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The art of fighting

To understand the movemnt of actions in harmony


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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
is a martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting with the goal of gaining a dominant position and using joint-locks and chokeholds to force an opponent to submit or be knocked out depending on what submission method is used.
Eight Step Praying Mantis Boxing
This style was originally conceived by Jiang Hua Long, and was further refined by his principle disciple of the style, Feng Huanyi (馮環義), which was passed down by his disciple Wei Xiaotang (衛笑堂) in Taiwan. Which was passed down to his disciple Shyun Guang Long.
is a hybrid martial art that combines karate, judo, jujutsu, kenpo and kung fu(Chinese Boxing). It was invented in 1947 in Oahu, Hawaii, at the Palama Settlements, to deal with local crime, as well as to help the people defend themselves from U.S. Navy sailors who would drink and fight with the locals. The inventors were Sijo ("founder") Adriano Emperado, Peter Young Yil Choo, Joe Holck, Frank Ordonez, and Clarence Chang, who called themselves the Black Belt Society
Khmer traditional wrestling
is a folk wrestling style from Cambodia. It is an art derived from the ancient warrior arts of the Khmer Empire. Bas-reliefs of certain Angkor temples depict both men and women competing in this form of wrestling. Female wrestlers are displayed on the Banteay Srei temple
Dim Mak
literally "press artery"more famously known as the Death Touch, is an attack on pressure points and meridians in some styles of Chinese martial arts used which is said to incapacitate or sometimes cause a delayed or even immediate death to an opponent. The points of attack used in it correspond to the same locations as acupuncture points and other Chinese healing arts
Jing Quan Do
is a modern synthetic martial arts style created by Alex Tao
Obnu Bilate
is a martial art from South Africa that was created by "Pappa" Nat Whylch in the 1960s by combining traditional Obnu (practised in northern South Africa and southern Botswana) with Savate, which Pappa Whylch learned from Dutch workers traveling with Dutch missionaries. The modern form it combines open-handed striking techniques with some grappling techniques and sword or stick fighting.
Jow Ga Kung Fu
It was so labeled because the essential techniques incorporated the muscular and mighty movements of Hung Gar and the swift footwork and complex kicking of , making it a very effective form of self defense with emphasis on simultaneous attack and defense.
Plum Blossom Praying Mantis Boxing
). One of the oldest among all Northern Praying Mantis styles, it is widespread in Shandong Province, Jilin, Liaoning and South Korea. It traces its lineage directly from Li Bingxiao (b.1700s) to Zhao Zhu to Liang Xuexiang (1810-1895). Liang Xuexiang was the first master to use the name of Plum Blossom. Liang Xuexiang's disciples, mainly Jiang Hualong, Liang Jingchuan, Sun Yuanchang, Hao Hong and Xiu Kunshan are responsible for popularization of this style in the 20th century. In the early 1900s, it heavily influenced the development of Taiji Mantis of Cui Shoushan and Wang Yushan, Taiji Plum Blossom of Hao Family, Taiji Mantis of Zhao Zhuxi and Babu Mantis of Wei Xiaotang.
Iron Palm or Iron Hand
is a body of training techniques in various Chinese martial arts. These conditioning techniques are typically meant to condition the hands to allow a practitioner to deliver very powerful blows without injury to his or her hands.
Northen Star hammer Fist
Passed of shotokan. Ancient Kings were taught during the Rui Kindom
Monkey Kung Fu
is a Chinese martial art where the movements imitate monkeys or apes in fighting. One of the more acrobatic kung fu styles, movements often include falling, lunging, grabbing, jumping, and tumbling. The staff features prominently in its weapons training, with practitioners using it for attack, defense, and even climbing it like a pole[1] to gain height in combat.
meaning "Way of the Sword", is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or Kenjutsuis a physically and mentally challenging activity that combines strong martial arts values with sport-like physical elements.
