
Screening for tobacco use and provide tobacco cessation interventions in adults
Screening for tobacco use and provide tobacco cessation interventions in pregnant women
Screening for tobacco use or interventions to prevent or treat tobacco use among adolescents and children
Insufficient (I)
Screening for visual impairment to detect amblyopia, strabismus, and visual field defect in children younger than 5 yeas old
Screening for lipid disorder in men ages 20-35 and women ages 20-45 with no risk factors  
No recommendation (C)
Screening for lipid disorder in men ages 35+ and women ages 45+ 
Screening for BV in average risk population
Recommended against (D)
Screening for BV in high risk population
Insufficient (I)
Beta Carotene supplements in Adults
Recommended against (D)
Supplemental vitamin A, C, and E or folic acid antioxidant combinations
Insufficient (I)
Screening for bladder CA in adults
Recommended against (D)
Screening for Coronary  heart disease in adults not at increased risk using ECG, ETT, or EBCT
Recommended against (D)
HRT in women who have had a hysterectomy to prevent chronic conditions
Recommended against (D)
HRT in post menopausal women to prevent chronic conditions
Recommended against (D)
Screening for Coronary  heart disease in adults at increased risk using ECG, ETT, or EBCT
Insufficient (I)
Screening for Genital herpes in asymptomatic pregnant women     
Recommended against (D)
Screening for Genital herpes in asymptomatic adolescents and adults
Recommended against (D)
Screening for Hepatitis C in those not at increased risk
Recommended against (D)
Screening for Hepatitis C in those at increased risk
Insufficient (I)
Screening for Peripheral Arterial Disease in general population
Recommended against (D)
Postmenopausal HRT for primary prevention of chronic problems in post menopausal women with Estrogen plus progestin or Estrogen alone
Recommended against (D)
Screening for idopathic scoliosis in adolescents
Recommended against (D)
Screening for ovarian cancer in women
Recommended against (D)
Screening for pancreatic cancer in adults
Recommended against (D)
Screening for testicular cancer in men
Recommended against (D)
Screening for Dementia in older adults
Insufficient (I)
Screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants
Insufficient (I)
Screening for family and intimate partner violence in parents or guardians, women, and older adults
Insufficient (I)
Screening for gestational diabetes in all pregnant women without previous diabetes
Insufficient (I)
Screening for glaucoma in asymptomatic adults
Insufficient (I)
Interventions to Prevent low back pain in adults
Insufficient (I)
Screening for lung cance in smokers with low dose CT or CXR  or Sputum cytology
Insufficient (I)
Screening hearing in newborns
Insufficient (I)
Screening adults for oral cancer
Insufficient (I)
Screening for overweight in children and adolescents
Insufficient (I)
Behavioral counseling in adults to promote physical activity
Insufficient (I)
Screening men for prostate CA with PSA and / or DRE
Insufficient (I)
Counselling to prevent skin cancer
Insufficient (I)
Screening for skin cancer with total body exam
Insufficient (I)
Screening for speech and language delay in preschool children
Insufficient (I)
Screening for suicide risk in adults
Insufficient (I)
Screening for thyroid disease in adults
Insufficient (I)

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