English Vocab!
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- pulchritude
- n. - beauty
- effervescent
- adj. - bubbly, enthusiastic
- sanguine
- adj. - cheerful, bloody
- alacrity
- n. - cheerful readiness
- ebullient
- adj. - cheerful, enthusiastic
- euphoric
- adj. - deliriously happy
- laudable
- adj. - deserving praise
- poignant
- adj. - emotional, touching
- auspicious
- adj. - favorable in the future
- altruism
- n. - generosity towards mankind
- benevolent
- adj. - desiring to do good for others
- fortuitous
- adj. - lucky; fortunate; happening by fortunate chance
- blithe
- adj. - carefree, joyous, merry
- fecund
- adj. - fruitful, very productive or creative intellectually
- benign
- adj. - kind, harmless
- amenable
- adj. - agreeable
- idyllic
- adj. - charmingly simple or poetic; peaceful
- decorum
- n. - proper behavior
- adroit
- adj. - cleverly skillful or resourceful
- apotheosis
- n. - the glorification of s person or principle as an ideal
- paean
- n. - a song of joy, triumph, or praise
- serendipity
- n. - an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident; fortunate accident
- propitious
- adj. - presenting favorable conditions; favorably disposed
- salubrious
- adj. - favorable to, or promoting health
- affable
- adj. - pleasantly easy to talk to; showing warmth and friendliness
- amiable
- adj. - characterized by goodwill; friendly
- camaraderie
- n. - friendship; good-fellowship
- cordial
- adj. - corteous; gracious
- gregarious
- adj. - sociable; fond of the company of others
- genial
- adj. - sympathetically cheerful
- convivial
- adj. - fond of feasting, drinking, and companionship
- ostracize
- v. - to exclude, by general consent, from society, privileges, etc.; to banish
- pariah
- n. - an outcast
- alienation
- n. - removed or isolated from a group
- schadenfreude
- n. - taking pleasure in someone else's misfortune
- adversary
- n. - an opponent or foe (an enemy who fights continuously and relentlessly)
- antagonist
- n. - an opponent (one who, in hostile spirit, opposes another)
- inimical
- unfriendly, hostile
- aesthete
- n. - a lover of beauty or art
- anachronism
- n. - a person or thing that is chronologically out of place
- audacity
- n. - boldness, with confident/arrogant disregard for personal safety
- clandestine
- adj. - secretive
- epicure
- n. - a person who cultivates a refined taste in food, art, music, etc.
- furtive
- adj. - aneaky; stealthy
- hedonist
- n. - lover of pleasure
- intrepid
- adj. - fearless
- maverick
- n. - a person who takes an independent stand apart from his associates; one who goes against the rules
- ostentatious
- adj. - showy; intended to attract notice
- surreptitious
- adj. - obtained or done by stealth
- temerity
- n. - reckless boldness
- wily
- adj. - cunning
- beguile
- v. - to influence by cunning; to charm or divert
- dilettante
- n. - a person who takes up an art, activity or subject purely for amusement; a dabbler
- adulterated
- adj. - corrupted; contaminated
- cantankerous
- adj. - ill-tempered; grouchy
- caustic
- adj. - biting; stinging
- garish
- adj. - flashy; glaring
- incisive
- adj. - cutting; penetrating
- insolent
- adj. - rude, insulting
- officious
- adj. - excessively forward in offering one's service or advice to others
- patronizing
- adj. - condescending
- pedantic
- adj. - one who shows off his learning ostentatiously
- malevolent
- adj. - evil
- nefarious
- adj. - evil
- malfeasance
- n. - misconduct or wrongdoing
- notorious
- adj. - famous for wrongdoing
- pernicious
- adj. - exceedingly harmful; causing death, injury or corruption
- contentious
- adj. - argumentative
- fractious
- adj. - argumentative, causing divisions
- acrimonious
- adj. - bitter
- repugnant
- adj. - disgusting
- antipathy
- n. - intense dislike, hatred
- feral
- adj. - fierce
- rancor
- adj. - bitter, long-lasting resentment
- deleterious
- adj. - harmful
- enmity
- n. - hatred
- lurid
- adj. - causing shock or horror
- egregious
- adj. - outstandingly bad; blatant
- noisome
- adj. - offensive to the point of arousing disgust (like an odor)
- pugnacious
- adj. - prone to fighting
- fetid
- adj. - stinky
- unpalatable
- adj. - disgusting
- pervasive
- adj. - present throughout
- prodigious
- adj. - impressively great in size, force or extent
- prolific
- adj. - producing abundant works or results; fertile
- replete
- adj. - plentifully supplied; abundant; full
- superfluous
- adj. - beyond what is required or sufficient, extra (usually with a negative connotation)
