Sociology 205
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Which of the statements is correct.
a.Racism is a problem that belongs to people of color.
b.Sexism is just a women's issue.
c. poverty is peoples own fault.
d.Privilege is both a problem for people who have it and for people who don' - D.
Why can't people of color or women deal with racism adn sexism on their own?
a. They can't change entrenched sysems of priviledge.
b. They don't recgonize it exists.
c. They are to angry.
d. They are to weak. - A.
According to the author: What is the biggest challenge we face relative to priviledge?
a.Bringing the dominant group into the conversation and the solution.
b.Blacks and women accepting they really don't have any privilege.
c.Accepting tha - A.
According to the author, most people have an immediate negative reaction to all of the following words except.
d.oppresion - B.
Oppression and dominance name social realities that we can participate in without being oppressive or dominant people.
T/F - True
The author of the book is a?
a. White Male
b. Black Male
c. White Female
d. Black Female - A.
The author says that the trouble around difference is really about.
a.Hated and Fear
b.Apprehension and Tolerance
c.Power and Privilege
d.Bigotry and Prejudice - C.
According the the author, people are naturally afraid of what they don't know or understand.
a. True
b. False - B.
All of the following characteristics are in the hub of the diversity wheel, except.
d.Age - C.
All of the following characteristics are on the outer ring of the diversity wheel , except.
d.Physical ability - D.
The author's religious background as a child was?
a. Jewish
b. Zen Buddhism
c. Christianity
d. Muslim - C.
The characteristics at the center of the diversity wheel are:
a. Very hard to change
b. Are the object of quick and firm impressions.
c. Can profoundly affect our lives.
d. All of the above. - D.
People usually form impressions without thinking, and they rely on them in order to see the world as an organized and prdictable place from one moment to the next.
T/F - True
James Baldwin claimed that a black women in Africa does not think of herself as black:
T/F - True
The existence of privilege means that one doesn't deserve the credit for what they have received:
T/F - False
The ease of not being aware of privilege is an aspect of privilege itself, called:
a.Lack of privilege awareness
c. Oppression
d.The luxury of obliviousness - D.
Peggy Mcintosh's tem: Conferred dominance, refers to:
a.Anything that all people should have, such as feeling safe in public places
b.Giving restricted groups things other don't have
c.Giving one group power over another group
d.When - C.
It is not possible to be privileged without feeling privileged:
T/F - False
Privilege involves everyone in one way or another, no one can escape its affects.
T/F - True
When it comes to privilege, it doesn't really matter who we really are. What matters is who other people think we are.
T/F - True
For every social category that is privileged one or more other categories are oppressed in relation to them:
T/F - True
According to the author, men and women are both oppressed because of gender:
T/F - False
The dynamic that harms homosexuals also has destructive effects on heterosexuals:
T/F - True
White racism in Europe and the Americas occured:
a.When the Europeans first had contact with the native tribes along the East Coast.
b.Along with the expansion of capitalism as an economic system:
c.Long before the Europeans came to the Am - B
The basic goal of capitalism is to turn money into more money:
T/F - True
Capitalists profit from the difference between the cos of producing goods and what they can sell goods for on teh markets:
T/F - True
Capitalists are interested in increasing worker productivity by:
a. Using technology, especially machines that replace people.
b.Threatening to close down or relocate the business.
c.moving production to countries where people are wil to w - D.
The richest 10% of the U.S. population holds more than ________ Of all the wealth.
d.Two-Thirds - D.
In 1998, the richest top 20% of all households received almost_______of all the income.
d.Two-Thirds - C.
Most of the jobs created over the last several decades have been high paying jobs with hope for advancement:
T/F - False
Since 1964, the percentage of people who see themselves as middle class has fallen from _____to _______?
d.75,55 - C.
Since 1964, the percentage of people who see themselves as working class has risen from ______to______?
d.55,75 - B.
