Essential Latin
undefined, object
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- amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus
- to love
- capiÅ, capere, cÄ“pÄ«, captus
- to take, seize
- dicō, dicere, dīxī, dictus
- to speak, say
- dō, dare, dedī, datus
- to give
- sum, esse, fuī, futūrus
- to be
- moneÅ, monÄ“re, monuÄ«, monÄ“tus
- to warn
- eō, īre, iī (īvī), itus
- to go
- ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus
- to bear, carry, bring
- fīō, fierī, factus
- to become; be made, be done
- inquam
- I say
- volō, velle, voluī
- to want, wish
- nōlō, nōlle, nōluī
- to not want, be unwilling, refuse
- mālō, mālle, māluī
- to prefer, want more
- possum, posse, potuī
- to be able
- imperō, imperāre, imperāvī, imperātus
- to order, command
- iūrō, iūrāre, iūrāvī, iūrātus
- to swear an oath
- probō, probāre, probāvī, probātus
- to approve
- putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus
- to think, suppose
- stō, stāre, stetī, status
- to stand
- vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus
- to call, summon, name
- appellō, appellāre, appellāvī, appellātus
- to speak to, name
- debeÅ, debÄ“re, debuÄ«, debitus
- to owe, be obliged
- habeÅ, habÄ“re, habuÄ«, habitus
- to have, hold, keep
- moveÅ, movÄ“re, mÅvÄ«, mÅtus
- to move
- teneÅ, tenÄ“re, tenuÄ«, tentus
- to hold, keep
- videÅ, vidÄ“re, vÄ«dÄ«, vÄ«sus
- to see, look at; (pass.) seem
- vereor, verērī, veritus
- to fear
- agÅ, agere, Ä“gÄ«, Äctus
- to drive, do
- crÄ“dÅ, crÄ“dere, crÄ“didÄ«, crÄ“ditus
- to believe, entrust, lend
- dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus
- to lead
- gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus
- to carry, wear; bear
- incipiÅ, incipere, incÄ“pÄ«, inceptus
- to begin
- interficiÅ, interficere, interfÄ“cÄ«, interfectus
- to kill, destroy
- mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus
- to send
- occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus
- to cut down, kill
- petō, petere, petīvī (petiī), petītus
- to seek, ask for, aim at, attack
- pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus
- to put, place
- regÅ, regere, rÄ“xÄ«, rÄ“ctus
- to rule, keep straight
- vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctus
- to live, be alive
- loquor, loquī, locūtus
- to speak, talk, say
- sequor, sequī, secūtus
- to follow
- ūtor, ūtī, ūsus
- to use
- audiō, audīre, audīvī (audiī), audītus
- to hear, listen to
- sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus
- to know
- veniÅ, venÄ«re, vÄ“nÄ«, ventus
- to come
- īdem, eadem, idem
- the same
- ille, illa, illud
- that, he, she, it
- ipse, ipsa, ipsud
- self, himself
- is, ea, id
- he, she, it, this, that
- iste, ista, istud
- that of yours
- nÄ“mÅ, nÄ“minis
- no one
- nihil (nīl)
- (n.) nothing
- quī, quae, quod
- who, which, that, what, who? what? (rel.)
- quīdam, quaeam, quoddam
- a certain
- quis, quid
- who? what? anyone, anything
- quisque, quaeque, quodque
- each, every
- sē
- himself, herself, itself, themselves (ref.)
- vōs
- you (pl.)
- nōs
- we, us
- atque, ac
- and, and in fact
- an
- or, perhaps
- aut
- or; either ... or
- autem
- but, on the other hand
- deinde (dein)
- from there, next
- dum
- while
- enim
- yes, truly, in fact (conj.)
- nam
- for, for example, now (conj.)
- nē
- not; that not, lest (conj.)
- nec, neque
- not; and not (conj.)
- -que
- and (encl.)
- quia
- because (conj.)
- quod
- because (conj.)
- sed
- but
- sī
- if
- tamen
- however
- ut (utī)
- as (rel. conj.)
- vel
- or; either ... or
- Ä, ab (abs tÄ“)
- (+abl.) from, by
- cum
- (+abl.) with; (conj.) when, whenever, since, as soon as, although
- dē
- (+abl.) down from, from, about
- Ä“, ex
- (+abl.) from
- prō
- (+abl.) in front of, for, on behalf of
- sine
- (+abl.) without
- ad
- (+acc.) to, towards, for the purpose of
- ante
- (+acc.) before (adv.) before
- contrā
- (+acc.) against, opposite
- inter
- (+acc.) between, among
- per
- (+acc.) through, during
- post
- (+acc.) after, behind; (adv.) behind, after, next
- trāns
- (+acc.) across, over
- in
- (+abl.) in, on, at; (+acc.) into, on to, to, towards
- sub
- (+abl.) under, beneath; (+acc.) under, up to, before
- haud (haut, hau)
- not, not at all
- iam
- already, now
- inde
- from there, from that, ever since
- ita
- thus, so
- modo
- only, at all, just (+imp.)
