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- tale of genji
- by muasaki shikibu, story of young prince genji, first novel, published in 1008, rebeals elaborate ceremonies and manners of japanese court life.
- murasaki shikibu
- female author of tale of genji
- organization of earliest japanese society
- clans: groups of families descended from common ancestor, ex: warriors, farmers, weavers, potters.
- yomato
- district where severeal clans formed a union, united much of japan, governed a small area of south korea, led by tenno clan.
- tenno clan
- led yomato union, descended from amaterasu, received three symbols of imperial power, set up japan\'s first and only ruling dynasty.
- amaterasu
- sun goddess
- three symbols on imperial power
- bronze mirror, iron sword, jeweled necklace.
- missionaries introduced
- buddhism and chinese culture to japan
- kana.
- sparked by chinese script, set of symbols that represent syllables
- 550 to 850
- japan set on a course of deliberate cultural borrowing from china
- prince shotoku
- sent japanese nobles to china to study its court, art, gov\'t, literature, science, and philosphy.
- chinese influences
- goeernment, court rankings, confucianism, daoism, family, reverence for ancestors, farming methods, music, dance, sculpture, architecture, capitol city.
- japanese identity
- do not choose officials by merit, do not believe in mandate of heaven, did not change dynasties. emperor is divine figure. buddhism and traditional beliefs.
- Heian
- present day kyoto, where japanese showed genius for creative adaptation, divided into private estates.
- fujiwara
- ruled japan for 22 years, regulated court life.
- samurai
- warrior knights, waged fierce battles for control of the land, bound by loyalty.
- feudalism
- local lords ruled land, bound to higher lords and emperor by ties of loyalty.
- shogun
- army chief general, most powerful samurai.
- minamoto yoritomo
- original shogun, strongest military figure in japan in 1192, started feudal class system.
- social classes
- samurai, comoners, peasants
- toyotomi hideyoshi
- most successful military leader to reunite japan.