Flat ownership words
undefined, object
copy deck
- satute, code
- zákon
- accordance, in accordance
- soulad, v soulada
- 1) to rennovate, fix up AND 2) to repair
- 1) upravít A 2) opravit
- owners
- vlastnicí
- owners in common
- spoluvlastnicí
- terms relative
- vztahy
- construction
- budováni
- non=residential space
- nebytový prostor
- version, wording
- znÄ›nÃ
- further, later
- pozdÄ›jÅ¡Ã
- whereby
- kterým
- one single (of a group of something)
- jednotky
- fixtures, fittings
- pÅ™ÃsluÅ¡enstvÃ
- status, shape, condition
- postavení
- plot, allotment
- parcela
- share
- podíl
- register (of property)
- katastr
- suspension, setback, holdup
- zastaveni
- extent of the area
- plocha
- vyměřenÃ
- assessment, allowance, allocation
- courtyard, forecourt, patio
- nádvoÅ™Ã
- ground, section, terrain
- území
- object, matter
- předmět
- transfer, exchange (property)
- převod
- paying=off, amortization
- splácení
- as well as
- jakož i
- articles, conditions
- podmínky
- detailed (measurement) adj AND as adverb
- podrobný A podrobně
- draft, design, scheme
- návrh
- occurrence, case OR in the event of, in case
- pÅ™Ãpad NEBO v pÅ™ÃpadÄ›
- single action, one off, lump sum
- jednorázový
- settlements
- úhrady
- order, system of
- zÅ™Ãzeni
- security, collateral, mortgage (to stand up some collateral)
- zástavní
- law, right
- práva
- right of refusal, option
- předkupnà právo
- to reimburse, to settle an account
- úhradit
- factual, realistic, pragmatic
- věcný
- payment plan
- na splátky
- inserted, on the side, appendix, addendum
- pÅ™Ãloha
- offer, proposal, suggestion
- nabídka
- to warn, to give notice
- upozornit
- we warn you
- upozorŇujeme
- notice, warning
- upozornÄ›nÃ
- realpropety
- nemovitost
- on the record, it is written
- zapsány
- mortgage deed
- zástavní
- advantage, benefit, reward
- prospěch
- expansion, progress
- rozvoj
- restricted, limited AS IN building restriction
- omezen JAKO V budovani omezení