- nōn
- not, no
- nōndum
- not yet
- nunc
- now
- quam
- how? how much? as, than
- satis (sat)
- enough, sufficient
- tam
- so, so much
- ubī (ubi)
- where? where, when
- unde
- from where, whence
- alter, altera, alterum
- the one, the other (of two), second
- neuter, neutra, neutrum
- neither of two
- nullus, nulla, nullum
- none
- alius, alia, aliud
- other
- tōtus, tōta, tōtum
- all
- sōlus, sōla, sōlum
- alone
- ullus, ulla, ullum
- any
- ūnus, ūna, ūnum
- one
- uter, utra, utrum
- which of two?
- uterque, utraque, utrumque
- each of two, either
- causa, causae (caussa, caussae)
- cause, reason
- glōria, glōriae
- glory
- terra, terrae
- earth, ground, land
- aequus, aequa, aequum
- equal, level
- amīcus, amīcī (amīca, amīcae)
- friend
- animus, animī
- mind, spirit
- annus, annī
- year
- bellum, bellī
- war
- bonus, bona, bonum
- good
- certus, certa, certum
- sure, certain, fixed
- dīgnus, dīgna, dīgnum
- worth, worthy, proper
- fīlius, fīlī (fīliī) (fīlia, fīliae)
- son (f. daughter)
- imperium, imperī (imperiī)
- command, order
- ingenium, ingenī (ingeniī)
- nature, bent, character
- iūdicium, iūdicī (iūdiciī)
- trial, court of justice
- līber, lībera, līberum
- free
- locus, locī (pl. locī, loca)
- place, site
- longus, longa, longum
- long
- māgnus, māgna, māgnum
- great
- meus, mea, meum
- my, mine
- modus, modī
- measure, size, way, method
- multus, multa, multum
- much, many
- nātus, nāta, nātum
- born, made (for)
- noster, nostra, nostrum
- our, ours
- novus, nova, novum
- new, young
- parvus, parva, parvum
- small
- populus, populī
- people
- prīmus, prīma, prīmum
- first, tip of, earliest
- prīncipium, prīncipī (prīncipiī)
- beginning, origin
- pūblicus, pūblica, pūblicum
- public, common
- quantus, quanta, quantum
- how great, so great as
- rēgnum, rēgnī
- kingdom
- salvus, salva, salvum
- safe
- suus
- his, her, its, their
- tantus, tanta, tantum
- so great, so little
- tuus, tua, tuum
- your, yours (sing.)
- vērus, vēra, vērum
- true
- vester, vestra, vestrum
- your, yours (pl.)
- vir, virī
- man, husband
- domus, domūs (domī)
- (f.) home, house
- diēs, diēī
- (m.) day
- adulēscēns, adulēscentis
- young man or woman
- cīvis, cīvis
- fellow citizen
- fidēs, fidēī
- (f.) trust, faith
- faciÅ, facere, fÄ“cÄ«, factus
- to make, create, do
- rēs, reī
- (f.) thing, matter
- corpus, corporis
- (n.) body
- crīmen, crīminis
- (n.) accusation, charge, crime
- dux, ducis
- (m.) leader
- facilis, facilis, facile
- easy
- gēns, gentis
- (f.) clan, family, race
- gravis, gravis, grave
- heavy
- homō, hominis
- human being, man
- hostis, hostis
- enemy
- iūs, iūris
- (n.) law
- māter, mātris
- mother
- mīles, mīlitis
- soldier
- mors, mortis
- (f.) death
- mulier, mulieris
- woman, wife
- nōmen, nōminis
- (n.) name
- omnis, omnis, omne
- all, every
- ops, opis
- (f.) aid; (pl.) resources
- ōrdō, ōrdinis
- (m.) line, row, line of soldiers
- pars, partis
- (f.) part
- pater, patris
- father
- potestās, potestātis
- (f.) power, ability
- quālis, quālis, quāle
- what kind of? of what sort
- rēx, rēgis
- king
- similis, similis, simile
- like, similar
- sōl, sōlis
- (m.) sun
- tālis, tālis, tāle
- such
- tempus, temporis
- (n.) time
- urbs, urbis
- (f.) city
- uxor, uxōris
- wife
- virtūs, virtūtis
- (f.) courage, valor, virtue
- vīs
- (f.) force, violence, power; (pl.) strength
- vulnus, vulneris
- (n.) wound
- abeō, abīre, abiī, abitus
- to go away, depart
- absum, abesse, abfuī
- to be away, absent
- āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus
- to let go, lose
- accipiÅ, accipere, accÄ“pÄ«, acceptus
- to take, receive
- addūcō, addūcere, addūxī, adductus
- to take, bring to
- adeō, adīre, adiī, aditus
- to go to, approach
- adsum, adesse, adfuī
- to be present
- afficiÅ, afficere, affÄ“cÄ«, affectus (also adficiÅ, etc.)