In the United States whites got land by taking it away from _______and_______?
a.Native Americans
b.Mexican Americans
c.Both a and b
d.All of the above - D.
As unions became powerful in the United States, Blacks were brought in as strikebreakers.
T/F - True
Privilege is something that is just about individuals.
T/F - False
An individual can belong to both privileged and oppressed categories at the same time.
T/F - True
Which group is considered the (Model Minority)?
a. Native Americans
c.Asian Americans
d.African Americans - C.
DWB is an acronym for ________?
a.Dumb white blond
b.Driving with booze
c.Driving with black
d.Dumb white boy - C.
African Americans and Latinos with four or more years of college are over 60 percent more likely to be unemployed that comparable whites.
T/F - True
The author believes we can heal even if the wounding of others due to racism doesn't stop.
T/F - False
Most organizations failure in the area of diversity occurs because they're run by mean spirited white male bigots.
T/F - False
Dominant groups don't see privilege as a problem because:
a.They think its just a personal problem.
b.They don't have to
c.they don't know it exists in the first place.
d.They're afraid.
e.All of the above. - C.
According to the author, we can overcome racism by each person working individually to be kinder and more sensitive to one another.
T/F - False
When one appeals to a privileged person's sense of decency and fairness, one is using the _______approach?
c.Tin cup
d.Morality - C.
Sociologists say we are always participating in something larger than ourselves.
T/F - True
The author uses this game to help explain social systems and our participation in them:
d.Chess - C.
To perpetuate privilege and oppression, we don't even have to do anything consiously to support it.
T/F - True
Systems organized around privilege have the following characteristics except:
a.They are composed of a majority of people who belong to privileged groups.
b.They are dominated by privileged groups.
c.They are identified by privileged group - A.
- The fact that a system is male-dominated means that all men are powerful.
- False
Power in the hands of women lacks cultural legitimacy.
T/F - True
There is no specific insulting term for a wife who is under the control of her husband:
T/F - True
Patriarchy means that most men have domineering personalities that make them need or want to control others:
T/F - False
One place in society where gender privilege is not played out is in male/female conversations:
T/F - True
Privilege Groups are assumed to represent society as a whole.
T/F - True
Other is the key word in understanding how systems are identified with privileged groups:
T/F - True
Which of the key characteristics that systems of privilege are organized around is the statement (It's a man's world) Exemplify?
a.Dominated by privileged groups.
b.Identified with privileged groups.
c.Centered around privileged groups.
- B.
Of the list of Oscar best picture films from the last thirty years, how many have been centered around women:
d.four - C.
Of the list of Oscar best picture films from the last thirty years, how many have focused on Non-European cultures:
d.four - B.
Research shows that men receive the overwhelming majority of attention i classrooms at every level of education:
T/F - True
What happens when one draws attention away from the dominant group?
a.Minority group finally gain some attention.
b.A defensive response that reaffirms privilege.
d.Minority groups get even less. - B.
In order for racism to continue all whites have to do is:
a.Not notice when it occurs
b.Do nothing about it
c.Remain silent when it happens
d.All of the above - D.
From the late 1800's through the mid-1940's white Southerners lynched more than ________African Americans:
a.One hundred
b.Five hundred
c.One thousand
d.Five thousand - D.
The author believes that privilege and oppression are really a thing of the past and not too important today:
True/False - False
When women are accused of whining about male dominance, and they're told that what they have to deal with isn't that bad, they have experienced:
a.Blaming the victim
b.Denying and minimizing
c.Calling it something else
d.Being sick an - A.
If black women would work harder or were smarter, is an example of:
a.Blaming the victim
b.Denying and minimizing
c.Calling it something else
d.Being sick and tired - A.
Referring to gender enequality as the battle of the sexes, is an example of:
a.Blaming the Victim
b.Denying and minimizing
c.Calling it something else
d.Being sick and tired - C.
