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Unit 9 - US History


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Truman Doctrine
A policy providing economic and military aid to free nations threatened by internal or external opponents.
Cold War
The state of hostility, without direct military conflict, that developed between the US and the Soviet Union.
Hollywood Blacklist
A list of people in the Hollywood movie industry who were condemed for having communist backgrounds.
House Un-American Activities Committee
A congressional committee that investigated communist influence inside and outside the US government.
U-2 Incident
Spy planes flying over the Soveit Union got spotted by infrared and were shot down; the pilots were prisoners for awhile.
G.I. Bill
It encouraged veterans to get an education by paying half the tuition; it also offered low interest federally granted loans.
Hydrogen bomb
More distructive than the atomic bomb that caused a nation-wide scare.
United Nations Security Council
The most powerful organization of the United Nations; its job is to maintain security and peace among nations of the world.
Marshal Plan
The program that supplied econmic aid to help rebuild after WWII.
Iron Curtain
A phrase used by Winston Churchill to describe an imaginary line that separated communist countries in the Soviet block in Eastern Europe from Western Europe.
Rows of standardized homes built to look exactly alike and had certain zoning laws ensuring that they would stay the same.
Fair Deal
An extention of the New Deal; it was Truman's economic programs which included measures to increase the minimum wage; to extend social security coverage, and provide housing for low income families.
A residential town or community near a city.
baby boomers
After WWII, when soldiers returned to their wives, there were a lot of babies born.
urban renewal
The tearing down and replacing of buildings in rundown inner-city neighborhoods.
Used spies to get information; it also began to carry out covert, or secret operations, to weaken or overthrow governments unfriendly to the US.
The attacks by Senator Joseph McCarthy and others on people suspected of being communists.
The blocking of other nation's attempts to spread its influence.

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