Long Fist Praying Mantis Boxing
influenced heavily by longfist and broadswords
Senegalese wrestling
is a type of Folk wrestling traditional to Senegal and parts of The Gambia, and is part of a larger West African form of traditional wrestling
Bok Fu Do
is the name of the Chinese based martial arts system founded by Richard Lee. Formerly known as Bok-Fu, the (do) was added when Richard Lee reached grandmaster status in 1994 from his teacher Al Tracy. Literally translated; means "way of the white tiger," which is the animal that inspired Lee to create the world renowned system known today
Shaolin Shandong Black Tiger Kung Fu
It is characterised by its extensive footwork (similar to Shaolin Southern Eagle), acrobatic kicks, low, wide stances, and unique fist position (where the thumb is curled in the same manner as the other fingers, rather than wrapped around them). According to the Shaolin Grandmasters' text the style is the single most external style in the Shaolin canon; the longer the stylist practices, however, the more she or he comes to rely solely on internal power. In this respect it is similar to Northern Praying Mantis. This latter style incorporated some boxing forms (Tao Lu) recalling the origin. The most famous praying mantis set using this name is Ha Fu Gau Cha (Cantonese spelling) or Black Tigers Cross.
combines both internal and external practices. Low stable stances with little hopping are characteristic of this style. Jumps are executed very lightly and quickly and its movements are very diverse. Many of its most lethal techniques are derived from the use of the wrist.
rough and tumble
fighting dates back to the early 1700s in the North American frontier.was the original American no holds barred underground hybrid "sport"that had but one rule - you win by knocking the man out or making him say "enough."
Five Ancestors Fist
the hand techniques and the complementary softness and hardness of Fujian White Crane (白鶴拳).the agility and footwork of Monkey (猴拳) the precision and efficient movement of Emperor Taizu (太祖拳) the posture and dynamic power of Luohan (羅漢拳) the breathing methods and iron body of Da mo (達尊拳)
literally meaning the "art of softness"is a collective name for Japanese martial art styles consisting of grappling and striking techniques.Due to the difficulty of dispatching an armored opponent with striking techniques, the most efficient methods for neutralizing an enemy took the form of pins, joint locks, and throws. These techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker's energy against him, rather than directly opposing it
is a form of boxing associated with the Hausa people of the Saharan regions of West Africa. Originally,included a wrestling component, known as kokawa, but today it is essentially a striking art.
Six Harmony Praying Mantis Boxing
Known as the 'softest' or most 'internal' of the Praying Mantis styles, was passed down by Ding Zicheng (丁子成), whose students taught in Shandong Province as well as Taiwan. has a very different curriculum, with unique routines not found in other Praying Mantis styles.
Hung Fut
Its philosophies are a mixture of two traditional martial art systems: Hung Gar and Fut Gar. The system is based on meditation, breath control and various fighting forms that develop body co-ordination.The system also includes techniques from Fut Gar and ten animal styles (snake, tiger, leopard, lion, eagle, crane, monkey, elephant, horse and dragon) as well as 8 drunken immortal forms (based on the personality traits of the 8 heavenly deities of Chinese traditional religion), 4 "crippled" forms (a deceptive mimicry of one who is crippled) and a left- handed form (based on the legend of a famous general fighting while holding the infant son of a Chinese emperor. "lions brace"
Shuai jiao
the modern Chinese term for wrestling. In a Western context, the term refers specifically to Chinese and Mongolian styles of wrestling. These styles have a long history and have undergone several changes in both name and form
Do Pi Kung Fu
The style is a combination of Hung Gar, Choy Li Fut, Jow Ga and Hop Gar. Some of the sets of this style include Drunken Eight Immortals and Drunken Fan, Lohon Kau Da, Lohon Kuen, Tei Saat Kuen.
Chun Kuk Do
is a hybrid martial art founded and first taught by Chuck Norris. Norris started to develop the style in the 1970s and after using a number of names for his developing style the current name was adopted in 1990. literal translations from the Korean are "the way of 1000 lands" or "the way of many lands."
refers to a class of Filipino Martial Arts that emphasize stick and sword fighting. The term and the art most probably originates from the Portuguese word "esgrima" which is the term for fencing.
