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december exam terms

december exam terms


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laissez faire
the idea that government should not interfere with or regulate industries and buisness.
the growth of cities and the migration of people into them.
divine right
the idea that monarchs are God's representatives on earth and are therefore answerable only to God.
factors of production
the resources including land, labor, and capital that are needed to produce goods and services.
an economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and obtaining large amounts of gold and silver by selling more than they bought.
the right to vote.
separation of powers
the assignment of executive legislative and juridical powers to different groups or officals in a govt.
Monroe doctrine
a U.S policy of opposition to European interference in Latin America anounced by president James Monroe i 1823.
commitee of public safety
a comitee established during th French revolution to identifie enemies of the republic.
a government controlled by its citizens either directly or through representatives.
Berlin Conference
a meeting at which representatives of europeans agreed upon rules for the european colonization.
direct democracy
a government in which citizens rule directly rather then through representatives.
the belief that the people felt superior and that they thought it was an obligation to conquer the enemies.
Agricultural Revolution
a period of time where there was a massive increase in agricultural productivity.
manifest destiny
the idea popular among mid 19th century Americans, that it was the right and the duty of the United States to rule North America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.
a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risk of buisness.
an economic system based on private ownership and on the investment of money in buisness ventures in order to make profit.
an ecomic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the walfare of all.
the belief that people should be loyal mainly to their nation.
Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos
colonists that were born in spain, colonists that were born in LA due to spanish parents, a mixed spanish and native american.
Industrial Revolution
the shift beginning in England during the 18th century, from making goods by hand to making them in machine.
Estates general
an assembly of representatives from all the estates.
one of the fenced-in fields created by wealthy British landowners on land that was formerly worked by village farmers.
Napoleonic code
a comprehensive system of laws created by Napoleon Bonaparte.
Spanish American War
an 1898 conflict between the US and Spain.
The estates
3 states 1st clergy, 2nd nobility, 3rd estate rest of population
Declaration of the rights of man
a statement of revolutionary ideas adopted by France National Assembly in 1785.
absolute monarchy
a king or queen that has unlimited power and seeks to control all aspects of society.
assembly line
in a factory, an arangement in which a product is moved from worker to worker.
a 16th century movement for religious reform.
checks and balances
measures designed to prevent any one branch of government from dominating the others.
a machine for beaheading people.
a period of european history lasting from 1300 to 1600.
scientific revolution
a major change in european thought.
Social Darwinism
the application of Charles Darwinism ideas about evolution and "surivial of the fittest" to human societies particulary as justification for imperialist expansion.
Boston tea party
an act of direct action of the Americans against the British
Declaration of independance
a statement of the reasons for the American colonies break with britain.
National Assembly
a french congress established by represenatives of the third estate June, 17, 1785.
an 18th century movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of reason and the scientific method.
a policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially.
crop rotation
the system of growing a differernt crop in a field each year to preserve the fertility of the land.
a large building in which machinery is used to manufacture goods.
coup d´etat
a sudden seizure of political power in a nation.

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