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social studies final review


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it increased trade
What was the impact of the erie canal?
British became more protective so they didn't try to revolt.
How did British Policy towards the thirteen colonies change after the French and Indian wars?
North general who declared total war
Who was William Tecumseh Sherman?
artifacts and ancient data.
What do archaeologists study?
The Federalists wanted a powerful government. the Anti-Federalists wanted a weak government.
Who were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists?
The best general of the south.
Who was Robert E. Lee
The British were taxing Americans and they had no say in it.
Explain "No taxation without representation!"
The continental congress.
Who wrote the declaration of independence?
a rule that the government would not interfere with business.
laissez faire
It advised americans to stay out of alliances and no to interfere with European affairs.
What were the main ideas of Washington's fair-well address.?
They wanted to express their independence.
Why did Texas remain a republic?
The president and vice president tied so the house of representatives had to choose. The 20th amendment said the the vice president and president had to be voted for separately.
what happened in the election of 1800?
The townshend act was protested and boycotted.
How did the Townshend acts strain the relationship between Americans and Britian?
France supplied the american army with supplies and back up so the British wouldn't win.
How was france important in the revolutionary war?
When the south thought that they won he stood stall and said it was not over.
Who was StoneWall jackson?
The making of the constitution began.
What happened at the constitutional convention of 1787?
It protects everyones natural rights that cant be taken away.
Why was the bill of rights so important?
Lived in Teepees. Animals were hunted by men. Crops were grown by women. relied on buffalo for shelter, meat and clothing.
What were Great Plains Indians like?
They ignored the neutrality and seized the ships and merchants going to the other nation.
How did the conflicts between England and France effect the trade of the U.S?
From the Mexican war and Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo.
How did we get the Gadson Purchase
to declare our independence from Britain.
Why was the declaration of independence written?
There was a treaty of peace so the war stopped, but nothing else was settled.
What were the results of the war of 1812?
Republicans wanted a weak central government. Federalists wanted a strong central government.
What was the main difference between Federalists and Democratic Republicans?
Paul Revere signaled if British were coming by land or sea and got the minute men ready for the first war of the revolution.
What was Paul Reveres contribution?
He was for the farmers and city people
Why was Jackson considered the president for the common man?
Who started the Civil war?
It talks about Natural rights, and British wrongs.
What rights does the declaration of independence right about?
by the Bering Bridge.
How did the first Americans arrive?
Fever and Wild animals.
What were some difficulties for settlers on the Oregon TRail?
His cabinet.
Who advises the president?
The Americans surprised the british and captured most of their soldiers.
what happened at the battle of Trenton?
He organized protest and boycotts and raised support.
What were Sam Adams contributions?
54 40 or fight
What was Polk SLogan in the election in 1844?
T Lived in villages and homes made of adobe. Built irrigation systems to grow corn, and other crops.
What were SouthWest Indians like?
meant the southerners had to pay more then the north to get goods like cotton.
What were the tariffs of 1828 and 1832?
common sense supported no taxation without representation, It also said we do not woe loyalty to king george.
What were some arguments made by Thomas Pains,
A printing press and a compass helped. The printing press helped spread news faster and the compass helped the explores find where they are going.
What technology helped encourage exploration?
Britian shared Oregon with the U.S but after the hardships getting there, since americans out numbered Europeans, people wanted Oregon for only the U.S
How did we get Oregon?
They could trade with more people then before and America couldn't trade with any.
Why did the Navigation acts make British more powerful?
Harriet Beatrice Stowe
Who was the author of uncle Toms Cabin?
The Americans Protested and tried to smuggle things better then before.
How did The writs of assistance strain the relationship between American and Britain?
He captured many places and was a hero, until he was injusred and had to retire. since they wouldn't give him a fighting position he switched to the British side
What were the contributions of Benedict Arnold.
Jackson closed the bank because it was helping the rich at the expense of the war.
Identify the Bank war.
on the last night of Adams presidency, he appointed Madison as supreme court justice. The supreme court ruled against Marbury and it could now say weather a law was constitutional or not. This is called Judicial Review.
Explain the case of Marbury vs. Madison
He wanted Lewis and Clark to map a route to the Pacific Ocean with the help of Sacagawea.
Why did Jefferson send Lewis and Clark on an expedition?
when some states wouldn't ratify the constitution. many things were changes, added, and cut before it was ratified.
