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Chapter 17


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Elegant drawing room of wealthy upper class's great urban houses; brought writers and artists together with aristocrats, government officials, and wealthy middle-class people; helped spread the ideas of the Enlightenment
Scientific Method
a systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence; crucial to the evolution of science in the modern world; developed by Francis Bacon
places Earth at center of universe
Social Contract
Through it an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will
Joseph II
Son of Maria Theresa; believed in the need to sweep away anything standing in the path of reason; abolished serfdom, eliminated death penalty, estabished priniciple of equality of all before the law, and enacted religious reforms including religious toleration but this reform program failed; his succesors undid all of his reforms
intellectuals of the Enlightenment; French name for philosopher
Separation of Powers
prevented any one person or group from gaining too much power; provided greatest freedom and security for the state
Natural Philosphers
name for midiveal scientists; they did not make observations of the natural world
Universal Law of Gravitation
explains why the planetary bodies do not go off in strait lines but instead continue elliptical orbits about the Sun; states that object in the universe is attracted to every other object by a force called gravity
Maria Theresa
empress of Austrian Empire; inherited throne in 1740; worked to centralize the Austrian Empire and strengthed power of the state; not open to philosophe's calls for reform but worked hard to alliviate the conditions of the serfs
Enlightened Absolutism
A new type of monarchy in the 18th century; in the system rulers tried to govern by Enlightenment principles while maintaining their royal powers
Catherine II
German wife of Peter III of Russia and came to power after his murder; ruled Russia 1762-1796; interested in enlightend reforms but didnt do any; had policy favoring landed nobility but this led to worse conditions for Russian peasents and led to rebellion; the rebellion spread across spouthern Russia but she halted all reform and serfdom expanded into newer parts of the empire; expanded Russian Empire
Johann Sebastian Bach
renowned organist and composer; spent entire life in Germany; while music director of Church or Saint Thomas in Leipzig composed Mass in B Minor; got reputation of being one of the greatest composers of all time; perfected baroque style
18th century religious philosophy based on reason and natural law; built on the idea of the Newtonian world-machine
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
wrote Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind; wrote The Social Contract; wrote Emile; believed that emotions as well as reason were important to human development but sent his own children to orphanages
Robert Walpole
served as head of cabinet (later prime minister) from 1721-1742; persued peaceful forign policy
Fredrick William I
Prussian king; strove to maintain highly efficent beaucracy of civil workers; by end of riegn in 1740, doubled army's size, made it 1 of the best armies in Europe
Ptolemaic System
In it the universe is a series of concentric spheres; the spheres are made of crystal-like, transparent substance, in which the heavenly bodies (pure orbs of light are embeded); the rotation of the spheres makes these heavenly bodies rotate about the Earth and move in relation to one another; the 10th sphere moved itself and gave motion to the other spheres; beyond 10th sphere was Heaven
Lived in the 2nd century A.D.; greatest astronomer of antiquity; constructed model universe known as the Ptolemaic System (geocentric system)
George Fredrick Handle
German; spent most of career in England; best known for religious music; wrote Messiah; perfected baroque music style
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Mexian poet; denied access into University of Mexico because she was a woman; entered convent and became nun; became famous and great poet; denounced by her bishop for writing secular liturature
Offspring of Europeans and Native Amercans
Denis Diderot
went to University of Paris; became a freelance writer so that he could study and read in many subjects and languages; contributed his Encyclopedia or Classified Dictonary of the Sciences, Arts, and Trades to the Enlightenment
A doctrine known by its French name; meaning "to let (the people) do (what they want); natural economic laws identified by Physiocrats, a French group, and Adam Smith; maintained that if individuals were free to pursue their own economic self interest, all society would benefit
Fredrick II
the Great; Prussian king; one of best educated and most cultured monarchs in the 18th century; seemed willing to make enlightened reforms (and he made some) but kept Prussia's serfdom and rigid social structure intact and avoidedany additional reforms; also enlarged Prussian Army; credited with making Prussia a great European power
Maria Winkelmann
most famous of female astronomers in Germany; recieved training from self-taught astronomer; married Gottfried Kirch and became his assistant; applied for positionas assistant astronomer at the Berlin Academy, she was highly qualified but was denied (because she was a woman and had no university degree)
The offspring of African and Europeans
John Locke
scientist; wrote Essay Concerning Human Understanding; his book argued that every person was born with tabula rasa, or blanck mind; his ideas suggested that people were molded by the experiences that came through their senses from the surrounding world
Adam Smith
wrote The Wealth of Nations; believed that the stated should not interfere in economic matters; gave governmet 3 basic roles
Artistic style that spread over Europe in the 1730's; emphasized grace, charm, and gentle action; made use of delicate designs colored in gold and graceful curves; highly secular
Franz Joseph Haydn
wrote classical music; spent most of adult life as musical director for wealthy Hungarian princes; wrote The Creations and The Seasons
Came from the French Nobility; wrote The Spirit of the Laws; believed that England's government had 3 branches; his analysis of the system of checks and balances through seperation of powers was his most lasting contributions to political thought
Margaret Canvendish
came from aristocrat family; wrote Observations Upon Expiremental Philosophy; critical of the belief that humans, through science, weret he masters of nature
Federal System
In which power would be shared between the national government and the state governments; created by the proposed Constitution
Robert Boyle
1 of the 1st scientists to conduct controlled expirements; Properties of Gases lead to (this perspn's) Law
Isaac Newton
attended Cambridge University; became professor of mathematics at the university; wrote Mathematical Priniciples of Natural Philosophy (Principia); proved his arguments through universal law of gravitation; created world-machine concept
Inductive Reasoning
to proceed from the particular to the general
system of thought based on the belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Child prodigy; wrote classical music; The Marriage of Figaro, The Magic Flute, and Don Giovanni are 3 of the world's most famous operas
Johannes Kepler
German mathematician; used detailed astronomical data to arrive at his laws of planetary motion; his 1st law contradicted the cirrcular orbits and crystal-like spheres that were central to the Ptolemaic system
New dynasty created by Protestant rulers of the German state of Hanover when last Stuart died; the 1st and 2nd of Hanovarian kings didnt speak English nor did they know the British system well, their cheif ministers were allowed to handle Parliment
Mary Wollstonecraft
English writer; self-educated; seen as founder of the modern European movement for women's rights; wrote a Vindication of the Rights of Women; married William Godwin; daughter wrote Frankinstien
Rene Descartes
17th century French philosopher; wrote Discourse on Method; 1st principle "i think therefore i am"; believed mind and matter were completly seperate; known as father of modern rationalism
Galileo Galilei
teaches mathematics; 1st European to make regular observations of the heavens using a telescope; discovered moutians on the moon and 4 moons around Jupiter; published The Stary Messenger; under the suspicion of the Catholic Church
Nicolas Copernicus
native of Poland; wrote On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres; mathematician; had heliocentric conception of the universe; argued Sun not Earth was the center of the universe; moon revolved around Earth;believed movement of the Sun around the Earth was caused by daily rotation of Earth on its Axis
John Wesley
Anglican minister; created religious movement, Methodism; led to become missionary to the English people; apealed especialy to lower class; his Methodism gave lower and middle classes in English society a sense of purpose and comunity
Francis Bacon
English philosopher who developed scientific method; believed that instead of relying on the ideas of ancient authorites, scientists should use inductive reasoning to learn about nature; wanted science to benefit industry, agriculture, and trade
Henry Fielding
best known for his work in The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
a Parisian; came from prosperous middle-class family; well known for his criticism of Christianity; wrote Treatise on Toleration; championed deism

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