clst 110
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- acropolis
- hill at which elders met .. main religious area in athens. flat top rock surface area of 3 hectares.
- aeschylus
- playwright. his brother died in the battle of marathon famously losing his arm. wished to be remembered for the battle and not his plays.
- agora
- civic centre. originally place of private housing. peisistratus turned into centre for athenian government.
- amphidromia
- ritual rite of passage. brings new born into the world by carrying baby around hearth fire. symbol of life and continuity in the family.
- apaturia
- festival consisting of many smaller festivals. rite of passage for males .. coming of age, getting married, new born, adolescence. took place over three days.
- archon
- leaders of government in much of ancient athenian history. number in power at any given time ranged depending on whose reforms were in place. for most part there were 9.
- areopagus
- high court of appeal. also known as the rock of ares.
- aristagoras
- major player in the ionian revolt.
- aristocracy
- rule by the elite few. was hereditary and dependent on ownership of land.
- athenian navy
- 170 rowers, 10 hoplies, 4 archers, 3 banks of ores .. had ram with bronze ram just below water line. navy would likely have been paid. basis of success for defeating xerxes in battle of salamis.
- attica
- the culutural area surrounding athens which innhabited the demes and tribal regions.
- autonomia
- the wish to be self governed. played factor into revolts and democracy.
- boule
- counsil of 400, expanded to 500 .. not to be confused with ekklesia.
- city-state
- country consisting of individual city and surrounding area. autonomous city.
- cynegirus
- brother of aeschylus, died in battle of marathon. immortalized by his brother.
- darius
- 521 - 486 second persian king in achaemenid empire. son of cyrus.
- delphi
- oracle of appolo resided in delphi. place of many temples.
- demarch
- locally elected to run deme .. almost like mayor. came about as result of kleisthenes reforms.
- deme
- local villages in attica .. comprised tribal regions, run by demarchs after kleisthenes came into play.
- do ut des
- i give that you may give. religious reciprocity pertaining to ritual and sacrificial practices.
- draco
- created code of law. shows serious discontent
- eleusinian mysteries
- acted almost like initiation for any cicizen to take part in. purpose was well being of individual and allowed initiate to enjoy after life in hades as opposed to floating unconscious.
- eupatridai
- "good fathered" .. referred to ruling class defined by the nobility.
- hellen
- mythological patriarch of hellenes. his name is also another name for greek meaning someone of greek descent. source of the adjective hellenic.
- hellenic league
- the association of greek city states againt the persians in the greco persian wars.
- hellespont
- xerxes built a bridge across hellespont one of his two feats of engineering. bridged in 480
- hipparchus or hipparch
- son of peisistratus. known as patron of the arts as opposed to his brother who was real tyrant. invited simonides of ceos to athens, 514 - 527
- hippias
- succeeded peisistratus and became tyrant of athens.
- hoplite
- citizen soldier of athens and city states. fought in phalanx formation.
- ionia
- city state on western border of persia. made famous by ionian revolts 499 - 493. conquered in 540 and came as result of people's dissatisfaction with tyrants appointed by persians.
- callimachus
- polemarch during battle of marathon .. died in battle .. 490 bce.
- kylon
- previous olympian victor who attempted a coup in 632 which failed.
- laureion
- area famous for silver mines which funded increase in athenian navy and athenian funding. allowed athens to triple navy.
- leonidas
- spartan king famous for battle of thermopylae or "hot gates" in which he was killed but considerably damaged xerxes and his persian army.
- libation
- spilling of precious liquid as part of a sacrifice. could be blood, wine, olive oil etc.
- marathon
- first persian invasion of greece by persians under darius. definitive victory for greeks aided by plaetea as a result of athenian aid in ionian revolt.
- mardonius
- persian general appointed to punish athenians for assisting ionian revolt
- medize
- the decision to concede power to persians as opposed to standing and fighting.
- miletus
- capital of ionia
- miltiades
- mt. athos
- athos was one of the gigantes that challenged the greek gods. located on the athonite peninsula
- mycale
- one of two major battles that ended the second persian invasion of greece under xerxes. defeated by the athenians, the spartans, the corinthians 479
- oikos
- equivalent of family or household. cornerstone of athenian society. basic unit of society
- oligarchy
- rule by the few.
- olympian gods
- 12 gods who ruled athens after taking over the titans. resided on mount olympus after which they're named. led by zeus.