What was the battle for ratification?
Columbus was a hero to Europeans because he found new lands, but a villain to Native americans because he was taking their land and taking them as slaves.
Was Columbus a hero or a villain?
Iroquois, Lived in farming villages, but hunted for food. Long houses were shared by many families, and women shared social and political power.
What were the Eastern Woodlands Indians like?
To collect government taxes and pay the government workers.
What was the purpose of the national bank?
A slave who spoke out against slavery.
Who was Fredrick Douglas?
an economic system made to increase a nation's wealth by adding a tax to all products.
John Winthrop settled Massachusetts or the Puritans.
What were John Winthrops contributions?
Hamilton wanted to but back all old bonds with new bonds, pay off the debt, and then earn the money to pay to new bonds.
What was Hamilton plan to settle national debt?
The study of evidence left by early people in order to find out about their lives..
What is archaeology?
it said that U.S will interferer European affairs with any of its colonies.
What was the Monroe doctrine?
He was a delegate in the Albany congress who got everyone focussed.
What was Ben Franklin's contribution?
From the Mexican war and Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo.
How did we Get the Mexican cession?
Because the city of New Amsterdam was flourishing, King Charles II gave it to his brother, the Duke of York.
How did New Amsterdam become New York?
Mexico had to give up california and New Mexico in return for 15 million dollars.
What were the terms of the Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo?
A road that traveled a long the country.
What was the National road?
A tax put on imported goods.
What is a tariff?
Was hawks influenced war
How did war hawks influence the war of 1812
Spain gives United States Florida for 5 million dollars.
What were the terms of the Adams-Onis Treaty?
the congress. It can veto, impeach, create courts, approve treaties, and prints money.
Explain the roles of Legislative branch.
The Americans were upset and tried to protest.
How did the Navigation acts put a strain on the relationship between America and the British?
The Oldest women in the clan was the leader of the Long house. The women farmed. When two people got married the man joined the womens family.
What was the role of Women in the Iroquois culture?
as a young officer he took a letter and helped american troop capture the ohio river before france.
What were the contributions of George Washington?
Stopped slavery on the revolting states.
What was the emancipation proclamation?
Because though the British would stop attacking our ships, it would not protect their rights of being neutral.
Why was Jays treaty unpopular?
Mexico thought Texas was still part of its country, and they couldn't divide Oregon right
How did the annexation of Texas and a border dispute lead to the Mexican war?
This was the turning point of the war. with a new general, the americans hit and run by the Hudson river.
What happened at the battle of saratoga?
The British troops needed more sailors so they captured american sailors and used them.
How did impressment lead to the war if 1812
the slow change from hand tools to machines.
What was the Industrial revolution?
They beat unlikely odds and won
why was the battle of the Alamos sufficient?
The Americans were upset, boycotted, and protest.
How did the Stamp Act strain the relationship between America and Britain?
A small group of advisers who met in the White House kitchen who new the feelings of the common man.
Identify the Kitchen Cabinet.
A law saying that British controlled all American trade.
What were the navigation acs?
The seminole wars
How did we get florida?
nationalism means that people are loyal to a area and not a country
How did nationalism lead to the war of 1812?
the turning port of the civil war.
What was Gettysburg?
federalists want a strict interpretation of the government. confederation want a loose interpretation of the government.
federation vs. confederation
The area was swampy, water was unclean, mosquitos carried diseases, they didn't plan for the future, starvation, instead of planting they searched for gold.
What challenges were faced in JamesTown?
1853, !0 million dollars, Arizona and New Mexico.
What was the Gadson Purchase and when was it acquired??
during a period of depression, the farmers revolted and prevented the congress from seizing the farms.
What was shay's rebellion?
All 5 tribes that were joined together because of Hiawatha,The council, which included women, made decisions for all of the tribes. if one tribe voted against the new rule, the entire rule failed.
What was the League of the Iroquois?
For money, new opportunities and lots of gold that was said to be there.
Why did different groups of people come to the new world?
Eastern woodlands.
Where were Iroquois located?
the constitution is always being amended and changed to fit the time period.
Why is the constitution called a living document.
traditions and customs transmitted through learning that govern the beliefs and behavior of people exposed to them
What is culture?
