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Second Wave of Imperialism


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Alfred Mahan
stated that the greatest countries needed the greatest navies (used Napoleon's failure as an example)
Admiral Perry
landed in Japan in 1856 and forced them to open up to the world or go to war with the US
expansion in Africa and Asia and people of a nation "demanded equality" to other states
Cape Town-Cairo Railroad
British jealous of America's transcontinental raliroad, so create this in Africa
population outlet and natural resources
reasons why Japan needed an empire
Cecil Rhodes
made a fortune on diamond and gold monopolies in South Africa, was fired for trying to overthrow the Boer government without British permission
Sepoy Rebellion
in 1858, changed the ruler of British India from the British East India company to Queen Victoria
Leopold II
leader of Belgium who claimed the Congo river valley in 1880 for its rubber
Great Trek
trip the Boers took because they did not like British rule, it established Transvaal and the Orange Free State
Republic of South Africa
established in 1910 at the end of the Boer war that was a self-governing dominion in the British empire
prevent rise of French power and negotiate with Britain
German Interests in Africa
Berlin Conference (1884-1885)
established Congo Free State under Leopold II's rule, agreed to divide Africa between the major European powers (modern borders), meant to prevent war but really cause post-modern problems
Cecil Rhodes
caused the Boer war
Suez Canal
caused Egypt to become a protectorate of Britain because it was their lifeline to India
Meiji Restoration
when Japanese began to modernize
Spheres of Influence
created in China (type of imperialism about economics)
Who opposed the "open door" policy?
White Man's Burden
"moral justification", Europeans believed it was their duty to bring industrialization and Christianity to the World, "Social Darwinism"
Opium wars
the Qing Dynasty reufsed to allow for the British merchants to trade opium causing this trade war, ended with China having to sign a series of unequal treaties
nationalism, economics and industrialization, militarism, white man's burden
causes of the second wave of imperialism
Zulu and Xhosa people
both African tribes that were exploited by the British and Boers
Open Door Policy
US attempt to prevent conflicts in China, this made China lose its soveriengty
need for new naval ports, control over the Suez canal, dominance over the seas
Economics and Industrialization
Need for new natural resources, new markets, and mercant ports (Hawaii)

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