Jogo do Pau
("stick fencing", or literally "stick (or staff) game") is a Portuguese martial art which developed in the northern regions of Portugal (Minho and Trás-os-Montes), focusing on the use of a staff of fixed measures and characteristics. The origins of this martial art are uncertain, but whatever its origins, its purpose was primarily self-defence. It was also used to settle accounts, disputes and matters of honor between individuals, families, and even villages. While popular in the northern mountains, elsewhere it was practically unknown and those who did practise it were taught by masters from the north.
is an American-Samoan martial arts system. The term is translated as "The Hand of Wisdom".is a contemporary martial arts system with roots in ancient fighting techniques
Eagle Claw
is thought to be one of the oldest and most complex of the surviving Northern Shaolin kung fu systems.[citation needed] Along with the long strikes and kicks that typify Northern systems, the system is distinguished by its gripping techniques and system of joint locks, takedowns, and pressure point strikes, which represent one of the oldest forms of the Chinese grappling known as Chin Na.
is an Eritrean fighting technique/martial art that emphasizes headbutting. Its name comes from the Italian testa, meaning head, having been adopted during the colonial period. Its basis is on real hand-to-hand combat techniques, although it is often practiced in the open as a dance. The system as adapted by Dennis Newsome includes kicks, punches, and limited grappling, but the emphasis is on headbutting, with the other techniques being used mainly to set-up headbutts.
Jeet Kune Do
lit. "Way of the Intercepting Fist"I have not invented a "new style," composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method. On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . . Jeet Kune Do is not an organized institution that one can be a member of. Either you understand or you don't, and that is that. There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way. Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy. The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is. Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it. He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case anchored down to reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive. Again let me remind you Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back.Bruce lee
is a defensive and offensive Sikh martial art[1] associated with the Sikhs (but open to anyone) that focuses on infusing the physical martial art with both the spiritual and also the name of a stick used for practicing sword fighting.
Dog Kung Fu
This is a southern style of Chinese boxing that specializes in takedowns and ground fighting. This martial art also teaches Iron Shirt and Iron Palm fighting methods as well as specialized leaping techniques. It is mainly practiced in Fujian Province and was historically often practiced by women who were victims of foot binding, for whom any form of standing physical exertion was difficult. Its creation is traditionally credited to a Buddhist nun who developed the style to defend herself from bandits on her travels.
Five Animals
Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake, and Dragon—appears predominantly in Southern styles, especially those associated with Guangdong and Fujian Provinces.
is an Afro Brazilian dance where a number of people gather in a circle called a roda with one or more atabaques positioned at the entrance of the circle. Each person brandishes a pair of long sticks, traditionally made from biriba wood from Brazil. The sticks, called grimas, traditionally measure 24 inches long by 1 and 1/8 inch thick. As the Maculelê rhythm plays on the atabaque, the people in the circle begin rhythmically striking the sticks together. The leader sings, and the people in the circle respond by singing the chorus of the songs
Leopard Kung fu
The power, as in all kung fu forms, comes from a solid stance, but in leopard it particularly comes from the aggressive speed. The leopard practitioner will focus on elbows, knees, low kicks, and leopard punches
The major characteristic of this style is the ability to perform tumbles, falls, turns, somersaults and aerial acrobatics using those techniques for both offense and defense
is the Icelandic national style of amateur Folk wrestling.remains, as it always has been, friendly recreation and a gentleman's sport, but as the lösatags version shows it also has a rougher side.
Secret Gate Praying Mantis Boxing
This style was passed down by Zhang Dekui (張德奎) in Taiwan and is a variation of Taiji Mantis.
Yue Shi San Shou(eagle)
considered the "heart" of the Eagle Claw system. It is Believed to be the original material passed down by the style's legendary founder Yue Fei. This material has 108 different categories of skills/techniques that are trained to a level of perfection with partners. One thing to remember is that each sequence is only a example of that category which contains numerous variations and off shoots.