Europeans introduced chickens, pigs, cattle, and horses. The Native Americans diet changed by eating pork, bananas, oranges, lemons, and figs. They also brought new diseases.
What was the impact of European Colonization on Native Americans?
Anne Hutchinson started the revolt for religious freedom.
What were Anne Hutchinson's contributions?
Claimed each state has an equal right to judge for themselves if a law is unconstitutional.
What were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.
The democratic party split so it was easy for Lincoln to win
What was the significance of the election of 1860.
Because they were all seeking wealth and wanted to trade with asia. Muslims and italians had already taken the only known trade route to asia, so they had to find another way that didn't involve sailing all the way around the world..
Why did European nations seek new trade routes?
Because there was gold on indian land Jackson made them move wet of the mississippi with only the clothes in their backs. many died on the trial of tears.
What was the indian removal act and trail of tears.
population, wealth, farming, railroads, factories, iron, bank,
What were north advantages?
President Jefferson, bought Louisiana for 15 million from the french, 1804, in Louisiana,
Explain the who what when were and how of the Louisiana Purchase
It was 150 ft. long, and 20 ft. wide.
Describe the long house.
When sugar was sent to england, england sent guns to africa, and africa sent slaves to the west indies.
What was the triangle trade?
one side of congress makes the bill, the other side passes it , then the president signs it.
How does a bill become a law?
The great compromise was the invention of the two houses. one, the house of representatives, was based on population. the senate was had two delegates per state no matter what.
Explain the major compromise of the convention.
when the tariff of abominations was repealed.
What was the nullification crisis?
The destiny for the U.S to expand.
What was manifest destiny
Roger WIlliams settled Rhode Island.
What were Roger Williams Contributions?
He went while Spain was fighting rebels so they couldn't deal wit the U.S.
How did Jackson contribute to the U.S gaining Florida?
Made Maine a free state, Made Missouri a salve state, slavery was out in Louisiana west of 36 30.
What was the Missouri Compromise?
The British invaded Ny and lost.
What happened at the invasion of New York?
the president, proposes laws, carries out laws, and pardons offenders.
Explain the role of the Executive branch.
Ended french power in north america, Britain gained Canada. France was onl allowed to keep two islands, and the rest was for america.
What were the terms of the treaty of Paris?
Woman and slaves couldn't vote
What limits remained on suffrage in 1830
The boston Massacre was protested because the British troops open fired and killed 7 americans.
How did the Boston Massacre strain the relationship between America and Britain?
That a President could only run for 3 terms.
What Precedent did washington establish?
They lived in villages, benefited from rich natural resources in the forest, rivers, and oceans. Held potlatch ceremonies.
What were NorthWest coast indians like?
the place were the south surrendered.
What was Appomattox?
People who wanted to end slavery.
Who were abolitionists?
The long, hard trail to get to Oregon.
What was the Oregon Trail?
Jackson won the popular vote and no one won the electorial vote. Clay bribed people of the house to vote for Adams.
Why was the election of 1824 controversial?
stopped american ships from sailing to foreign countries.
what was the Embargo act?
William Penn founded Pennsylvania.
What were William Penn's contributions?
rule by the people.
popular sovereignty
The people who went to search for gold in California.
What were the forty-niners?
the government had less power then the states.
limited government
The conductor of the Underground railroad.
Who was Harriet Tubman.
The war had officially started and there was a shot heard around the world.
What happened t the battle of Lexington and Concord?
Fighting often broke out but they made a treaty to keep peace.
How did conflicts with the Native Americans influence the war of 1812?
They had to create the Mayflower Compact, they only had corn, didn't have time to built adequate shelter before the winter, starvation, disease.
What were the challenges faced by settlers of Plymouth Massachusetts.
He added Texas and Oregon.
How did Polk achieve Manifest Destiny?
Made California a free state, Mexico had popular sovereignty, ended slave trade in D.C., started a new fugitive slave law.
What was the compromise of 1850?
Napoleon might try to raise an empire in North America.
Why was Jefferson worried when france took over Louisiana?
To gain FLorida from Spain
Why was Andrew Jackson sent to Florida?
the tax on whisky was repealed.
How was the whisky rebellion handled?
said that the capitol could be in the south if he could carry on with the plan.
What compromises did Hamilton make to achieve his plan?
The League of the Iroquois.
