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APUSH Chapter 1: Exploration, Discovery and Settlement (1492-1700)

Newman and Schmalback
United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination


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Native Americans
first Americans (50-75 million of them)
Aztecs in central Mexico and Incas in Peru
ruled over cast empires
Francisco Pizarro
conquest of Incas in Peru (Spain)
John Rolfe; Pocahontas
established the tobacco industry with his Indian wife , developing a new kind of tobacco, which became successful in Europe
Samuel de Champlain
First permanent French settlement in America by him in 1608 in Quebec, a fortified village on the St. Lawrence River; regarded as the "Father of New France" (France)
Encomienda system
king of Spain gave grants of land and Indians to Spainards who would farm and work in mines; money went to Spanish masters who had to care for them
Jacques Cartier
explored St. Lawrence River extensively (France)
Ferdinand and Isabella
sign of hope for Roman Catholics
Mayflower; Mayflower Compact
1620, Pilgrims went to Virginia aboard this, ½ Separatists, and ½ economic refugees; the document called for majority decision-making, early form of colonial self-gov
Virginia House of Burgesses
first representative assembly in America, in Virginia
Henry Hudson
hired by Dutch to seek a Northwest Passage; sailed up the Hudson River which established Dutch claims to the surrounding area that became New Amsterdam (NY) (Dutch)
Virginia Company; Jamestown
James I chartered this, a joint-stock company that established the first permanent English colony in America at Jamestown in 1607
John Cabot
Italian sea captain who was under contract to England's Henry VII; explored the coast of Newfoundland in 1497 (England); not much English interaction in the New World for many reasons (breaking from Catholic Church, competition with Spain)
Royal colony
colony under control of king or queen; when the VA Company became bankrupt, their charter was revoked by James I in 1624 and Jamestown (Virginia) became the first royal colony
Giovanni de Verrazano
Italian navigator, who was commissioned by France to find a Northwest Passage leading through the Americas to Asia; explored part of North America's eastern coast, including New York harbor (France)
Columbian Exchange
Europeans and the Native Americans; Native Americans introduced Europeans to beans, corn, sweet and white potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco; Europeans brought sugar cane, bluegrasses, pigs, and horses; Europeans also brought the wheel, iron implements, guns; diseases like smallpox, measles which decimated the Native American population, killing millions
Spain; Moors
Spain was partly conquered by Muslim invaders, and only one Moorish stronghold remained in that country when Isabella, queen of Castile, and Ferdinand, king of Aragon, united their separate Christian kingdoms; defeated Moors of Granada in 1492
Joint stock company
pooled the savings of people of moderate means and supported trading ventures that seemed potentially profitable (English idea)
Asiento system
brought slaves from West Africa to the colonies (Spain)
between 300 and 800 AD, they built cities in the rain forests of the Yucatan Peninsula (present day Guatemala, Belize and southern Mexico)
Protestant Reformation
Christians in Germany, England, France, Holland, and other northern European countries revolted against the authority of the Pope in Rome religious motive for exploration and colonization along with the political and economic motives because Catholics (Spain and Portugal) and Protestants (England and Holland) wanted their own versions of Christianity in the other parts of the world
conquerors of Spain who increased gold supply by 500%, making Spain the richest country in Europe
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
moved the papal line a few degrees to the west
Father Junipero Serra
founder of nine California missions (Spanish)
Henry the Navigator
Portuguese prince who opened up a long sea route around South Africa's Cape of Good Hope
John Winthrop; Great Migration
1000 Puritans led by John Winthrop sailed for the Mass shore and founded Boston and several other towns; civil war in England in 1630s brought 15000 more people in this ovement
monarchs built them in Spain, Portugal, France, England and the Netherlands (a country where the people share a common culture and common political loyalties towards central govt); depended on revenue from trade and the Church to justify right to rule
Land bridge
40,000 years ago, waves of migrants from Asia may have crossed a land bridge that then connected Siberia and Alaska
Southwesterners, lived in multistoried buildings and developed intricate irrigation systems for farming
Father Jacques Marquette
explored the upper Mississippi River (France)
Papal line of demarcation
vertical, north/south line on a world map drawn by the pope, giving Spain all the lands to the west of the line and Portugal all the lands to the east
Northeast (present day NY), formed a political confederacy, the League of the Iroquois, which withstood attacks from opposing Americans and Europeans during much of the 17th and 18th centuries
Christopher Columbus
plan to sail west from Europe to the "Indies"; 1492, backing of Ferdinand and Isabella, gave him 3 ships; landed in the Bahamas October 12th; New World: Columbus did not find a route to China or the Indies, but a "New World"
Mayas, Incas and Aztecs (with Tenochititlan)
had highly organized societies, extensive trade, and calendars that were based on accurate scientific observations
Plymouth Colony
where settlers aboard the Mayflower founded their colony
Robert de la Salle
explored the Mississippi Basin, named Louisiana (after Louis XIV) (France)
Massachusetts Bay Company
another persecuted group of Puritans in England during Charles I's reign, seeking religious freedom (but not Separatists) gained a royal charter for a new colonizing venture (Mass Bay Colony)
Captain John Smith
led the Jamestown settlement
compass (adopted form the Chinese by Arab merchants), printing press in 1450s lead to spread of knowledge
Ferdinand Magellan
circumnavigation of the world (Spain)
Vasco da Gama
the first European to reach India using his route
Amerigo Vespucci
the Italian sailor who America is named for
rebirth of classical learning and an outburst of artistic and scientific activity
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
journey across the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean (Spain)
rejected the idea of simply reforming the Church of England; Separatists wanted to create a completely separate church, one independent of royal control; left England in search of religious freedom
Adena, Hopewell and Mississippian
East of Mississippi, Woodland Native American groups with a rich food supply; mound building cultures around the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys
Sioux and Pawnee
followed Buffalo herds on the Great Plains (nomadic)
Hernan Cortes
conquest of the Aztecs in Mexico (Spain)
Separatists who left England, first went to Holland; after economic and cultural hardship, settled in the new colony in America then operated by the Virginia Company of London
during reign of James I, wanted to change the ceremonies and the hierarchy of the Church of England; "purify" the church of Catholicism; threat to religious and political authority, ordered to be arrested and jailed

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