Shaolin Kung Fu
to a collection of Chinese martial arts that claim affiliation with the Shaolin Monastery. aside from a few very well known systems, such as Xiao Hong Quan, the Da Hong Quan, Yin Shou Gun, Damo Sword, etc., it would be almost impossible to establish a verifiable connection to the Temple for any one particular art.
Lian Quan(eagle)
is known as the "Linking Fist." A very important set in that it not only provides the exponent with an encyclopedic base of the various seizing, grappling and joint-locks of qinna, but it also incorporates various Qigong skills as well. Most have nicknamed this set the "Dictionary of Eagle Claw" due to the content containing probably 90% of the styles skills and techniques.
Hoshin roshi Ryu Jutaijutsu
is a combination of his various meditations, martial experience and healing arts which he studied for over 50 years.
Kapu Kuialua
is said to be an ancient Hawaiian martial art of bone breaking, emphasizing joint locks as well as strikes.The name roughly translates to "forbidden way to fight", as it is claimed to have been only taught to the king and his family, and teaching outside of the sanctioned circle was punishable by death. The modern form of this art may actually include techniques from other traditional martial arts, such as jujutsu, judo, karate and aikido.
meaning "gentle way"Its most prominent feature is its competitive element, where the object is to either throw one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling manoeuvre, or force an opponent to submit by joint locking the elbow or by applying a choke. Strikes and thrusts (by hands and feet) - as well as weapons defences - are a part of judo, but only in pre-arranged forms (kata) and are not allowed in competition or free practice (randori).
Taiji Praying Mantis Boxing
Today this style is represented by two distinct lineages. The first one is that of Cui Shoushan and Wang Yushan and is based on Song Zide and Jiang Hualong's Plum Blossom teachings in Laiyang, Shandong Province. It is popular in Laiyang, Yantai, Qingdao, Dalian, North America, Russia, France and Spain. The second lineage can be traced to Sun Yuanchang's Blum Blossom, who was yet another disciple of Liang Xuexiang. Its most famous progenitor is Zhao Zhu Xi, who is said to have taught (both directly and indirectly) thousands of students during his lifetime in Vietnam and Hong Kong, who have since spread to all corners of the globe. He was given the Cantonese nickname Chuk Kai, meaning "Bamboo Creek", for a famous battle he fought with bandits at that location. This style has since become prevalent in places such as Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and North America.
Luta Livre
was created in the mid 20th Century in Rio de is Portuguese meaning free fight.It is first and foremost a submission grappling style where competitors use joint locks and chokes to submit their opponent.
is a style of Chinese martial arts that features graceful movements and some acrobatic aerial maneuvers. also includes a large range of weapons.literally "long fist")
is the Japanese martial art of bayonet fighting.
also known as boxe française, French boxing, French Kickboxing or French Footfighting, is a French martial art which uses both the hands and feet as weapons and combines elements of western boxing with graceful kicking techniques. Only foot kicks are allowed, unlike some systems, such as Muay Thai and Silat, which allow the use of the knees or perhaps the only style of kickboxing in which the fighters habitually wear shoes
Throwing Hand Praying Mantis Boxing
This style was passed down by Bao Guangying from Shandong Province. He taught in Hong Kong and Guangzhou.
Vale Tudo
Portuguese for Anything goes.
Northern Praying Mantis
One of the most distinctive features of Praying Mantis is the "praying mantis hook" (螳螂勾; pinyin: tángláng gōu): a hook made of one to three fingers directing force in a whip-like manner. The hook may be used to divert force (blocking) or to attack critical spots (eyes or acupuncture points). These are particularly useful in combination, for example using the force imparted from a block to power an attack. So if the enemy punches with the right hand, a practitioner might hook outwards with the left hand (shifting the body to the left) and use the turning force to attack the enemy's neck with a right hook. Alternately, he/she might divert downwards with the left hook and rebound with the left wrist stump to jaw/nose/throat.
is a dynamic and eclectic Korean martial art. It is a form of self-defense that employs joint locks, pressure points, throws, kicks, and other strikes.train to counter the techniques of other martial arts as well as common unskilled attacks. There are also traditional weapons including short stick, cane, rope, nunchucks, sword and staff which vary in emphasis depending on the particular tradition examined.
