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- traveling disturbance that carries energy from 1 place to another
- wave
- movement that follows the same path over and over
- vibration
- material through which a mechanical wave travels
- medium
- wave that travels through a medium
- mechanical wave
- wave that consists of electric and magnetic fields and doesn't require a medium to exist
- electromagnetic wave
- highest point of a wave
- crest
- lowest point of a wave
- trough
- greatest distance from crest of a wave
- amplitude
- distance btwn 2 consecutive pts. on a wave
- wavelength
- # of waves that pass a certain pt. in a given amt. of time
- frequency
- wave in which the motion of the medium is at a rt. angle to the direction of the wace
- transverse wave
- wave in which the motion of the medium is parallel to the direction of the wave
- longitudinal wave
- wave that is a combination of transverse and longitudinal and occurs at the surface btwn. 2 diff. mediums
- surface waves