Most blacks prefer to live in segregated neighborhoods:
T/F - False
Stating that racism is always in your face, is an example of:
a.Blaming the Victim
b.Denying and minimizing
c.Calling it something else
d.being sick and tired - D.
The author claims that since the feminist movement, people in our society usually speak out on the subject of male privilege and point it out when it occurs:
T/F - False
Privilege doesn't neccessarily lead to a good life:
T/F - True
Which of the following are forms of oppression:
d.All of the above. - D.
Racism shapes both the experience of being white and the expereince of being a person of color.
T/F - True
The author points out that racial oppression has existed for most human history, therefore it will probably always be with us:
T/F - False
Male dominance has been around since the beginning of human history:
T/F - False
Paul Kivel suggests that people of color need white allies to do all of the following except:
a.Speak up
b.Take risks
c.Take what is said personally
d.Don't be afraid of the anger of people of color. - C.
Whites need the compliance of other whites in order for race privilege to work:
T/F - True
Unfortunately if one takes responsibility for racism and sexism it involves guilt and blame:
T/F - True
If change is to happen, people will need to fell uncomfortable:
T/F - True
If one promotes change they risk all of the following, except:
a.Being seen as odd
b.Being excluded
c.Being Stuck
d.Feeling lost - C.
The author suggests that if one wants to make change it is useful to join an organization that is dedicated to challenging oppression such as Not Dead Yet:
T/F - True
According to the video lesson, gender socialization begins with the ______.
d.Family - D
According to the video lesson,______is an individual's own feeling about whether she or he sees herself or himself as a women or a man:
a.Gender identity
b.Self concept
c.Self awareness
d.Sexuality - A.
According to the video lesson, sociological studies about gender socialization in school, it has been found that____get more attention from the teacher and ______get more feedback on their own:
d. - A.
According to the video lesson, the job hiearchy in education contributes to how children in schools are socialized about gender roles. Elementary school______are usually females while____are usually males:
b.Librarians;Tea - C.
The gender socializatio protrayed in television shows is part of the_____Influence of gender:
c.Entertainment industry's
d.Communicaition Media's - D.
Television programs during prime time often feature_____roles for women, and these roles tend to be for younger______.
a. More;Women
b. Fewer'Women
c. Fewer;Men
d. More;Men - B.
_____was a cultural icon who wore overalls, worked in a factory, and had sweaty hair:
a.Rosie the Riveter
b.Coco Chanel
c.Mrs. Mannersmith
d.Lady A. Factory - A.
Even though women outnumber men in the United States, women are considered a _____group.
b.Special Inerest
d.Dominant - A.
Sociologists explore gender issues dealing with differential treatment and power by studying gender_____.
d.Differential - C.
The firs wave of feminism worked not only on the issue fo women but also______.
c.The Constitution
d.Men - A.
One important gain made by women during the first wave of feminism was the______.
a.Access to College
b.Right to participate in college athletics.
c.Right to separate property.
d.Right to vote. - D.
The second wave of feminism took place in the late_____.
a.1960 and 70's
b.1950 and 60's
c.1970 and 80's
d.1940 and 60's - A.
The second wave of feminism has resulted in the establishment of _____ and health care clinics for women.
a.Segregated schools
b.Rape crisis centers
c.Voting Rights
d.Athletic Rights. - B.
_____ is an invisible barrier that women often encounter in the working environment:
a.Glass dome
b.Steel door
c.Trap door
d.Glass ceiling - D.
Men often find it much easier to move up the job ladder. This is referred ot as the glass _______.
d.Pathway - B.
_____ is a hierachical valuing of people on the basis of sex:
d.Order - C.
To what does the term sex refer:
a.The social characteristics that a society considers proper for its males and females.
b.The biological characterisitic that distinguish females and males.
c.Masculinity and femininity
d.All of the ab - B.
When anthropologist George murdock surveyed 324 premodern societies, which of the following was not in his findings?
a.Activities were sex typed in all of them.
b.Every society associates activities with one sex or the other.
c.Biological - C.
