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Midterm AP. US history


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Alien and Sedition Acts
a series of four laws enacted in 1798 to reduce the political power of recent immigrants to the US
Those who oppose the rule of laws; followers of Anne Hutchinson
Embargo Act of 1807
an act that stated American ships were no longer allowed to sail to foreign ports, and it also closed american ports to British ships.
Non-Sepratists in Massachusetts, disavowed the authority of Anglican bishops, and placed the control of each congregation in the hands of the male saints.
John Hancock
was the prominent American whose experience with the customs commissioners forced many Americans to conclude that parliament had no lawmaking authority over the colonies expect on matters of imperial trade.
Tea Act- 1773
Eliminated the additional import duties on tea and as a result significantly lowered the price of tea in the colonies
Coercive Acts
known as the "Intolerable Acts" by Edmund; restructured the Maryland government; permitted certain murderers to be trailed; closed Boston Harbor
Pinckney's Treaty
1795 treaty with Spain that allowed Americans to use the MS. River to store goods in New Orleans
Committees of Correspondence
The organizations created by Samuel Adams and other radicals that helped transmit information throughout the colonies.
New York City
1st Capitol of the U.S
Act for Religious Toleration of 1649
passed to protect Catholics in Maryland from religious persecution and was America's 1st law affirming freedom of worship
Queen Anne's War 1702-1713
War of Spanish Succession -> Fight over who will rule Spain when Charles II of Spain dies without direct heirs
an economic system in which individuals put their money into a business in hopes of making a profit.
King William's War 1689-1697
War of the League of Augsburg -> England vs France
provide evidence of the sophistication of Hopewell culture
Battle of Yorktown
The last major battle of the Revolutionay War which resulted in the surrender of the British forces in 1781
Louisiana Purchase
the 1803 purchase of the Louisiana Territory from france. America paid $ 15 million, the purchase doubled the size of the U.S
Pontiac's Rebellion
A 1763 revolt by Native Americans against British forts and American settlers who were moving onto their land
New Jersey Plan
proposal to create a single-chamber congress in which each state had an equal role
a system of mutual give and take, allowing individuals or social groups of unequal power to get along while preserving unequal power relationships.
Macon's Bill # 2
Reopened America's trade with Britain and France
William Penn and the Quakers
settled in PA, believed the "inner light" could speak through any person and religious services without ministers
Columbian Exchange
The exchange of goods,ideas, plants, animals from both of New & Old World
Half- Way Covenant
permitted the children of all baptized members to be baptized but left them "halfway" memebers who could not take communion or vote in church affairs.
Battle of Quebec
Battle that was a turning point in the French and Indian War,the British defeated the French
John Calvin
French theologian preached the doctrine of "predestination" and the need for God's grace.
releasing an individual from slavery or servitude
Battle Of Saratoga
American general Horatio Gates was victorious over British general Burgoyne
ST. Augustine, FL
1st permanent European settlement
Virtual Representation
all english subjects are represented in Parliament, including those not allowed to vote
Virginia Plan
The proposal to create a bicameral national legislature, with representation based proportionally on each state's population
James Monroe
provided country with a break from partisan politics, Missouri Compromise, issued Monroe Doctrine
Believed in a God who had created a perfect universe and then allowed it to operate according to Natural Laws
XYZ Affair
arose out of the French Government demand for a bribe as the price for negoitations
Whiskey Rebellion - 1794
Protest against the government's tax on whiskey, which was a valuable to the livelihood of the backcountry farmers.
Francis Scott Key
Composer of The Star Spangled Banner
Anne Hutchinson
challenged New England Calvinist ministers' authority, as they taught the good works for salvation of cATHOLICISM
Sedition Act
Made it illegal to speak, write or print any statement about the president that would hurt his rep; design to only be effective for 3 years; forbade any individual to oppose any law of the u.s; defined criminal acitivity so broadly that it blurred any real discition
The Sugar Act
imposing a tax on non-British molasses entering the colonies, also established a host of new requirements and taxes on colonial commercial activities.
Joint-Stock Companies
type of business organization used to fund English colonies in the New World after initial government funded efforts ended in failure.
The Albany Plan of Union
colonies proposed colonial confederation under lighter British rule (crown- appointed president, "grand council")
"republican" Indians who sought to balance the English & french off aganist each other in the Ohio Valley
First Continental Congress
a 1774 meeting of delegates from all colonies except GA to uphold colonial rights.
Articles of Confederation
established a single-chamber national Congress elected by the state legislatures in which state had only one vote.
"Midnight Judges"
Judicial appointments made by Pres. Adams in his last months of pres.
Judiciary Act of 1789
established federal district courts that followed local procedures, Supreme Court had final jurisdiction; compromise between nationalist and advocates for states' right
Jay's treaty
agreement that ended dispute over American shipping during the french
The Treaty of Ghent
Restored the status quo antebellum; ended the war of 1812; provided no territoral gain or loss for the U.S; reffered boundary issues to a joint commision
Federalist Papers
written anonymously by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison; commentary on Constitution, republicanism extended over larger territory.
Government policy aimed at achieving national economic self-sufficency
Bacon's Rebellion
group of embittered (due to high taxes and low labor prices) small farmers on a rampage to take Indian land on the frontier.
George Whitefield
early voice speaking out about slavery; early use of advertising; revivals; the "new lights" vs "the old lights"
States Rights
theory that said that states had the right to judge when the federal government had passed an unconstitional law.
