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World History Final Study Guide ch.16-24


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Which two groups did Cardinal Richelieu feel had too much power?
the Huguenots and the nobles
According to Karl Marx, how would the proletariat seize control of the economy from the bourgeoisie?
through revolution
During Elizabeth I's reign, what were the two other countries with which she sought a balance of power?
France and Spain
What was the relationship of Oliver Cromwell to the Roundheads?
He was their military commander
Which term best describes the attitude of the leaders of the Revolution toward the Catholic Church in France?
Who led the Reign of Terror?
Maximilien Robespierre
On which topic do you think the following people might have agreed: John Stuart Mill, Lord Shaftesbury, Jeremy Bentham, Karl Marx?
government involvement in social welfare
What was the main motivation for Henry VIII's six marriages?
He was trying to have a male heir.
Whose work was the basis of genetics?
Gregor Mendel
Which of these ideas did Magellan's circumnavigation prove true?
Earth's oceans are connected, Earth is much larger than anyone had believed, Earth is a globe
Which man promoted the idea that power should be divided among three branches of government?
What was true about the impressionist movement in art?
emphasized a new look at color and light
The Council of Trent agreed on
the Catholic Reformation.
Who took the Tennis Court Oath?
representatives of the Third Estate
The unique characteristics of Renaissance art included
A laissez-faire policy means
no government interference in business
When did France become a Republic?
The author of An Essay on the Principle of Population was
Thomas Malthus
To help control France, the Congress of Vienna
established buffer states
How many voyages did Columbus make trying to prove that he had discovered a new route to Asia?
Of the following, who did not directly contribute to improved communications?
Rudolf Diesel
A church-run state is called a(n)
The ratification of the Constitution did not make the United States a full democracy because
not all Americans had the right to vote
What was the domestic system?
People worked in their own homes
what are some termso likely to use in a discussion of the division of labor?
the conveyor belt
Making money was one reason European countries wanted to trade directly with Asian spice dealers. What was the other?
Church leaders wanted to expand Christianity
What is the most pessimistic mode of writing
How did the American colonists protest the Stamp Act?
They attacked stamp agents and burned tax stamps in the streets, They boycotted British goods, They met at a Stamp Act Congress in New York City.
As a result of the Seven Years' War
Great Britain emerged as the strongest colonial empire, his own son, his closest advisers
Which of the following statements is not true about laborers during this time?
Children were not allowed to work in factories
Who took the throne as the result of the Act of Settlement?
George I
Francis Bacon is known for having
helped develop the scientific method.
What did ships carry on the middle leg of the triangular trade?
enslaved Africans
Where was Napoleon's last battle fought?
The king of France during the French Revolution was
Louis XVI
Which group of the French population were ignored in the Declaration of Rights?
In collective bargaining,
union leaders and the employer try to reach an agreement
What circumstance showed the lack of religious toleration after the Restoration?
Only members of the Church of England could attend universities
What was the final result of the loss of the Spanish Armada?
Spain's decline as a sea power
Who was Montezuma II?
an Aztec ruler
What did Cervantes' novel Don Quixote symbolize about Spain?
It was declining as a European power
Mercantilism was a theory of national economic policy that held that
a state's power depended on its wealth
What was the enclosure movement?
laws that allowed landowners to fence off land
A result of the Portuguese spice trade was
an ongoing effort to spread Catholicism, the building of many new trading posts in Southeast Asia, conflict with Muslim traders
When China was successfully invaded by the Manchus it had been weakened by
lavish spending on the court rather than the military.
The new joint-stock companies helped fund voyages of exploration because they allowed individual investors to
share the risks.
The first European explorer to find his way around the southern tip of Africa was
Bartholomeu Dias.
Which thinker's writing especially influenced Thomas Jefferson as he wrote the Declaration of Independence?
John Locke
The Thirty Years' War
began in Bohemia,involved a conflict between Protestants and Catholics, weakened Germany
Which of the pairings of inventor and invention is correct?
Richard Arkwright and the steam engine
Why were village economies limited to the local area?
Transportation to other areas was difficult
When did France join the Americans in the war against Great Britain?
soon after the British defeat at Saratoga, New York
What circumstances led to the bitter fighting between the minority French Protestants, or Huguenots, and the Catholic majority?
a struggle for the monarchy
Who of the following concluded that blood circulates throughout the body?
It is logical that the Renaissance began in Italy because Italy
avoided the economic crisis of Middle Ages, avoided the economic crisis of the late Middle Ages. avoided the economic crisis of the late Middle Ages, close contact with byzantine empire and was filled with artifacts of the ancient world.
All of the following were goals of the Metternich systems EXCEPT
promoting liberalism
Which of the following did not happen under Louis XIV?
creation of a just tax system
Which work was the principal influence on the view of the universe as a machine governed by fixed laws?
Principia, written by Newton
What was a result of urbanization
the size of families increased
What was the cause of tension between James I and Parliament?
the king's constant need for money
The real reason the French returned to Southeast Asia in 1858 was
their desire to control Indochina's resources.
Unlike in Italy, the Renaissance in northern Europe
had a more religious tone.
Among the important societal changes of the period in Italy was the
rise in importance of wealthy merchants and bankers.
As part of the Japanese Act of Seclusion,
no Japanese could leave the country.
What was a major result of the Industrial Revolution?
a more flexible social order
Ivan the Terrible, an early czar, took extreme measures against
the boyars
The rulers of Safavid Persia, who were Muslim,
were bitter foes of the Ottoman Turks
What event marked the Glorious Revolution?
the peaceful transfer of power to William and Mary
Of the following, which was an achievement of Peter the Great?
won a warm-water port near the Baltic Sea
The discoverer of oxygen was
Joseph Priestley
How did the Petition of Right limit the power of Charles I?
He could not collect taxes without Parliament's consent.
The beginning of the Ming dynasty marked
the overthrow of Mongol rule.
The use of the phrase "the great sword hunt" in Japan referred to
efforts to disarm the peasants.
Which statement is true of the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan?
No person could change his or her social class.
What was Jean-Jacques Rousseau's position on the ideas of the Enlightenment?
He felt people should rely more on instinct and emotion, He criticized the era's excessive reliance on reason, He wanted people to throw off civilization and return to nature
Who wrote Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
What phrase best describes Napoleon's invasion of Russia?
a horrible defeat for Napoleon
Europe's increasing contacts with the rest of the world led to
the spread of diseases, an exchange of goods, technology, and ideas, changes in lifestyles around the world
Anglicanism is
a blend of Protestant belief and Catholic practice.
The political philosophers who believed in natural law also believed in
applying reason to political, economic, and social relationships
Of the following, which believed that absolute monarchy was the best form of government?
Thomas Hobbes
Who would be an example of NOT romantic
Gustave Courbelt
Compared to Renaissance art, the baroque style of art and architecture was
more complex and emotional
Suleiman I can best be described as
a heroic military commander, a skillful administrator. a patron of the arts
Martin Luther protested the sale of indulgences, which were
certificates to reduce or cancel one's sins.
What is capital with respect to industrialization?
money available for investment
Who was John Cabot and what did he do?
He was an Italian-born navigator who explored Newfoundland.
How did Diderot use the Encyclopédie?
to praise religious tolerance, to criticize the Catholic Church,to cover everything then known about the sciences, technology, and history
For what reasons did some Europeans choose to emigrate in the late 1800's
find better jobs, escape persecution, and to escape famine
Siam's King Mongkut protected the country from Western nations by
allowing those nations to compete for commercial opportunities.

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