Which statement concerning global discrimination is incorrect:
a.Of about 1 billion adults around the world who cannot read, two-thirs are women.
b.The United States leads the world in the number of women who hold public office. - B.
Which of the following countries do women still have the right to vote?
a.Iraq and Iran
b.Swaizland and Botswana
c.Vietnam and Korea
d.Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. - D.
Women who have studied conversation patterns between men and women conclude that:
a.Women talk more and interrupt more frequently than the other way around.
b.Men and women are social equals when it comes to everyday conversation.
c.Even i - C.
The pay gap between men and women:
a.Is found primarily among those with less than a high school education.
b.Is found primarily among those with college and graduate education.
c.Is found at all eduacational levels.
d.Largely has dis - C.
Research by economists Rex Fuller and Richard Schoenberger on starting salaries of business majors at the University of Wisconsin shows that:
a.Women whose salaries and experience match men were offered comparible starting salaries.
b.Women sta - B.
Which of the following is not a reason for women's absence from core corporate positions?
a.The male corporate cultur stereotypes potentail leaders as people who look like themselves; women are seen as better at providing support.
b.Women do no - B.
Felice Schwartz suggested that corporations create two parallel career paths. They are:
a.The college bound and the Vocational Technical.
b.The partner material path and the non partner material path.
c.The mommy track and the daddy track. - D.
Women who are convicted of killing another person:
a.Are generally given stiffer penalties than men.
b.Usually have a history of interpersonal violence.
c.Are more likely to be given probation that is a man.
d.Are placed in minimum se - C.
Women have been underrepresented in politics because:
a.They are really interested in pursuing political careers.
b.They are not viewed as serious candidates by the voters.
c.Their roles as mothers and wives are incompatible with political - C.
Gender is a ______ status; it cuts across all aspects of social life.
d.Cutting-edge - A.
____ is a society in which women as a group dominate men as a group.
d.Femalarchy - A.
The philosophy that men and women should be equal is known as_______.
d.Humanitarianism - B.
Women who work full time average only ________% of what men are paid.
d.95 - B.
Of the top 500 corporations in the United States, _______ are headed by women.
d.50 - B.
A male elementary teacher is likely to experience the glass_______.
d.Escalator - D.
A female fire fighter is likely to experience the glass______.
d.Escalator - A.
_______ women have served in the United States Senate.
d.98 - C.
The term sex and gender basically mean the same thing to sociologists.
T/F - False
Although femal curcumcision was once common in parts of Africa and southeast Asia, it is quite rare today.
T/F - False
In the past, some educators claimed women's wombs dominated their minds.
T/F - True
Today, women and men have a equal levels of achievement in higher education.
T/F - False
Women are the typical victims of family violence.
T/F - True
Sociologists view race as a ______concept.
d.Behavioral - A.
Sociologists Kay Coder talks about how she is treated differently depending on.
a.People's perceptions
b.Physical characteristics
c.How she acts
d.Her family background - A.
Ethniticity is based on shared_______.
a.Cultural identity
b.Physical characteristics
c.Belief systems.
d.DNA - A.
Ethnicity can be _____ an individual.
a.Partial or comlete to
b.Accepted or rejected by
c.Dominant or secondary to
d.Complete or impartial to - B.
_______ are behaviors or tendencies that are attributed to an entire group.
d.Stereotypes - D.
Sociologists define_____as an attitude that prejudges a person.
d.Racism - A.
Prejudice can be either_____
a.Positive or negative
b.Right or wrong
c.Personal or impersonal
d.True or False - A.
_____occurs when prejudice is translated into behaviors that treat others unfairly on the basis of_________.
a.A stereotype;group membership
b.Racism; physical identity
c.Discrimination; group membership.
d.A stereotype; cultural iden - C.
______ is closely tied to power and control.
d.Prejudgment - B.