Dominion of New England
Created by James II to consolidate his hold on the Northern colonies and eliminate their colonial assemblies
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Maine as free state, Missouri as slave state, slavery prohibited north of 36 30
McCulloch vs. Maryland
a state cannot tax an agency of the federal government
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
charter cannot be altered without both parties' consent
Declaratory Act
asserted Parliament's right to impose taxes on the colonies, parliamentary passed this act the same day the Stamp Act was repealed.
Marbury vs. Madison
1803 case in which the Supreme Court ruled that it had the power to abolish laws by delcaring them unconstitutional
Townshend Act
1767, Placed a tax on glass, white lead, paper, paint and tea
Navigation Law of 1650
which said all trade to and from the colonies had to be on British ships to keep the Dutch out of American trade
King George's War 1743-1748
War of Austrian Succession -< New England takes French fort at Louisbourg
Emerged in England during the Restoration among the poorer social classes, believed that all individuals possessed access to the Inner Light or Holy Spirit. They also believed individuals should always be recongized for their spiritual, not material accomplishments.
Great Awakening
A revivial movement that emphasized the corruption of human nature, the fury of divine wrath and the need for immediate repentance
Jamestown, VA
1st successful permanent British colony
Henry Knox
Secretary of War under Washington, he was a trusted general of the American Revolution; he was entrusted to protect the nation from enemies.
strong central government provided by power divided between the national and state government, checks and balances amendable constitution
Americans during the Revolution who remained loyal to England
King Henry VII
founded the Church of England after a dispute with the Pope over his right to have a divorce
12th Amendment
required separate and distinct ballots for presidential and vice presidential candidates
Connecticut Plan
compromise by which the new government was to have a bicameral legislative, with an equal vote for each state in the upper house and proportional voting in the lower house
Bill of Rights
protected rights of individuals from the power of the central govenment
Treaty of Paris -1763
Ends Seven Years' War, British gets French & Spanish
These Church of England reformists sailed to the Americans to escape ill treatment from James I
George Greenville
British Prime Minister who abandoned the policy of Salutary Neglect by enforcing the navigation acts.
House of Burgess
created in 1619, the first representative assembly in the American colonies
free,landowning small farmers, below the gentry in status
Second Continental Congress
May,1775 assembly that authorized the Continental Army and approved the Declaration of Independence
"City upon a hill"
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Tallmadge Amendment
no further introduction of slaves into Missouri, all children born to slaves to become free at 25
Townshed Duties
set only moderate tax rates that did not price goods out of the colonial market
Mayflower Compact
to justify their colonization of land outside of their grant, Plymouth settlers signed this agreement which stated that they would agree to govern themselves according to English law
Molasses Act of 1773
imposed a 6pence/gal. tax on imported foreign molasses in order to regulate trade
Continental Association
purpose was to boycott British goods and cease exporting almost all goods to Britian
Archaic People
refer to Native Americans from about 8000 to 2500 BC
Fredrick Von Steuben
German solider, often referred to as the "drillmaster" of the revolution because of his efforts to provide training and discipline to Washington's troops at Valley Forge.
a system under which the means of production, distribution and exchange are in large measure privately owned and directed, and in which prices and wages are determined by supply and demand market forces.
Panic of 1819
Bank tightened loan policies, depression rose throughout the country, hurt western farmers greatly
Proclamation of 1763
An order in which Britain prohibited its American colonist from settling west of the Appalachian Mtns
Roger Williams
challenged New Englanders to completely separate Church from state, as the state would corrupt the church
Spoils System
"Rotation in office"; Jackson felt that one should spend a single term in a office and return to private citizenship
ancestors of the modern pueblo indians
"little commonwealth"
Family unit and the role of fathers, mothers and children within that unit
Citizen Gent
French Minister to the U.S, who was instructed to enlist American mercenaries to conquer Spanish territories and attack british shipping
Non-Intercourse Act
Closed America's trade with Britain and France
Stono Rebellion
A 1739 uprising of slaves in South Carolina,which led to the tightening of already harsh slave laws.
Common Sense
1776 Thomas Paines book that attacked the institution of monarchy directly.
Declaratory Act of 1766
stated that parliament had the power to make laws binding on the colonies
Virgina Company
land system granted 50 acre tracts of land to planters for each indentured servant they brought.
Monroe Doctrine
Europeans should not interfere with affaird in Western Hemisphere, Americans to stay out of foreign affairs; supported Washington's goal for US neutrality in Americans
landowners with substantial amounts of property and without aristocratic titles; considered
Seven Years' War 1756-1763
French and Indian War -> The players Britain & Prussia vs. France & Austria --> In America: Settlers & English vs. French & Indians
New Lights
People who had experienced conversion during the revivals of the Great Awakening
Sugar Act of 1764
amended the Molasses Act of 1733 by lowering the tax to 3pence/ga., but not for the regulation of trade but for the raising of revenue
Glorious Revoltion
The overthrow of English King James II in 1688 and his replacement by William and Mary
Stamp Act- 1765
To force the colonist to pay their share
Protestant Reformation
theologians challenged Catholicism in a variety of ways. Led to the modern Roman Catholic Church
Pratice of impressment involved
the american policy of seizing seamen from bars and brothels and forcing them to join the navy.
Navigation Acts
Beginning in 1651, the English parliament passed a series of laws to ensure that England was getting maximum benefit from its commercial relationship with the colonies
patriots who fought for independence
Judiciary Act of 1801
Increased the # of federal judges
Trade Act of 1663
Provided that "emumerated" commodities had to stop in England to be transhiped to Europe

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