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China Term List

My china term list


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Kublai Khan
last Mongol Emperor in 1279 of Yaun Dynasty; grandson of Genghis Khan; lived from 1215 to 1294
Zhou Dynasty
took control of northern empire; lasted till 256 BC
Civil Service system
people must take an examination in order to get a job
people originally from Manchuria, north of China, who conquered the Ming dynasty and ruled China as the Qing dynasty from the mid-1600s to the early 1900s
local military rulers in a feudal government; could be knights or nobles
The way of virtue
influenced the way of life for many Chinese people; if you have to say it you don't know it, if you practice it you know it
Qing Dynasty
dynasty established by the Manchus in the mid-1600s and lasted until the early 1900s; China's last dynasty
Filial piety
respect for parents and ancestors
a system of government that includes different jobs and levels of authority; defined rules within the government system
ruling family over a period of time; usually through matrilineal line
group of states or territories controlled by one ruler
Tang Dynasty
Chinese dynasty from 618 to 907
Ancestor Worship
asking of ancestral spirits for good fortune; give them food, offerings, sacrifices, etc.
Great wall of China
extended the already built walls and fortifications to everywhere that may be a threat for invasion from enemy neighboring territories
the followings and ethics of Confucius and his disciples
Song Dynasty
Chinese dynasty from 960 till 1279; known for its artistic achievements; founder is Zhaon Kyangyin
Silk Road
a series of different trades routes through Central Asia that connected China with the nations farther west (200 BC to 900 AD)
Shang Dynasty
lasted from 1766-1122 BC
Dynastic circle
rise and fall of Chinese dynasties according to the Mandate of Heaven
strict or excessive adherence to law or religious or moral code; anything that goes against him or his reign is banned
Genghis Khan
born in 1162 and reigned from 1206-1227; name is Temujin, Khan means emperor or ruler; founder of the Yaun Dynasty
Mandate of heaven
The divine right to rule
loosely organized system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other support to a greater lord
Grand Canal
completed during the Song dynasty; linked the Haung River to the Chang River; used to bring food to the defenders in the northern part of the Great Wall
Five relationships
ruler to subject, parent to child, husband to wife, elder brother to younger brother, friend to friend
Qin Dynasty
took control of northern China in 221 BC; beginning of Imperial China started by First Emperor Qin Shi Huang
Yin and Yang
describes two opposing and complementary aspects of any one phenomenon or comparison of any two phenomena; balanced
Sui Dynasty
founded by Emperor Sui Wen Di; ruled from 589 to 618 AD
system of a government or another organization wherein appointments are made and responsibilities are given based on demonstrated talent and ability, rather than by wealth, family connections, class privilege, the will of the people or other historical determinants of social position and political power.
a strict military lead by Genghis Khan that emerged from Central Asia to conquer Europe and Asia; ethnic group; nomadic horse-riders; violent
Shi Huangdi
the name that Zheng claimed in 221 BC and lasted to 206 BC
Marco Polo
lived from 1254 to 1324; a Venetian and explorer who gained fame for his worldwide travel; one of the first Westerners to travel on the Silk Road to China and visit Kublai Khan
the way Confucius students collect his sayings
a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions and concepts; in conformity with nature
region of southeastern China made up of a peninsula and two islands, a Portuguese territory from the mid-1800s to 1999
Han Dynasty
lasted from 206 BC to 220 AD; considered Golden Age of China
Ming Dynasty
dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 following the collapse of the Yaun Dynasty; last dynasty ruled by ethnic Hans
Tributary states
independent state that has to acknowledge the supremacy of another state and pay tribute to its ruler
Zheng He
Muslim advisor for Yongle Empire

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