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Meeting of Worlds/Colonial America Terms


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settlers at Plymouth who wanted to completely break off from the Church of England
English settlers in Mass Bay who wanted to purify the church of England
spectral evidence
accepted evidence in the Salem Witch Trials that was a simple claim by a witness of seeing a spirit
Duke's Laws
legal code maintaining complete Dutch rule over New Netherland
New Netherland
Colony created by Dutch West India Co. which had a competing economy with New France
John Eliot
Mass leader who was also a missionary and tried to change Native culture
John Peter Zinger
writer imprisoned for ciriticizing government; he said libel is only something that is not true
Navigation Acts
acts passed by parliament restricting trade so that it would benefit England
Regulator Movement
groups who roamed areas of rural South Carolina trying to combat relaxed law enforcement
joint-stock company
a company in which numerous people invested money for trading voyages
granted land by the Duke of York; they attracted settlers to this colony by promising land and limited freedom of religion
John Cabot
European who "discovered" North America, but did not colonize
Atlantic Creoles
slaves coming from other places in America; many were mixed races
royal colony
colony controlled by European King or Queen who would appoint officials to lead the colony
Cecilius Calvert
member of the family who owned Maryland; he gave religious freedom to all Christian settlers
period when European political ideas spread to America and influenced ideas on independant republic
group of Indians who allied with English in Pequot war
civic rituals
broad name for all of the government declared holidays that brought the community together
Bacon's Rebellion
resistance movement started by Virginia farmers who were angry that the Natives had the best land
Dominion of New England
new charter for New England to stop smuggling and allow religious freedom
a branch of Wampanoags who helped the Pilgrims
headright system
system giving land grants to people who paid their way to Virginia
King Phillip's War
war between Wampanoags and Pilgrims that was sparked by Pilgrims' disrespect
Royal African Company
English run slaving company in Lower Guinea
Roger Williams
Separatist who advocated for Indian rights and also tried to separate church from state - he was banished from MA
New York Conspiracy
whites who were convinced slaves were trying to rebel tried to incite an uprising
William Penn
leader of the Quakers who believed that everyone was equal and eventually help a proprietorship
middle ground
cultural encounters between Indians and Europeans in which gifts were traded before negotiations
William and Mary
daughter of James II and her husband who took power after the Glorious Revolution
Iroquois Confederacy
defensive alliance between 5 Indian tribes that made decisions about war
native peoples on the islands discovered by Columbus
John Smith
founder of Jamestown colony who took control and saved colony
King William's War
conflict between Algonquian natives and New England following a war between England and France
genteel culture
idea centered on the newly rich colonists who had time for leisure activities
Covenant of Works
belief that people must be good in order to reach salvation
Jesuits/Black Robes
Missionaries who came to New France and undermined Shaman society
John Winthrop
governor and leader of Mass Bay Colony
Kinge George's War
war between Great Britain and Spain in the Caribbean; brought out non-unification among colonies
two groups who combined to make one of the largest immigrant groups; they were seeking religious freedom and economic prosperity
English Reformation
time after English made own church, leading to more separate religions
New France
French colony founded in 1608 whose economy was centered on fur trading
vice-admiralty courts
courts that operated without juries solely for cases involving the Navigation Acts
Pueblo Revolt
revolt led by Pope that drove Spanish out of New Mexico
Samuel Champlain
French man who created trading post in Quebec
Charles II
King Charles I son, gave American land to those who had supported him in English Civil War
Columbian Exchange
exchange of plants, animals and diseases between the Natives and the Spaniards
New Spain
colony spreading from the Caribbean to the Southwest US and Florida controlled by Spain
St. Augustine
oldest European settlement in USA serving as military outpost to protect Spanish
Yamasee War
war between the South Carolina settlers and the local natives who did not like being used for slavery and threatened for their land
James Oglethorpe
founder of Georgia - a colony for debters that created a buffer
Jonathan Edwards
Massachusetts preacher who said men must surrender to God
glorious revolution
bloodless coup in England in which King James was replaced by his daughter and her husband
Covenant of Grace
belief that people's lives are completely predestined
James II
Duke of York, given the land where New Netherland already existed - he invaded and took over
indentured servant
someone who subjected himself to temporary slavery in return for passage to America
Stuart Monarchs
Rulers in England with no tolerance for Puritans and Seperatists
Great Awakening
religious revival spearheaded by evangelists who spoke against rational thinking
George Whitfield
English preacher who led the Great Awakening by traveling through the colonies
General Court
colonial legislature made up of elected officials in Mass Bay
the idea that all governments compete for a finite amount of wealth
colonial assemblies
representative groups led by men in the genteel class who influenced appointed leaders
Board of Trade and Plantations
division of English government devoted solely to colonies; had no direct power
Mass Bay Company
joint stock company who sponsored the Puritans
Dutch West India Company
joint-stock company that was the largest slave trading company in the world
Stono Rebellion
S.C. slave rebellion in which slaves stole guns and ammunition - they were all killed
middle passage
voyage Africa and America during which 10% to 20% of slaves died
Anne Hutchinson
woman who challenged church authority and threatened male power in the church - she was banished
Mayflower Compact
agreement settling leadership issues of Plymouth colony
cash crop
crop grown for sale to obtain a profit
Halfway Covenant
idea that people who did not have "saving faith" still had to abide by the rules of the church
House of Burgesss
first elected government in Virginia, allowing male land owners to elect representatives
Encomienda system
system designed to produce cash crops in which natives were inslaved on plantations
Triangular Trade
trading link between America, Europe and Africa involving slaves, sugar and tobacco
Restoration Colonies
colonies created out of land gifts from Charles II
Powhatan Confederacy
political union of 6 Algonquian villages who became allies with Jamestown and helped them survive
Maryland's Act of Religious Toleration
policy created in Maryland in 1649 offering religious freedom to all Christians
coastal Indians who did not get along with settlers at Jamestown
when one or several men hold a land title and have complete control
Doctrine of the Covenant
Winthrop's sermon preaching communal activity and avoiding a hierarchy
John Locke
enlightenment philosopher who said people have a right to rebel against their government
English Civil War
conflict between King (Church of England) and Parliament (Puritan). King was executed but power was later reinstated to his son
Pequot War
war between Natives in the New Netherland area and English colonists in Mass Bay
people in Virginia who created a religious branch stressing plain dress, lack of hierarchy and less racism

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