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Recent primate suborder
strepsirhines, haplorhines. Difference lies with the animal, tarsier
gaps between teeth to receive the projecting canine of the opposite jaw, especially in those animals with very large canines such as baboons and gorillas.
Monophyletic group
group or species that has one common ancestor
Species defined on the basis of fossil evidence. Can not use Biological species concept on this.
by-products of structural change (to account for some anatomical structures).
Convergent Evolution
Type of Evolutionary process by whereby species come to share phenotypic characteristics due to similar environmental pressures.
: all monkeys, apes, and humans
The Five perspectives of behavio
Phylogeny, Ontogeny, Proximate stimulus, The Behavior itself, Function
Evolutionary systematic
Overall similarity in homologous traits
Punctuated equilibrium
Rapid biological changes in organisms, followed by long relatively static periods during which little biological change occurs
Body size as a predictor of diet
- Small usually insectivore, medium size mixed diet mainly frugivores, Large mainly leafy diet
Tribosphenic Molars:
triangular, or tribosphenic, molars are found on the maxilla and are characteristic of the ancestral placental mammals and some of the prosimians and the callitrichids.
tells you if something is primitive or derived.
Anthropoid derived characteristics
No rhinarium, Retinal fovea, Post-orbital closure, . Hemochorial placenta (same type that humans have). Only one layer of tissue that separates mother's blood system to fetus'. Blood system brings nutrients to fetus and takes waist away from fetus.
Behavioral Ecology
The study of behavior from ecological and evolutionary perspectives
Homoplastic traits
independently acquired, related to individuals environment .Analogous, Dissimilar structure: different structure, same function Convergent evolution (traits that are similar in function, but not structure) Parallel evolution: (species closely related to each other. Spider monkey and gibbon both acquired hook-like hands.
old world: Africa, South East Asia
Adaptive Radiation
A lot of environmental change and species have different open niches to fill.
Sympatric primates
they share the same habitat; must rely on the rainforest for all resources necessary for sustaining life and reproduction.
Kin selection theory
behavioral favoring of ones close genetic relatives.
Ecological niche
all the components of the environment with which an organism interacts. It's how an animal "makes a living" where it goes, what it eats, what time it's active, what predators it must avoid, and so on.
o Fitness differences of behavior pressures
Sees if an organism gets back: the energy it expanded, loses energy in the behavior, or gains energy in the behavior.
Niche separation
members of different species must exploit the environment and its resources differently if they're going to coexist and survive.
Primitive or ancestral traits
characteristic found in an ancestor and all (or most) of its descendants
Y-5 Molars
the mandibular molar teeth of hominoids tend to have five cusps as compared to the four cusps in the lower molars of monkeys. The deep grooves between these five cusps form the shape of the letter "Y."
Over a long period of time (thousands of years) small changes occur in which one species becomes a completely different species. You can not apply to Biological species concept to this.
Behavioral Performance
the actual expression of a trait or behavior.
Behavioral potential
the spectrum of possible expression created by morphology, evolutionary history and other aspects of a genotype
The die out of an entire species. The beginning of triasic period a major extinction occurred.
Traditional primate suborder
prosimians, anthropoids
If two individuals avoid one another or engage in conflict over the use of the same area, we can say that they are less tolerant of one another and have an agonistic ("unfriendly") relationship; combative.
Over time, one species becomes another and that one becomes another. The original species is still around, while the other ones are. Benobos and chimps. They have to be the same species to mate.
Homologous traits
Similar in structure, but does not have same function. They are inherited from a common ancestor.
Evolutionary relationships, a method of analyzing the evolutionary relationships between groups to construct their family tree
Mother-infant bond
This bond is characterized by very close spatial association (for years in human, ape, and some monkey societies), frequent physical and vocal contact, and the exposure of the infant to the mother's behavior and association patterns.
If individuals are frequently in close spatial association, we can say they have a tolerant and probably affiliatiave ("friendly") relationship; prosocial.
New World monkeys features
Side-facing nostrils, o Three premolars important to know. If monkey has three premolars we know we are talking about a new world monkey
Comparative primatology
: the study of our closest living relatives, the primates, for the purpose of understanding aspects of our own behavior
Sectorial lower first premolar
: a single-cusped premolar that forms a cutting, slicing complex with the cuffing edge of the upper canine.
Prosimian primitive characteristics
large ears, mulitple nipples, Unfused mandible, Small body size
Phylogenetic constraints
limits on current behavior or traits due to patterns and trends in an organism's evolutionary past.
Activity patterns
: primates can coexist through different species being active at different times of day.
acting in a way that has a net loss of energy to the actor and a net benefit in energy to the receiver.
What causes speciation
It is the logical extension of Darwin's ideas about descent with modification, new forms arise from existing ones. This occurs through Reproductive isolation (this reduces or eliminates gene flow) Genetic divergence, mutations accumulate, Effects genetic drift (random changes in allele frequencies across generations) and effects natural selection ( The better fit variants in a population over represented over time)
Dental Comb:
the lower, or mandibular, anterior teeth of prosimians are specialized into what is called a dental comb which prosimians use primarily for grooming.
Biological Species Concept
A set of populations that under natural conditions can mate with one another, and offspring are fertile. This occurs in the wild.
Bilophodont Molars
bilophodont molars are specialized molar teeth in which the anterior two cusps and the posterior two cusps are aligned to form two ridges, or lophs. Cercopithecid monkeys have bilophodont molars on the maxilla and mandible.
during night and day, varies seasonally
Hard to categorize, found in S.E. Asia
o Five areas of socioecological pressures
Nutritional ecology, Locomotion, Intraspecific competition, Interspecific competition
Low reproductive rate, high investment, large body size ex orangutans
means new world monkey: Central and South America
Congeneric primates
both species are found in the same genus; they share similar adaptations in morphology, locomotion, physiology, and food preferences. Compete for same food resources
Reciprocal altruism
an individual behaves in a way that benefits another at a cost to itself, and the other individual in turn benefits the original actor, either immediately or at some time in the future.
Derived or modified traits
characteristic found only in one descendant branch and not in the ancestral form.
High reproductive rate, little investment, Small body size ex. rats
Set of relationships that result in different relative abilities to acquire desired resources.
Ex. Anagenesis. Small changes over time, fossil record with smooth, gradual transitions. Over time enough change has occurred to result in new species
Old World monkeys and apes
Downward-facing nostrils, o Two premolars

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