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Med Terms Lymphatic and Immune System Chapter

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-bacteria that form IRREGULAR GROUPS or clusters; -causes BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA (streptococcus pneumoniae)
Scratch test
they scratch your skin with different common allergens and see if there's any swelling and/or itching
-small bacteria that live in lice, fleas, tics, and mites; -causes ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER (rickettsia rickettsii) which is transmitted by tick to humans
Invasive malignancy
malignant tumor that grows and spreads into healthy adjacent tissue
-agent that inhibits, slows, or retards the growth of bacteria: TETRACYCLINES, SULFONAMIDES, and ERYTHROMYCIN
Lingual tonsils
located at the base of the tongue
Secondary lymphedema
-caused by identifiable factors: surgical removal / radiation of the lymph nodes in cancer treatment; -affects the limb nearest the treatment
Cellular response (aka "Localized" or "Delayed" Allergic Response)
body doesn't react to the allergen the first time: -sensitivity is established, the next time symptoms show (itching, erythema, and large hives); -EX: contact dermatitis
Infectious mononucleosis
-caused by the EPSTEIN-BARR virus (one of the herpesviruses); -characterized by fever, a sore throat, and enlarged lymph nodes
disease process involving the enlargement of the lymph nodes
Vermiform appendix
lymphatic tissue that hangs from the lower portion of the cecum (large intestine); protects against the entry of invaders through the digestive system
specialized lymph capillaries located in the villi of the small intestine; fats and fat-soluble vits are absorbed and carried into the bloodstream
Factors that determine the strength of your immune system
1) health, 2) age, 3) heredity, 4) opportunistic infection
radiation therapy administered at a distance from the body; -3D computer imaging allows more precise dose aiming
use of radioactive materials in contact with, or implanted into, the tissues to be treated
Synonym for "allergy"
-ROD SHAPED bacteria; -SPORE-FORMING; -some diseases caused by it are TETANUS and TB
control allergic rexns
-bacteria that form a CHAIN; -group A streptococci causes PHARYNGITIS (aka STREP THROAT)
Intercellular fluid (aka interstitial fluid) (aka tissue fluid)
-plasma that flows out of capillaries into space between cells; -carries: FOOD, OXYGEN, and HORMONES
-infection caused by a fungus; -inflammation and lesions on or in any organ
Herpes zoster (aka Shingles)
-acute viral infection; -painful skin eruptions that follow the underlying route of the inflamed nerve (OUCH!); -caused by the chickenpox virus that remained dormant in the nerve, is re-activated years later when the immune system is compromised
-benign neoplasm made up of muscle tissue
Palatine tonsils
located in the part of the throat that is visible through the mouth
Antigen (Ag)
anything the body recognizes as foreign which stimulates an immune response (virus, bactera, toxin, etc.)
Soft-tissue sarcomas
arise from tissues such as fat, muscle, and nerves; example is MYOSARCOMA (malignant tumor of muscle tissue)
Functions of the Lymphatic System
1) Absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and transport them to the cells, 2) Return cell waste products and excess fluid from the tissues to the circ system, 3) Serve as an important part of the immune system
Koplik's spots
-small red spots w/ blue-white centers; appear on the lining of the mouth
-acute viral infection; -transmitted to humans by blood, tissue, or saliva of an infected animal
-produced by the T-cells; -direct the immune response by signaling between the immune system cells; -attract macrophages to the infected site and prepare them to attack
Immunity: FIRST line of defense (components)
1) INTACT SKIN (physical barrier - no scrapes, cuts, open sores, etc.), 2) RESP SYSTEM (traps breathed-in foreign matter w/ nose hairs & mucous membranes, coughing and sneezing gets rid of them); 3) DIGEST SYSTEM (acids / enzymes kill invaders that hid in food); 4) LYMPH SYSTEM (essential components in fighting invaders once they came into the body)
Monoclonal antibodies (MABs)
-antibodies produced in the lab; -used in: lab research, medical tests, and the treatment of some NON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMA, MELANOMA, and BREAST and COLON cancers
