C 2
undefined, object
copy deck
- cache
- hiding place
- cadaver
- corpse
- caldron
- large kettle
- caliber
- ability, quality
- calorific
- heat producing
- calumny
- malicious misrepresentation, slander
- cameo
- shell or jewel carved in relief
- canny
- shrewed, thrifty
- cant
- insincere expressions of piety, jargon of thieves
- cantankerous
- ill humored, irritable
- cantata
- story set to music, to be sung by a chorus
- canter
- slow gallop
- canto
- division of a long poem
- capitulate
- surrender
- caprice
- sudden unexpected fancy, whim
- captivate
- charm or enthrall
- cardinal
- chief
- careen
- lurch, sway from side to side
- carnage
- destruction of life
- carnal
- fleshly
- castigate
- criticize severely, punish
- cataclysm
- upheaval, deluge
- cataract
- great waterfall, eye abnormality
- catcall
- shout of disapproval, boo
- catechism
- book for religious instruction, instruction by question and answer
- cetegorical
- without exceptions, unqualified, absolute
- cater to
- supply something desired (whether good or bad)
- catharsis
- purging or cleansing of any passage of the body
- catholic
- broadly sympathetic, liberal
- caucus
- private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine policy
- caulk
- make watertight by filling in cracks
- causal
- implying a cause-and-effect relationship
- caustic
- burning, sarcastically biting
- cavalcade
- procession, parade
- cavalier
- offhand or casual, haughty
- cavil
- make frivolous objections
- cede
- yield (title ,territory) to, surrender formally
- celebrated
- famous, well-known
- celerity
- speed, rapidity
- celestial
- heavenly
- celibate
- unmarried, abstaining from sex
- censor
- overseer of morals, person who erads to eliminate inappropriate remarks
- centigrade
- measure of temperature used in europe
- centrifugal
- radiating, departing from the center
- centurion
- roman army officer
- cerebration
- thought
- ceremonious
- marked by formality
- cessation
- stoppage
- cession
- yielding to another, ceding
- chafe
- warm by rubbing.. make sore by rubbing
- chaff
- worthless products of an endeavor
- chaffing
- bantering, joking
- chagrin
- vexation, dissapointment
- chalice
- goblet, consecrated cup
- champion
- support militantly
- charisma
- divine giftgreat popular charm or appeal of a political leader
- chary
- cautious, sparing or restrained about giving
- chaste
- pure
- chasten
- discipline, punish to correct
- chauvinist
- blindly devoted patriot
- check
- stop motion, curb or restrain
- checkered
- marked by changes in fortune
- cherubic
- angelic, innocent looking
- chicanery
- trickery, deception
- chide
- scold
- chimerical
- fantastically improbable, highly unrealitic
- chisel
- swindle or cheat
- choleric
- hot tempered
- chortle
- chuckle with delight
- chronic
- long established as a disease
- chronicle
- report, record in chrono order
- churlish
- boorish, rude
- cipher
- nonentity, worthless person or thing
- circumspect
- prudent cautious
- circumvent
- outwit, baffle
- cistern
- reservoire or water tank
- citadel
- fortress
- clairvoyant
- having foresight, fortuneteller
- clamber
- climb by crawling
- clangor
- loud resounding noise
- clapper
- striker of bell
- cleave
- split or sever, cling to, remain faithful to
- cleft
- split
- clemency
- disposition to be lenient, mildness as of weather
- clientele
- body of customers
- clime
- region, climate
- cloister
- monastery or convent
- clout
- great influence (espescially political or social)
- cloying
- distasteful, excessively sweet or sentimental
- coagulate
- thicken, congeal, clot
- coddle
- to treat gently
- codicil
- supplement to the body of a will
- cogent
- convincing
- cogitate
- think over
- cognitive
- having to do with knowing or perceiving
- cognizance
- knowledge
- coiffure
- hairstyle
- colander
- utensil with perforated bottom used for straining