Dragon Kung Fu
the styles' use of gripping and seizing techniques as well as the extensive use of the forearms both offensively and defensively are fairly unique to the art. The style was created as an aggressive combat art and operates under the basic assumption that you are trying to either disable your opponent to the point that they are no longer a threat in battle, or kill them, though these are not by any means the only options
Xing Quan (eagle)
is known as the "Walking Fist." This set consists of ten to twelve rows of techniques representative of what is today known as Shaolin Fanziquan.
is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious often translated as "the Way of unifying (with) life energy"is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This requires very little physical energy,
Muay Thai
is a form of hard martial art practiced in several Southeast Asian countries including Thailand. The art is similar to others in Southeast Asia such as: pradal serey in Cambodia, lethwei in Myanmar, tomoi in Malaysia, and Lao boxing in Laos. "The Art of the Eight Limbs", as the hands, shins, elbows, and knees are all used extensively in this art
As a Chinese martial art, it is usually practiced in sets of preformulated routines. Its movements have been described thus: "Two fists are fast like the falling rain drops, and fast like a snapping whip"routines are usually quite short and very fast. There are no a source of the modern Eagle Claw style.
Seven Star Praying Mantis Boxing
This style is the original form of praying mantis kung fu and is widespread in the Shandong Province and surrounding areas. Luo Guangyu (羅光玉) is famous for having passed down this style to Hong Kong and other parts of Southern China, where it is still practiced today. Seven Star is considered by many as the 'hardest' of the Praying Mantis styles, however it still utilizes soft-hard principles and is classified as a soft-hard style.
is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea. It is the world's most popular martial art in terms of number of practitioners.loosely translated as "the way of the foot and fist" but some translate it as, "the art of kicking and punching,"
that may be a predecessor of the Southeast Asian kickboxing styles.
is a modern martial art, combat sport and self-defense system developed in the Soviet Union and recognized as an official sport by the USSR All-Union Sports Committee in 1938, presented by Anatoly .similar to aikijutsu, jujutsu or aikido and is based on self-defense application, such as defending against attacks by both armed and unarmed attackers
is one of the major "internal" (a.k.a. Nèijiā) Chinese martial arts. Bāguà zhǎng literally means "eight trigram palm," referring to the trigrams of the I Ching (Yijing), one of the canons of Taoism
Kun Khmer
is one of the Khmer names for the sport-fighting descendant of the Khmer martial art Bokator. It is similar to sport-fighting arts practiced in several Southeast Asian countries. It is very similar to Muay Thai in Thailand, Tomoi in Malaysia, Lao boxing in Laos, and Lethwei in Myanmar.
Seeking Leg Praying Mantis Boxing
Was passed down by Pui Chan, who immigrated to the United States.
Bak Mei
literally White Eyebrows; also known as Pai Mei, Pei Mei, Bai Mei, Pak Mei, and Bak Mei Pai) is said to have been one of the legendary Five Elders — survivors of the destruction of the Shaolin Temple by the Qing Dynasty imperial regime (1644-1912) — who, according to some accounts, betrayed Shaolin to the imperial government. He shares his name with the Southern Chinese martial art attributed to him.