Synthetic interferon
used in the treatment of MS and some CANCERS
Antiviral drug
-treat viral infections / provide temporary immunity; -example is ACYCLOVIR
group of carcinomas that is derived from glandular tissue
the process of classifying tumors with respect to how far the disease has progressed, the potential for its responding to therapy, and the patient's prognosis
hormone-like preparation used as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant
-drug that prevents / reduces the body's normal rxns to invasion by disease/foreign tissues; -used to prevent the rejection of donor tissue or to depress autoimmune disorders
Carcinoma in situ (CIS)
malignant tumor in its original position that hasn't disturbed/invaded the surrounding tissues
-produced by the T-cells; -family of proteins released by cells when invaded by a virus; -causes the non-infected cells to form an antiviral protein that slows / stops viral multiplication; -ALPHA, BETA, and GAMMA
Masses of lymphatic tissue that form a protective ring around the nose and upper throat
B cell
each makes ONE specific antibody for ONE specific antigen; most effective against viruses and bacteria
Hodgkin's disease (aka Hodgkin's lymphoma, or HL)
-presence of *REED STERNBERG* cells (large cancerous lymphocytes that are identified by microscopic examination of a biopsy specimen taken from an enlarged lymph node)
Allergic reaction
occurs when the immune system reacts to a harmless allergen (pollen, food, animal dander, etc.) as if it were a dangerous invader
-ALL lymphomas besides Hodgkin
Early breast cancer detection methods
1) breast self-examination (BSE); 2) mammograms; 3)professional palpation; 4) biopsy (to confirm diagnosis)
Antibody (Ab)
disease-fighting protein created in response to the antigen (SEE "IMMUNOGLOBULIN")
-caused by the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans; -infection of the skin or mucous membranes; -occur at the mouth or the vagina
ALLERGY TREATMENT = repress the immune response; CANCER TREATMENT = stimulate the immune response
Anaphylaxis (aka "systemic rexn")
-severe response to a foreign substance; -symptoms develop quickly and include swelling, blockage of air passages, and a drop in BP; -without appropriate care, the patient may DIE WITHIN MINUTES
-SPIRAL-SHAPED bacteria; -flexible walls; -*capable of movement*; -causes LYME'S DISEASE (borrelia burgdorferi) which is transmitted via deer tick
-complex series of proteins that normally circulate the blood in an inactive form; -activated on contact w/ Ag and help the immunoglobulins by PUNCTURING the cell membrane of the Ag
-form of treatment being developed that will cut off self-made blood supply to the tumor
Radiation therapy
treatment of cancers through x-rays; goal is to destroy the cancer while sparing healthy tissues
infection caused by a group of LARGE HERPES-TYPE viruses with a wide variety of disease effects
Peyer's patches
small bundles of lymphatic tissue located on the walls of the ileum of the small intestine
Carcinoma (CA/Ca)
-malignant tumor that occurs in EPITHELIAL tissue; -tend to infiltrate and produce metastases that may affect any organ or part of the body
Invasive lobular carcinoma (aka infiltrating lobular carcinoma) (ILC)
-cancer that starts in the milk GLANDS (lobules), breaks through the wall of the gland, and invades the fatty tissue of the breast; -once the cancer reaches the lymph nodes, it can rapidly spread to distant parts of the body
T cells
-small circulating lymphocytes that've traveled to the thymus where they mature due to THYMOSIN; -2 types: REGULATORY T-cells (coordinate immune defenses) and CYTOTOXIC T-cells (kill infected cells on contact)
-malignant tumor of childhood arising from cells of the retina of the eye and usually occurring before the third year of life
Western blot test
-diagnostic confirmation test for HIV that is done after ELISA tests positive; -detects the presence of specific viral proteins; -MORE ACCURATE than ELISA
Synthetic immunoglobulins (aka immune serum)
-used as postexposure preventative measure against certain viruses: RABIES and some types of HEPATITIS
Lymph fluid
IC fluid as it returns to the veins; removes wastes from cells; filtered by lymph nodes then returned to circ system
Functions of the Immune System
protect the body from harmful substances: pathogens, allergens, toxins, and malignant cells; -depends on structures of other systems
