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Spanish Expressions 1


undefined, object
copy deck
Está Bien o Está Bueno
All right, good, fine, correct, OK
Ir de compras
To go shopping, do marketing
Estar de luto
To be in mourning, bereavement, manifest sorrow for a death
Dar una vuelta
To walk, saunter, take a stroll
Dar el pésame por
To present or give one's condolences(for, on), extend one's sympathy ( for, on)
A carta cabal
Thoroughly, in every respect, fully
Tal vez
Perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably, perchance
Querer decir
To mean
Por extenso
In detail, at great length
Por casualidad
By Chance, by the way, incidentally
Poco a poco
Little by little, gradually, progressively, bit by bit, slowly
Estar de moda
To be popular, fashionable, stylish, smart
En punto
On the Dot, sharp, exactly
Desde hace
For(a certain time lapse), over a period of, dating from
De nuevo
Again, once more, another time
Preocuparse por
To worry about, be concerned for or about
Preguntar por
To inquire about, ask for ( a person)
Por lo menos
At least, leastwise
Ida y vuelta
Round-trip, two way
Dar las gracias
To thank, express gratitude
Pensar en
To think of, about or over; intend
Ganarse la vida
To earn (or make) a living
De memoria
By heart, from memory
Poner la mesa
To set the table
Valer la pena
To be worth( while), advantageous, profitable
Tener cuidado
To be careful, watchful, attentive, on guard
Hay que
It is necessary, obligatory, or required to (that)
Otra vez
Again, Once more, another time
Hacer cola
To stand in line, line up, queue (up)
Ocurrírsele a uno
To occur to one, cross one's mind
De todas maneras
At any rate, in any event, no matter what happens
Hasta la fecha
Up to now, to date
Hacerse tarde
To become late, be getting (or growing) late
Frente a
In front of
Equivocarse de
To be mistaken, or wrong about (something)
Decidirse a
To make up one's mind to, decide to, resolve to
De enfrente
Across (the street), directly opposite, in front (of)
Alegrarse de
To be glad or happy about (something)
Acabar de (+ infinitive)
To have just (+ past participle)
Sin querer
Unwittingly, unintentionally
Por lo visto
Apparently, seemingly, evidently, judging by, by appearances
Pasar un buen rato
To have a good time, enjoy one's self
Parece mentira
It hardly seems possible, it appears to be impossible
No hay de qué
Don't mention it, think nothing of it, you're welcome
Lo de menos
Of little importance, insignificant
La mayor parte (de)
The majority (of), the bulk (of)
En (o de) broma
As a joke, in jest
Hacer caso a
To pay attention to, heed, obey
Faltar a
To absent one's self from, miss; (2) to show disrespect to
Hacer buenas migas
To get along well together, be congenial

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