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AP psychology 3 description first


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left frontal lobe that directs muscle movement involved in speach..."Tan"
Broca's Area
goal of all motivated behaviour is to reduce basic drives
Clark Hull-Drive Theory
David McClelland
Just Noticable Difference
Ernst Weber
States that intensity is proportional to the number of JND's above the absolute threshold
Fechers Law
The first to conduct a scientific study of forgetting we forget quickly first then slowly
H. Ebbinghas
Said need to achieve varies in people and that it affects their tendancy to approach success and evaluate their performances
Henry Murray
Did studies of activities of neurons in the visual cortex
countered freud saying personality is fluid, contiually molded by current fears and impulses
Karen Horney
Theorized that terminally ill go through 5 stages, Denial anger bargaining with god depression acceptance
Learned Helplesness
Martin Seligman
Systematic Desensitization
Mary Cover Jones
Theory that facial expressions are universal
Paul Ekman
It is possible to feel without knowing why
Robert Zajoc
Psychoanalytic theory focusing on Id Ego Superego
Sigmund Freud
believed gastric activity in empty stomach was only cause of hunger
Walter B. Cannon
Area involved in language understanding. Lesions cause people to say correct words but make no sense
Wernick's Area
Theory that personality is related to body type (meso endo ecto)
William Sheldon
3 types of color receptors in eyes
Young-Helmholz-Trichromatic theory of colour vision

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