blocks the growth of neoplasms; used to treat cancer
neoplasm composed chiefly of immature undifferentiated cells; named for the tissues involved
general term for malignancies that develop in the lymphatic system; -two most common types are HODGKIN'S DISEASE and NON-HODGKIN'S DISEASE
-synonym for "antibody"; -formed when B cells that encounter an antigen are transformed into plasma cells that produce and secrete the antibodies
Varicella (VZV)
-aka CHICKENPOX; -acute, highly contagious viral disease caused by the herpes virus (VARICELLA ZOSTER); -characterized by fever and pustules; -transmission: resp droplets or direct contact w/ sores
-acute, highly contagious viral disease; -transmitted by RESP DROPLETS; -appearance of KOPLIK'S SPOTS
Invasive ductal carcinoma (aka infiltrating ductal carcinoma) (IDC)
-accounts for the majority of breast cancers; -starts in the milk DUCT, breaks through the wall of that duct, and invades fatty breast tissue
swollen glands (inflammation)
Cytotoxic drug
-kills/damages cells; -used as an immunosuppressant and as an antineoplastic
Right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct
empty lymph into veins in the upper thoracic region
Antigen-antibody rxn (aka "immune rexn")
involves binding foreign antigens to antibodies to make antigen-antibody complexes that tag the antigen so that other immune cells can recognize and kill it
Adenoids (aka nasopharyngeal tonsils)
located in the nasopharynx
Autoimmune disorder
-I.S. misreads normal antigens and sets T-cells on body's tissues; genetic; *75% occur most frequently in women during the childbearing years*
-WBCs that specialize so they can attack specific microorganisms; -Formed in bone marrow as stem cells that mature and differentiate into diff lymphatic tissues; -TWO MAJOR CLASSIFICATIONS: B cells and T cells
Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL)
continued presence of enlarged lymph nodes; often an indication of a malignancy / deficiency in immune system function
Rubella (aka German measles) (aka 3-day measles)
-viral infection; -characterized by a fever and a fine red rash; -in pregnant mothers, can cause congenital defects in child
Macrophage vs. Phagocyte
MACROPHAGE = a type of phagocyte; protects the body by ingesting invading cells and by interacting with other immune cells; PHAGOCYTE = a large WBC that can ingest & destroy cell debris, dust, pollen, pathogens, etc.
Hard-tissue sarcomas
arise from bone or cartilage; example is OSTEOSARCOMA (malignant tumor involving the upper shaft of long bones, the pelvis, or knee)
-stands for Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; -blood test that screens for HIV antibodies in order to diagnose; -sometimes shows a FALSE POSITIVE
Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)
-opportunistic infection associated with HIV; -affects the skin, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, and internal organs
-acute viral disease; -swelling of the parotid glands (a type of salivary gland)
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
-breast cancer at the earliest stage (STAGE 0) before the cancer has broken through the wall of the duct; -cure rate is nearly 100%
Primary lymphedema
-hereditary disorder that occurs at any time in life; -can affect any of the limbs; -type of accumulation of lymph which causes swelling
Modified radical mastectomy
surgical removal of the entire breast and axillary lymph nodes
-tumor supports its growth by creating its own blood supply
Lymphedema therapist :)
benign abnormal collection of lymphatic vessels forming a mass
treatment used to interfere with the ability of the immune system to respond to stimulation by antigens
-malignant tumor that arises from CONNECTIVE tissue; -tissues affected include bones, the bladder, kidneys, liver, lungs, muscles, and spleen
sarcoma of nervous system origin
-Saclike mass of lymph. tissue in the LUQ of the abdomen, inferior to the diaphragm and posterior to the stomach; -FUNCTIONS: 1) filters microorganisms and other foreigners in the blood, 2) forms LYMPHOCYTES and MONOCYTES, 3) is hemolytic, 4) stores extra RBCs and maintains an appropriate balance between RBCs and plasma in the blood
-superior to the heart; -composed largely of lymph. tissue but it plays important roles in the immune and endocrine systems

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