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European History Chapter 4, Section 4


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Treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War
Peace of Westphalia
Female ruler of Hapsburg Austria; fought against Frederick II of Prussia in the War of the Austrian Succession
Maria Theresa
Eight-year war that occurred when Frederick II seized Silesia from the Austrians; Maria Theresa fought, but could not take it back
War of the Austrian Succession
Prussian ruler who kept power with a disciplined army; tried to flee the country when he was young to avoid being king

Frederick the Great

Frederick is "G-r-r-reat!"
Worldwide conflict that was fought on four different continents
Seven Years' War
One of seven German princes who oversaw states in the Holy Roman Empire


So, Hannibal, are you an E-"Lector"?!
Soldiers for hire
Reduction in population
What impact did the Thirty Years' War have on the German states?
Each state was given its own government, state church, and military. They had achieved independence.
What two powers emerged in Europe at the end of the Thirty Years' War? How were the goals of these two nations similar?
The two major powers were Hapsburg Austria and Prussia. Both empires wanted to create a strong, unified state.
Why did European nations seek a balance of power? What methods did they use?
Balances of power meant stronger, longer-lasting, and more secure states. They sought balances of power by forming alliances with other nations to prevent war and to maintain nation boundaries.
Why was the peace conference of Westphalia needed? How do nations settle disputes today?
A conference was needed because so many nations were involved in the conflict, and no other method would work to settle the damage of the war. Today, problems are solved through similar conferences.
What values do you think would be emphasized in a military state?
Strong loyalty and patriotism, strict laws and discipline, conquering other nations.

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