- to affect
- afferō, affere, attulī, allātus (also adferō, adferre, attulī, adlātus)
- to bring, carry to
- cÅgÅ, cÅgere, coÄ“gÄ«, coÄctus
- to collect, gather together
- condō, condere, condidī, conditus
- to build, found; put away
- cōnferō, cōnferre, cōntulī, cōnlātus
- to gather together, collect
- committō, committere, commīsī, commissus
- to join, connect
- cōnstō, cōnstāre, cōnstitī, cōnstātus
- to stand together, agree
- contineÅ, continÄ“re, continuÄ«, contentus
- to hold, keep together
- dÄ“cipiÅ, dÄ“cipere, dÄ“cÄ“pÄ«, dÄ“ceptus
- to deceive, ensnare
- dÄ“dÅ«cÅ, dÄ“dÅ«cere, dÄ“dÅ«xÄ«, dÄ“ductus
- to bring down, lead away
- dÄ“pÅnÅ, dÄ“pÅnere, dÄ“posuÄ«, dÄ“positus
- to lay down, set aside, put away
- dīmittō, dīmittere, dīmīsī, dīmissus
- to send away
- exigÅ, exigere, exÄ“gÄ«, exÄctus
- to drive out, thrust
- excipiÅ, excipere, excÄ“pÄ«, exceptus
- to take out, remove
- Ä“dÅ«cÅ, Ä“dÅ«cere, Ä“dÅ«xÄ«, Ä“ductus
- to draw out, bring away
- efficiÅ, efficere, effÄ“cÄ«, effectus
- to make, accomplish, cause
- efferÅ, efferre, extulÄ«, Ä“lÄtus
- to bring out, carry out, raise
- Ä“veniÅ, Ä“venere, Ä“vÄ“nÄ«, Ä“ventus
- to come out
- expōnō, expōnere, exposuī, expositus
- to set out, put out
- indūcō, indūcere, indūxī, inductus
- to bring in, lead on
- ineō, inīre, iniī, initus
- to go in, come in
- inferō, inferre, intulī, illātus
- to carry in, put on, move forward
- invideÅ, invidÄ“re, invÄ«dÄ«, invÄ«sus
- to envy, begrudge (+dat.)
- intermittō, intermittere, intermīsī, intermissus
- to break off, interrupt, pause
- occupō, occupāre, occupāvī, occupātus
- to occupy, seize
- obeō, obīre, obiī, obitus
- to go to, meet, visit, die
- offerō, offere, obtulī, oblātus
- to show, bring foward
- ōmittō, ōmittere, ōmīsī, ōmissus
- to let go, leave off
- obtineÅ, obtinÄ“re, obtinuÄ«, obtentus
- to hold, maintain, gain
- percipiÅ, percipere, percÄ“pÄ«, perceptus
- to take, gather in, understand
- perdō, perdere, perdidī, perditus
- to ruin, lose
- pereō, perīre, periī, peritus
- to be lost, die
- perferō, perferre, pertulī, perlātus
- to carry through, endure
- perficiÅ, perficere, perfÄ“cÄ«, perfectus
- to carry out, finish
- permittō, permittere, permīsī, permissus
- to let go, concede
- persequor, persequī, persecūtus
- to pursue, perform
- pertineÅ, pertinÄ“re, pertinuÄ«
- to reach, belong
- perveniÅ, pervenÄ«re, pervÄ“nÄ«, perventus
- to come to, arrive
- praeferō, praeferre, praetulī, praelātus
- to hold out, prefer
- praeficiÅ, praficere, praefÄ“cÄ«, praefectus
- to put in charge
- praebeÅ, praebÄ“re, praebuÄ«, praebitus
- to hold out, proffer
- praemittō, praemittere, praemīsī, praemissus
- to send in advance
- praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitus
- to be outstanding
- praesum, praeesse, praefuī
- to be at the head of (+dat.)
- prōdūcō, prōdūcere, prōdūxī, prōductus
- to bring forward, extend
- prōferō, prōferre, prōtulī, prōlātus
- to bring forward, forth or out, enlarge
- prÅhibeÅ, prÅhibÄ“re, prÅhibuÄ«, prÅhibitus
- to hinder, keep away
- prōmittō, prōmittere, prōmīsī, prōmissus
- to let go, promise
- prōpōnō, prōpōnere, prōposuī, prōpositus
- to set forth, display, declare
- recipiÅ, recipere, recÄ“pÄ«, receptus
- to take back, regain
- reddō, reddere, reddidī, redditus
- to give back, return