Rumi Maki
is a martial art that was used by the Incas, it was developed by mixing the techniques of other cultures like Mochicas, Chavin, Tiahuanaco, etc. The name Rumi Maki is in Quechua, and it means "stone fist"
is the art of armed combat involving cutting, stabbing, or slapping bludgeoning weapons directly manipulated by hand, rather than shot, thrown or positioned, of European origin. Examples include swords, knives, pikes, bayonets, batons, clubs, and similar weapons. Main Weapon: Rapier
Choi Lei Fut
features Five Animal techniques based on the tiger, dragon, crane, leopard, and snake but is distinguished from other southern styles by long, swinging, circular movements and twisting body motions more indicative of northern styles.
is an Afro-Brazilian art form that ritualizes movement from martial arts, games, and dance.It is marked by fluid acrobatic play, feints, and extensive use of groundwork, including sweeps, kicks, and headbutts. Less frequently used techniques include elbow-strikes, slaps, punches, and body throws
Red Warrior
also known as Tushka-homa, is a martial art created by Adrian Roman
Tán Tuǐ
Styles that incorporate Tán Tuǐ include Northern Praying Mantis, Chángquán, and Northern Shaolin as well as many other minor styles and systems.
Ba Fa, or Eight Methods, is a martial art developed by Li De Mao (李德茂) during the Qing dynasty. He combined the techniques of Fanziquan (翻子), Paochui (炮捶), Tantui (弹腿), Tongbeiquan (劈挂) and Xingyiquan (形意) into a new style based on the theory of eight methods ( 八法).[1] [2]. The eight methods are: outer trap, inner trap and stab, flick, support, shake, chop and reel. ('攔、拿、扎、崩、托、抖、劈、纏') This style includes both single forms, pair training [3], as well as weapon training such as spear, saber and sword. Eight Methods Big Spear (Da Qiang, 大枪), also known as the Big Pole, is a specialty of this style. This technique first appear in 1906, just before the Revolution of 1911. It combines the methods of the Yue-family spear (岳家槍), Pear-flower Spear (梨花槍) and Liuhe Spear (六合槍) with principles of the eight methods. It is also design to work on foot or on horse back.
Fu Jow Pai
originally named "Hark Fu Moon"The striking movements are lightning fast, agile and powerful. Techniques unique to this are ripping, tearing, clawing and grasping applications
Chow Gar
is a southern Chinese martial art and is one of the four major schools in Southern Praying Mantis. It is an aggressive style with emphasis on close range fighting. These skills are developed by utilizing a range of training techniques which have been developed over several centuries.
Nguni stick fighting
is a martial art traditionally practiced by teenage Nguni herdboys in South Africa. Each combatant is armed with two long sticks, one of which is used for defense and the other for offense. No armour or protective gear is used.
El Juego del Garrote
is a Venezuelan martial arts system which involves machete, garrote, and knife fencing. The garrote is a stick that is heavier at the striking end than at the handle end.
a style of Kung Fu which is believed to have originated in Jining in Shandong Province. It is said that during the Kaiyuan reign of the Tang Dynasty there existed a Mount Hua knight named Cai Mao, who was famous for his prowess in combat and swordplay. Apparently Cai Mao had killed an enemy, a noble of the Chang'an family, and had to go into hiding to escape the family's wrath.
Wing Chun
literally "Eternal Spring".believes in using the least amount of required force in any fighting situation. It believes properly timed positioning and movements can and should be used to defeat an opponent. This is achieved through balance, body structure and relaxation. The Chinese saying "4 taels to move 1000 catties" (referring to an old Chinese measurement system) is appropriate here in describing how a small amount of force, correctly applied, can deflect a powerful attack.
"Sandalwood Mountain School"
White Crane Boxing
system is not practiced much, if at all, anymore
is a hybrid martial art used by the Peruvian military a mixture between older martial arts like jujutsu with street fighting techniques known and used around the shantytowns (pueblos jóvenes) on the outskirts of Lima. The main objective is to know when to attack with power and disrupting an opponent's equilibrium. Armlocks and chokeholds are commonly used.
Egyptian stick fencing
is an ancient martial arts dance. It is practiced during religious ceremonies, processions, and as sport or game, dating back to ancient Egypt. It is also one of the oldest forms of martial arts in the world and the oldest Egyptian martial arts dance.

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