When a bank or university discriminates against certain groups, sociologists call this.
a.Offical racism
b.Institutional racism
c.Legal racism
d.Specified racism - B.
The _______ perspective views race and ethnicity as serving important purposes in society.
d.Feminist - C.
The _____perspective views racism as the exploitation of people of color.
d.Feminist - B.
The _____perspective examines race and ethniticity in terms of economic and politiacal power.
d.Feminist - B.
One aspect of race and ethniticity that the ______perspective examines is labeling.
d.Feminist - B.
In a society, the ______ group controls the wealth and power.
d.Minority - C.
In a society, the ______ group is excluded from full participation in society.
d.Subjective - A.
Which of the following is not a pattern of intergroup relations.
d.Slavery - B.
The Holocaust is an example of _______.
d.Segregation - A.
______ is the forcible removal of a popualation from a territory.
d.Settlement - B.
_____ is the ownership of one group by another.
d.Integration - C.
_____ is the legally sanctioned segregation that was the law in South Africa until 1991.
d.Separation - B.
_____ is the physial and institutional separation of ethnic or racial groups.
d.Integration - B.
______ involves living separate lives by going to separate schools, living in separate neighborhoods, and eating in separate restaurants.
d.Scaleting - C.
______ occurs when members of a minority group blend into the dominant population.
d.Pluralism - C.
Edward Hummingbird's father was sent to a government boarding school. This is an example of.
a.Voluntary assimilation
b.Forced assimilation
c.Forced relocation
d.Relocation - B.
a.Means having distinctive cultural characteristics.
b.Means having inherited physical characteristics that distinguish on group from another.
c.People who are singled out for unequal treatment.
d.Relatively easy to deteremine. - B.
According to research by Lawrence Bobo and James Kluegel, which group of whites was more willing to have sustained interactions with other racial and ethnic groups?
a.Older and less educated
b.Rural whites
c.Urban whites
d.Younger and - D.
Prejudice and discrimination:
a.Less prevalent in the United states than in other societies.
b.More prevalent in the United States than in other societies.
c.Appear to characterize every society, regardless of size.
d.Appear to charac - C.
Negative treatment on the basis of personal characteristic is:
a.Individual discrimination
b.Individual prejudice
c.Individual discrimination
d.Institutional prejudice - A.
According to John Dallard, what is the source of prejudice?
a.The authoritarian personality
c.A split-labor market
d.Selective perception. - B.
Why do functionalists consider prejudice functional for some groups.
a.It is useful weapon in maintaining social divisions.
b.It contributes to the creation of scapegoats.
c.It helps to create solidarity within the group by fostering antag - C.
Symbolic interactionists stress that prejudiced people.
a. Are born that way
b. Have certain types of personalities.
c. Learn their prjudices in interaction with others.
d.None of the above. - C.
According to conflict theorists, prejudice:
a.Benefits capitalists by splitting workers along racial or ethnic lines.
b.Contributes to the expoitation of workers, thus producing a split-labor market.
c.Keep workers from demanding higher wa - D.
The process of expelling a minority from a country or a particular area is called:
a.Population redistribution
b.Direct population transfer
c.Indirect population trasfer
d.Expelled population transfer - B.
A society's policy of exploiting a minority group, using social institutions to deny the minority access to the society's full benefits is referred to:
c.Internal colonialism
d.Genocide - C.
The process of being absorbed into the mainstream culture is:
c.Cultural Submersion
d.internal colonialism - B.
Which of the following groups is often referred to as an invisible minority:
a.African Americans
b.Asian Americans
d.Native Americans - D.
What is the difference between the earlier wave of immigration at the turn of the last century and the current wave?
a.The current wave is much smaller.
b.The current wave is more global in content.
c.The current wave is experiencing a mor - B.
Scientists generally agree on just how many races there are in the world.
T/F - False
Today, more immigrants live in the Unites States than any time in history.
T/F - True