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undefined, object
copy deck
No puede ser
It is impossible (can't be done)
Personally, I prefer...
En serio
de antemano
borehand, in advance
Creo que sí
I believe so
Una vez que
En otras palabras
In other words...
Sobre todo
above all
hay que tomar en cuenta que
one must realize (take into account) that
Cada vez que
each time that
No hay más remedio
There is no other solution
Que yo sepa
As far as I know
qué te parece si
What do you think if?
Eso no vale
That's not fair
Has pensado que
Have you though about
No (me) importa
It doesn't matter (to me)
Qué harías tú?
What would you do?
Como quieras
Whatever you say
A mí me parece que
It seems to me that
por fin
finally, at last
A pesar de (que)
in spite of (that fact that)
para ilustrar
to illustrate
Tienes razón
You are right
Qué bárbaro
I can't believe it!
En resumen
in summary
Qué pena
What a pity
Al principio
At the the beginning
Sin embargo
nevertheless, however
En cambio
on the other hand
Mientras que
Subjuentive) while, so long as, as long as
Con mucho gusto
It will be a pleasure
Estoy un poco confundido
I am a little confused
Por lo tanto
Qué te parece si
What do you think if
No voy a poder
I am not going to be able to . . .
tan pronto como
as soon as
Con respecto a
With respect to
De ninguna manera
No way
A mi parecer
in my opinion
Ahora mismo
right now
Ni lo sueñes
Don't even think about it!
besides, futhermore
Lo dudo
I doubt it
En primer lugar
in the first place
Qué va
Of course

Deck Info

