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- Longest drive by a 14 year old girl ?
- 265
- Biggest disapointment
- Island Green , fourth place
- What pushes left most of the time ?
- Brandon's putting
- What was the best shot ?
- Brandon out of the bunker .
- Name the hotel chain we stayed at Sunday night ?
- Best Western
- Most boring tip on the Golf Channel ?
- Sam Snead
- At the Best Western , what did the old guy put in his cereal ?
- Water
- Biggest sound ?
- Farting in condo
- How many wrecks did we see ?
- What was the most unfair rule ?
- Seniors from up tees
- Worst TV movie?
- Billy Madison
- Neatest extra from the ladies cart ?
- Cold towels
- What is the greatest experience ?
- Golfing with Brandon
- The best layout of all the courses ?
- Parkland
- Proudest moment?
- Anything with Brandon
- Best time ?
- Fathers on Golf tourney
- Which two players took the most time?
- Family Fun twosome
- What was the worst ?
- Dad in water at Island Green and Brandon's sideway slider
- Whay were the names of the Myrtlewood players
- Carnes'
- Where was Short Pump ?
- Virginia
- Why did we change clothes at the Family Fun ?
- What gets wet two times ?
- Dad's tee shots