How did Iroquois govern themselves?
People form all over the U.S went to search for gold in California.
What was the California Gold rush.
It was the last straw. People boycotted and smuggled goods to get them into Boston.
How did the intolerable acts strain the relationship between American and Britain?
Th U.S remained neutral.
What position did the U.S take during the 1800 conflict between England and France?
because people didn't have to own property to vote.
Why did more people gain suffrage in 1830s?
They had respect for nature. Then hunted, fished, farmed, and gathered wild plants.
How did the Iroquois use the land?
He was a good public speaker, give me liberty or give me death!
What was Patrick Henrys contribution?
An exchange of goods between Native Americans and Europeans that benefited both sides.
What was the colombian exchange?
Americans were upset, protested, boycotted, and smuggled tea.
How did the Teat act strain the relationship between American and Britain?
The study of people, their environment, and their resources.
What is geography?
a lawyer who supported states rights.
Who was John C. Calhoun?
In the House of Burgesses set the roots for the House of Representatives because they voted and made laws for the colonists. The Mayflower Compact was also a form of a constitution for he colonists of Plymouth.
Explain the roots of our modern democracy as we see them in the English colonies. Include the House of Burgesses, The Mayflower Compact, and other freedoms.
Cherokees, Grew corn, squash, beens and other crops. held yearly green celebrations.
What were Southeast Indians like?
He was a lawyer against the British and British law.
What were John adams contributions?
they knew the land, and had a reason to fight.
What were south advantages?
England and United States
What countries jointly occupied Oregon?
The British defeat the colonists in the first major battle.
What happened at the battle of Bunker Hill?
each state had one vote, congress could declare war, coin money, and appoint military officials. It was hard to pass laws, congress could not regulate trade, and congress could not raise money.
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the articles of confederation?
The author the Liberator. The most influential newspaper during the civil war
Who was William Lloyd Garrison?
giving a president more power.
What was strengthening presidency?
Jackson let people who supported him replace the qualified people in the cabinet.
Identify the spoil system.
The British army was miles away from home and supplies, they had no reason to fight, but they were the most powerful army and navy in the world.
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the British army?
this means that no one branch has more power then another. all of the powers of one branch can be vetoed by another.
Explain the system of checks and balances.
Ended the Missouri Compromise, Territories could control slavery for them selves.
What was the Kansas-Nebraska act?
The french kept attacking american ships. John adams sent three diplomats to negotiate. The french negotiators wanted a bribe. the U.S said no. after further negotiation things were fine. the world now knew the united states was to be treated with repect.
What was the XYZ affair.
The american army was fighting for a cause and was fighting on their own soil but they were untrained farmers.
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the American army?
Adams and Jefferson were elected though they were from two different parties. now Presidents and vice presidents run together.
Why were the results of the election of 1796 unusual?
Many people led by Sam Adams who were ready to go to war.
Who were the Sons and Daughters of Liberty?
Philadelphia, New York, Washington.
What were the 3 locations of the capitol?
Because there was a long growing season, in order to make more crops farmers needed helpers so they bought and sold slaves. They also had good soil so they became and plantation economy.
Why did the southern colonies create the slave trade and a plantation economy?
nominating conventions
What new way to choose candidates began in the 1830s?
The Renaissance was a great burst of learnings people were a lot more eager to explore he rest of the world.
How did the Renaissance and the Crusades affect exploration?
Women were considered important in iroquois society, but were unimportant in European society. In Iroquois the women had political power, they were house old managers, and they ran just about everything.
How was the role of women in Iroquois society different hen the role of women in European societies?
We the people, of the united states of america, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution of the Unite states of America.
Santa anna became a dictator and began enforcing new laws.
Why did Texas revolt against Santa Anna?
stops people from trading with bad areas by putting a high tax on those goods.
What is a protective tariff?
more slaves were bought to pick more cotton.
what was the impact of the cotton gin.
supreme court, interprets the constitution.
Explain the role of the Judicial branch.
They said that the president could say any foreigner was dangerous to the country, and that people could be jailed for criticizing the government. The mixed feelings split the federalist party.
What were the Alien and sedition acts?
Texans win revolt against Mexico and joins America.
How did we got Texas?
The middle colonies, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware produced a lot grains and wheat, and made a lot of money off of it.
What were the Bread Basket colonies?

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