- zeus
- overthrew father cronos and became supreme god after drawing lots with his brothers poseidon and hades. married to hera. lord of the sky and rain god. know for his many affairs.
- poseidon
- brother of zeus, lord of the sea. married amphidrite
- hades
- lord of the underworld, brother of zeus and poseidon. wishes to increase his number of subjects.
- hestia
- zeus's sister. virgin goddess. goddess of hearth
- hera
- zeus's wife and sister. protector of marriage. married by trickery raped by zeus. marriage began in strife and continues in strife.
- ares
- son of zeus and hera. god of war, displiked by both parents and known for unlikeable traits.
- athena
- daughter of zeus but not of hera. came from zeus's armour. goddess of city, handicrafts and agriculture. embodiment of purity reason and wisdom
- apollo
- son of zeus and leto. god of music plays golden lyre. god of light and truth. famous for his oracle at delphi.
- aphrodite
- goddess of love, desire and beauty. wife of hephaesteus.
- hermes
- son of zeus and maia. god of thieves and commerce, also zeus's messenger.
- artemis
- daughter of zeus and leto, twin to apollo. goddess of chastity and protector of young.
- hephaesteus
- son of zeus and hera. husband to aphrodite. god of fire and forge.
- ostracism
- was a way of democratically expelling a citizen for ten years. had to be six thousand people there. if there were, person with most votes was exiled.
- ostrakon
- piece of vessel used to write on in ostracism.
- panathenaia
- a festival marking athena's birthday. a procession through agora towards the acropolis.
- panhellenism
- theory of unifying all greeks under one political body.
- peiraeus
- became deme of attika, known for it's great military advantages.
- persia
- achaemenid empire 550 - 330 bce. at greatest extended from aegean sea to indus river. fell to alexander the great.
- cyrus
- 559 - 527. founder of achaemenid empire. created largest empire the world had yet seen. conquered ionia in 546.
- xerxes
- 486 - 454. last major persian player in greco-persian wars. defining battles, thermopylae, salamis, plataea & mycale.
- pheidippides
- professional runner, first marathon runner. asked spartans for help in battle of marathon. spartans said no due to religious reasons (full moon)
- plataia
- 479. final definitive victory for athenians in greco persian wars. xerxes retreated and never returned.
- polis
- city-state, originated in ancient greek city - states. incorporated government and democracy. part of ancient greek identity.
- pythia
- priestess presiding over oracle of delphi.
- salamis
- 480. definitive victory for athenians in greco persian wars. evacuation of athens which was sacked and burnt. retreated to island of salamis. (xerxes)
- sardis
- 498 persian capital. burnt by athenians and ionians during ionian revolts.
- saronic gulf.
- area in which battle of salamis was fought.
- satrap
- name given to persian provinces
- sixth parters
- people forced to give up one sixth of gains to wealthy land owners.
- solon
- 594 reforms came about as result of discontent in mid-late archaic age.
- solon's reforms
- created social mobility new idea of bushel men and thetes abolish debt slavery creates boule (top 3 could be part of) heliaia - high court of appeal .. gave accountability
- peisistratus
- 546 - 527
- peisistratus problems and reforms
- problems.. no implications to ensure his reforms are followed. inner fighting almost to point of anarchy reforms ... taxed rich to pay for public initiatives. economic golden age festivals (dionysus, panathenaia
- sophrosune
- nothing in excess and know thyself.
- themistocles
- took great strides to increase the athenian navy, specifically by convincing government to spend new found wealth from silver mine to increase navy as opposed to spending on themselves. rose to nobility from bottom showing capability of social mobility.
- theos thea
- masculine and feminine versions of god or goddess.
- thermopylae
- 480 battle of three hundred .. leonidas and his spartan men sacrifice their lives in battle at hot gates.
- thetes
- non land owning class in athens, labourers
- timocracy
- class rules because of social ranking .. honour or wealth are main factors.
- triremes
- naval ships. bronze casting ram just below water line.
- trittys
- each of the ten tribes composed of three trittyes which literally mean one thirtieth.
- kleisthenes year
- 508/7 reforms
- kleisthenes reforms
- new regions based on geography divided almost perfectly by population divided three regions into ten trittyes new responsibilties for attic demes -demarch citizen register controleld by state - allows for less corruption new counsil of 500 composed regardless of wealth. loyalty to state as opposed to name.