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What are the main consequences of increased economic inequality?
1) polarization between zones of peace and zones of inequality
2) people try to migrate to wealthy zones
According to Mancur Olson, a country's economic performance is closely linked to?
the presence of strong, impartial institutions
What are all the factors of HDI calculations?
1) life expectancy
2) GDP, purchase parity controlled
3) literacy
4) millennium development goals

The central message of the video clip "India Rising" was that?
education explains india's progress
The use of GDP as a measure of development can be criticized because?
1) il fails to measure income distribution
2) it underestimates self-employment and subsistence production
The main problem with targeted medical interventions to control contagious diseases in poor countries is?
it is hard to maintain the health benefits after the intervention
What was the main difference between French and British rule in their colonies?
1) british governed indirectly
2) french used direct rule
Over the last 40 years, most countries have shown both economic growth and social improvements as measured by the Millennium Development Goals. The exception is Africa which is?
not proportionally participating in world trade
Supporters of free trade agreements frequently claim that?
state regulation of the market is inherently inefficient
Legitimate governments are based on?
consent of population
Under export-led growth, the price of raw materials such as coffee and cocoa has?
World income distribution has recently become much more unequal. Reasons include?
1) population growth in poor countries
2) fall in non-oil commodity prices
3) debt trap
4) technological change

According to Jared Diamond, Europe's initial development advantage over Africa and Latin America was due to?
the east-west orientation of the continent
Economic development and culture in society have been found to be connected in all of the following ways?
1) economy and culture are linked even controlling for other factors
2) cultural differences produce class struggle
3) achievement motivation is highly relevant to economic growth
4) national level growth is linked to individual level values

The connection between colonial past and today's level of development is the following?
strong institutions in colonial days facilitated post-colonial development
Rostow suggests which strategy in order to make economy 'take off'?
invest heavily in a few key sectors
Andre Gunder Frank's dependency theory claims that?
satellites develop best when their metropolis is weakest
The Washington Consensus suggest that TNCs stimulate economic growth in host countries. Empirical evidence suggest that?
in the right institutional context, tnc stimulate growth
A study carried out in the Weber thesis tradition in Guadeloupe showed that religious affiliation can lead to prosperity where?
a group manages to control the behavior of its members
When there is a famine, the fundamental problem is:
Political issues
The Human Development Index is a measure of development based on:
Education, health and GDP
At the time of colonialism, the main factor determining the location of the settlement was:
The presence/absence of disease in the area
Describes the world systems theory:
The world is divided into core and peripheral countries and the present capitalist world is maintaining this division
Who are the primary players for modernization from a capitalist point of view?
the Individual
What are characteristics of an empire?
1) can exist in different forms
2) can expand over different continents through colonialism
What are some consequences of colonialism?
1) colonialism as left in many areas a legacy of conflict, violence, corruption, and poverty in Latin American countries
2) colonialism has lead to weak, dependent states that are vulnerable to the international market
Chapter 9 in our book discusses the origins of the contemporary gap between rich and poor nations in the colonial period. Their main argument is...
Settler morbidity rates affects the type of settlements
True or False-GDP is an accurate way to measure development
Which statement best defines neoliberalism?
the emergence of a single global market
Overall, poverty has?
Overall, conflicts have?
What is the main problem with WB and IMF loans to developing countries?
Shock therapy through rapid structural adjustments
What is the best definition of environmental determinism?
The dominance in Europe and the general northern hemisphere can be explained by the geographical shape of the continents (wide in latitude), causing greater similarity in landscape, facilitating communication, domestication, and expansion into the territory.
Weber believed?
Weber believed that culture and the economy both contributed and interacted with each other
WID seeks to improve?
position of women within a given structure

GAD focuses on redefining?
gender relations and roles
The video on women with fistula and the aid that was provided to them would fall into which group?
T OR F -In a study, there is a correlation between high levels in the Achievement Motivation Index and mean rate of per capita economic growth
In the 1970’s, the label of Newly Industrialized Country (NIC) evolved to separate some developing countries that matched certain economic criteria. The four main characteristics of NICs include manufactured goods contributing to (X) % of GDP and (Y) %
30 and 50
The measure of the value of goods and services produced in a country’s economy is referred to as the:
What problems are there with using GDP as a sole indicator of development?
1) It does not account for Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
2) Countries could have higher GDPs due to natural resource wealth
3) It does not indicate if there is an unequal distribution of wealth
4) It does not account for individual standard of living

The term tiers monde (Third World) was first used to refer to countries outside of the First and Second worlds, which were:
The West and the Soviet Union
The term Third World was used to draw a parallel between certain countries and:

A lower class in society
The term Fourth World refers to countries that:
1) Are the poorest of the poor
2) Have experienced serious setbacks in human wellbeing
The term “Global South” is an alternative to “developing” or “underdeveloped” nations. The main difference between these terms and “Global South” is:
1) “Global South” takes into account the fact that poverty and social conditions are found throughout the world
2) “Global South” is a more neutral way of referring to countries
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is a measure of how much a certain basket of goods costs in different countries. This measurement is taken in:
The main difference(s) between absolute poverty and moderate poverty is/are:
Those living in absolute poverty cannot survive off of their income, while those living in moderate poverty have enough income to provide for basic needs
Relative poverty refers to a situation in which:
Basic survival needs are met, but there is not enough money to fully participate in society
Cosmopolitanism is a philosophical category which states that:
Justice is owed to all people no matter their nationality, race, gender, or class
The concept of “good governance” refers to:
Governments being held more accountable to the people of their countries
Between 1960 and 2005, the ten fastest growing income groups came from which income groups?
Poor income group, lower-middle-income group, and upper-middle-income group
The absolute gap, or the difference between the mean GDP per capita of a set of high-income countries and that of poorer countries/ groups of countries, is:
The distribution of the World GDP, when graphed, takes on the shape of:
A champagne glass, with a large amount of income in the richest quintile, a slightly smaller amount in the next two, and the smallest of percentages in the lower two quintiles
What do many people (wrongly/without proof) assume is the reason that different peoples developed at different rates on different continents over the last 13,000 years?
Biologically different average IQs
Among Rostow’s 5 stages of growth are:
I) Preconditions for takeoff
II) Traditional Society
III) Rise of educated society
IV) Period of high intellectualism
V) Drive to maturity

I, II, and V

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