undefined, object
copy deck
- balmy
- mild. pleasant or soothing
- ardent
- passionate, glowing
- contemptuously
- showing disdain, despising a lack of respect
- exhort
- to urge or incite by strong argument, advice or appeal
- impertinent
- disrespectfully rude
- sallow
- sickly yellowish color or complexion
- aversion
- intense dislike or opposition
- din
- a jumple of loud discordant sounds
- Brooding
- sulking, pondering moodily
- auspicious
- lucky, fortunate
- imperceptibly
- impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses
- patronize
- talking to down to someone or supporting with money or help of some kind
- impetuous
- acting without thinking ahead of time
- implicitly
- implied or understood, though not directly expressed
- insolence
- being arrogant
- imploring
- begging or pleading urgently
- censure
- an expression of strong disapproval, blame, or criticism
- dirge
- a funeral hymn or a slow mournful musicial compostion
- secular
- not specifically pertaining to a religion; worldly
- ponderous
- massive; huge
- resilient
- able to recover readily
- interminable
- tiresomely protracted; endless
- revoke*
- to withdraw; to make invalid or annul
- subversive
- designed to overthrow or undermine the government
- sedate
- serenely composed and dignified; diliberate; calm
- paragon
- model of excellence
- taint
- corrupt
- subtle
- to slight as to be difficult to detect; not immediately obvious
- Decorous
- proper, characterized by correctness
- boding
- an omen or foreboding
- incredulously
- disbelivingly, skeptically
- fastidious
- careful with details
- inauspicious
- unlucky or not favorable
- staidness
- reserved in style manner or behavior
- coercion
- the art or practice of being forceful by use of threats, pressure, or intimidation
- edict
- a decree or proclamation issued by an authority and having the force of law, or a formal pronouncement or command
- expose
- an exposition of facts, often a discreditable account
- lithle
- supple; limber
- stature
- level achieved by someone
- morose
- gloomy; ill-humored
- perilous
- dangerous
- makeshift
- a temporary substitute
- Naivete
- simplicity, innocence or not sophisticated
- wistful
- showing or expressing vague yearning
- rabid
- uncontrollable
- Scruple
- ethical objection to certain actions
- Elusive
- difficult to catch or find
- conniving
- scheming, conspiring
- commiserate
- to feel or express pity for
- fawn
- to act in an overly attentive manner in order to gain favor
- indelible
- incapable of bein removed
- perpetrate
- to commit a bad deed
- conjectures
- inferences from inconclusiveevidence, or guesswork
- prudence
- the state of being wise in handling practical matters or exercising good judgment or common sense in the handling of affairsOR a show of good judgement
- rapt
- deeply absorbed; engrossed
- ruefully
- inspired by pity or compassion
- maim
- disable or impair
- notorious
- infamous
- perusal
- the act of reading or examining with great care
- expendable
- not needed suitable for sacrifice
- coherently
- Consistent, making logical sense
- commune
- to converse intamtely, to exchange thoughts and feelings
- germane
- being an essential part of
- petulant
- unreasonably irritable or ill tempered
- apprehension
- worry or fearing something, dread , or UNDERSTANDING
- coyness
- state of being reserved or flirtatiously shy
- heretic
- a person who holds controversial views in any area
- reprieve
- postponement or cancellation of punsihment
- tirade
- a lenghthy speech that censures
- palpable
- capable of being handled, touched , or felt
- malicious
- delibaretly harmful
- melancholy
- sadness; gloom
- obsequious
- fawning; exhibiting servil compliance
- undulate
- to cause to move wave like motion
- Ambiguous
- Unclear doubtful or uncertain
- fallible
- capable of making mistakes
- unconcerned, completely satisfied with situation
- imminent
- apt to happen at any minute
- languidly
- lacking energy and vitality
- atonement
- righting of a wrong, amends for an injury
- deference
- submission or courteous yielding to the opinions or wishes of others
- silhoutted
- represented by an outline
- sated
- indulged fully
- Renounce*
- to GIve up or REJECT
- perpetuation*
- porlonging the exitence of
- squalor
- filthy and wrteched condition or quality
- vice*
- an evil action or habit, degrading, immoral habit
- predecessor
- one who preceded another in time in an office or aposition