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lit and film midterm


undefined, object
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is characterized by bold themes and includes a protagonist who is ideal and representative of his culture-national, religious or regional
the pole that an overhead microphone is mounted on so as not to restrict the movement of the actors
adding the sound after the visuals have been shot
High-key lighting
bright light, few shadows (used in comedies and musicals
deep focus shot
photography that allows all distances to remain clearly in focus (establishing the setting)
gave humans the ability to playback sound
low angle
a shot in which the subject is photgraphed from below (this makes the subject look more powerful, bigger, stronger or younger)
Alfred Hitchcock
who worked with Carry GRant, Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart?
interrupting the present by using a shot that represents the past
What do you call a film that has a major stars and genorous budget
What invention gave humans the ability to reproduce sound
communication became semipermanent through this development
What invention changed the barriers of distance and time regarding communications?
medium shot
a close shot which reveals the human figure from the waist
a referance to an event, person or work of art that is usually well known
matte shot
when two seperate shots are combined on one print
the plastic film that movies are made on
literal adaptation
a movie based on a stage play, in which the dialogue and actions are preserved more or less in tact.
Trip to the moon
The first science fiction film
loose adaptation
a movie based on another medium in which only a superficial resemblance exists between the two versions
a gun, table, chair, ashtray, painting etc.
dolly shot
a shot taken from a moving vehicle tracking along the side
Computer generating imaging
what does CGI stand for?
To create the mood and to develop theme and character
what is the purpose of lighting?
George Meleis
father of special effects
What editing is called in Europe
Screen play
A written description of a movies dialogue and action is called...
invented the phonograph
voice over
often used to convey a character's thoughts or memories
who takes care of the financing of a film
fade in
when an imageis illuminated from a black screen to normal brightness
Who books the film into the theatre?
a variation of a specific shot. John Ford never took two of these
movements of the actors within a given playing area
when an image is snuffed from normal brightness to black screen
film shots from one day that are reviewed in the evening
Printing press
what invention ushered the age of mass media
the joining of one shot with another.
the camera pans but does not move its location
a detailed view of a person or object
birds eye view
when the camera photographs a scene from directly over head
faithful adpatation
a film based on a literary original which captures the essence of the original
Personality star
What kind of star plays roles that fit a public image
high angle
a shot in which the subject is photographed from above (makes the subject look smaller, weaker or older)
Who is responcible for putting the film together
Alexander Graham Bell
Invented the telephone
Government and in the Church
In the ancient times the only people who could read and write were the persons of power in the // and in the //
Mary Queen of Scotts execution
first special effect
flash forward
shot that represents the future
William Talbot
developed photography
The invention of this ushered the age of graphic revolution
High contrast
shadows, harsh shafts of light and dramatic streaks of darkness
Lummierre brothers
what brothers were the first to have motion in their film?
well known story patterns, universal experiences, or personality types
a recognizable type characterized by certain conventions
Who is responcible for the lighting in the film
Perfected the telegraph
art and science
special effects usually deal with two subjects // and //
Inks and paper
The production of // and // made writing a more portable and durable medium of communiaction.
a technique in which the characters and situations represent obvious ideas
pools of light (used in mysteries and thrillers)
Art Director
Who is responcible for designing and constructing sets?
omniscent-point of view
an all knowing narrator who provides all necessary information
Alfred HItchcock
who said "Life is drama with the dullness cut out" ?
when the lights come from the rear, throwing the foreground figures into semi darkness. This creates mood and emphasis
where standard exterior sets are built. one example of this is western films

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