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Anth216 Final Exam


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Hunger and Work in a Savage Tribe
book written by Audrey Richards in 1932; focused on food-getting rather than reproduction as perhaps the primary biological need of human beings; primary in shaping social institution; culture, social relationships, rituals, social gathering, roles
Ferdinand Porsche
Austrian automotive engineer and race car builder of the 20th cent.; came to U.S. to recruit Americans to build new car (not interested b/c henry ford knew would be fighting against eachother soon); designed the original VW Beetle
KDF Wagen
(strength through joy), Nazi Union; designed by Ferdinand Porsche; first VW Beetle; made in 1938; "The people's car"; small, with completely new design
landscape as an artifact
biggest artifact that humans manipulate; everything man-made; alter environment; examining landscape provides a look at culture (where live, what used for, how changed it, attitude toward) then look at objects in context; geographic determinism; used when study White's Bog in NJ--cranberry farm; history all determined by place; cultural template
Ray Kroc
founded first McDonalds; 1960 first opened in Des Plaines, IL; exclusive distributor of multimixer of milk shakes (five at once); bought out McDonald's brothers' restaurants; don't dine--we eat and run FAST FOOD
Doyle Dane Bernbach
founded in 1949; classic ads during VW campaign that "brilliantly exploited in a novel self-effacing manner the benefits of Beetle ownership"; "Think Small"campaign; altered advertising for all time; "ugly"beetle became first successful import car
Chinese export porcelain
high end translucent ceramic, chinese in origin and traded to europe and america in the 18th cent. and later
blueberry bush
Elizabeth White; production of new product--blueberries--new business selling blueberry bushes; modified economy of NJ Pine Barrens
Heinz Nordhof
20th cent. German engineer famous for leadership of VW company when it was rebuilt after WWII; German rebirth (1945-1960); managing director, turned VW Beetle into a worldwide automotive phenomenon, constant improvements while keeping the style the same; bulletproof reliability
African American community in White's Bog , NJ; existed from late 1920s until 1960s; cranberry and blueberry pickers contrasted with the white settlement of Florence
experimental archaeology
part of historical archaeology; different methods, techniques, analyses, approaches used to generate and test hypotheses or make interpretations based on archaeological source material; a living history; go through what others went through ex. Civil War reenactors in Confederates in the Attic
Happy Meal
1979, promote McDonalds as a restaurant for families, espec. those with small children; small portions, small drink; game in small box or bag; fast food meal; first to do so
fictional character of McDonald's campaign; aimed at young children; stole hamburgers that Ronald would rescue; at first very sinister looking older man but changed over years to become less sinister chubby boy, more cartoonish; typology
Horwitz takes a marathon trek from Antietam to Gettysburg to Appomattox in the company of Robert Lee Hodge, an eccentric pilgrim who dubs their odyssey the "Civil ..."
Beetle design
1937 car design; designed to save money when gas wasn't cheap; streamline; decorative; to cut through air like boat through water; bullet, torpedo; iconic form
terminus post quem
used to give approximate date for a text; a datable object provides only the date on or after which the layer of soil that contains it was deposited
fictional character; VW Beetle; starred in Disney movies 1969 and onwards; symbolizes popularity of beetle; had a mind of its own; "The Love Bug"
"excellent interpretation"
Confederates in the Attic; hard core reenactors of Civil War in the south
social art history
move beyond physical systems to culture, intellectual; art as function of history; values are time bound and historical; authorship; ideology; art is looked at as a mirror for the attitudes and values of society
the person who commissioned art; supporter of the fine arts; endorse their political ambitions, social positions, and prestige.
name given to McDonald's building design; red and white
cranberry scoop
new technology created in 1950s which allowed workers to rake cranberries off the plant without destroying the plant; sped up the process; however, not used by all b/c too expensive and in the early morning when plant were wet it would destroy the plants
oral history
interviews with living survivors; adds to context; ADVANTAGES--offer perspectives cannot get from objects or land, obsolete vs. obsolecent, values, relationships, interactions, feelings, thoughts, intangible information, understand construction and usage, first-hand, bring to life; DISADV.--biases, remember only good, demand characteristics, not accurate, difficult remember, small sample, conscious editing, Context, age ex. hand pick cranberries when technology to avoid this
William and Mary Style
late 17th cent. to 1720; tall and slender proportions; essential elements--stiles, rails, legs in scroll, spiral shapes, vase/trumpet shaped, elaborate carving, ball feet, elegantly grained surface, walnut and maple, graceful elegant lines, profound effect on american furniture design, decorative; 17th cent.
1971; fictional character in McDonald's campaign; at first evil and stole milkshakes then turned into Ronald's friend; well meaning doofus; best pal of RM
Barry Lopez
author of Arctic Dreams; brings visions and dreams to object contexts; addressed ecological concerns; worried about the relationship between human culture and the physical landscape (20th cent.)
J.J. White
19th cent.; Quaker farmer; owned largest cranberry farm in NJ at White's Bog; revolutionized farming industry; first dig bogs then cultivate cranberries where grow naturally
context used in all fields; origin of object's production; where was it made?
a feminist approach to archaeology
focus on activities and roles of women in the societies being studied; male-dominated field, look at things that were ignored before; such as Jane Spector's approach when studying Indians in Minnesota
German town; planned by Nazis in order to build town for workers of VW factories; founded 1938; city of KDF car

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