- ubiquitous
- adj. - found everywhere
- voracious
- adj. - can't get enough; having an insatiable appetite for something
- myriad
- n. - a vast number; a great multitude
- cornucopia
- n. - an overflowing abundance
- dearth
- n. - scarcity
- paucity
- n. - scarcity
- spartan
- adj. - has a lot of self-discipline; engages in self-denial
- austere
- adj. - strict or severe in moral discipline
- ascetic
- n. - a person who engages in strict self-discipline
- scant
- adj. - deficient in quantity or amount
- meager
- adj. - conspicuously deficient in quantity, fullness or extent
- banal
- adj. - boring, ordinary
- enervate
- v. - to weaken
- ennui
- n. - boredom
- inconsequential
- adj. - unimportant; not affecting the outcome
- insipid
- adj. - dull, uninteresting
- mundane
- adj. - everyday, ordinary
- ponderous
- adj. - lacking fluency, labored, dull
- prosaic
- adj. - lacking imagination or spirit; dull; ordinary
- soporific
- adj. - causing sleep
- stoic
- adj. - stone-faced; not showing emotion
- dilatory
- adj. - characterized by procrastination; tardy
- indolence
- n. - laziness
- lethargy
- n. - sluggishness
- listless
- adj. - marked by a lack of energy or effort
- languid
- adj. - lacking energy, vitality or enthusiasm
- sedentary
- asj. - not moving (like a couch potato)
- stupor
- n. - state of reduced mental capacity or sensibilites
- torpor
- n. - a condition of mental or physical inactivity
- admonition
- n. - mild censure, warning or advice
- pious
- adj. - devout (in terms of religion); commendable; worthy
- disconcerted
- adj. - perturbed; ruffled; upset
- piquancy
- n. - something that is appealingly provocative
- disdain
- v. - to regard or treat with haughty contempt
- eclat
- n. - great brilliance, as of performance or achievement
- aversion
- n. - intense dislike
- titular
- adj. - pertaining to having titles, existing as such in name only
- ephemeral
- adj. - lasting for a brief time; shrot-lived; transitory
- importune
- v. - to beset with repeated and insistent requests; to annoy
- pule
- v. - to whine; to whimper
- succumb
- v. - to yield or submit to an overwhelming force or desire
- expiate
- v. - to make atonement for; to repent
- intrinsic
- adj. - pertaining to the essential nature of a thing; inherent
- chagrin
- v. - to vex or annoy by disappointment or humiliation
- brook
- v. - to bear, suffer, tolerate
- contrite
- adj. - overcome by a sense of guilt and desirous of atonement
- venerable
- adj. - commanding respect or interest because of great age
- affront
- v. - to offend by a show of disrespect
- nonchalance
- n. - casual lack of concern
- squalid
- adj. - foul and repulsive, as from a lack of cleanliness
- mendicant
- adj. - begging, living on alms; characteristic of a beggar
- sycophantic
- adj. - flattering in a self-seeking or servile way
- reverence
- n. - a feeling of attitude of deep respect tinged with awe
- reverie
- n. - a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing
- prate
- v. - to talk excessively and pointlessly; to babble
- confound
- v. - to perplex, amaze or confuse
- petulance
- n. - a state of being moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance
- indomitable
- adj. - unable to be subdued or overcome (as in people, pride, or courage)
- amelioration
- n. - the act of trying to improve something; improvement
- alleviate
- v. - to relieve
- assuage
- v. - to calm, lessen
- emollient
- n. - soothing substance
- mollify
- v. - to soothe
- placid
- adj. - calm
- temperate
- adj. - mild (climate or disposition)
- placate
- v. - to diminish the anger of, especially by making concessions
- abdicate
- v. - to give up power willingly
- coup
- n. - an overthrow of power
- despot
- n. - an unjust ruler
- equanimity
- n. - level-hesdedness
- haughty
- adj. - arrogant
- omnipotent
- adj. - all-powreful
- pragmatic
- adj. - practical
- prudent
- adj. - wise, having the ability to make good decisions
- sanction
- v. - to allow
- thwart
- v. - to overthrow
- usurp
- v. - to take power by force
- arduous
- adj. difficult
- assiduous
- adj. - hard-working
- diligent
- adj. - demonstrating a good work ethic; responsible
- malinger
- v. - te feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work
- avarice
- n. - greed
- insolvent
- adj. - unable to meet debts or discharge liabilites; bankrupt
- munificent
- adj. - generous
- parsimony
- n. - stinginess
- philanthropist
- n. - one who works for the good of mankind by giving time and money to charity
- remuneration
- n. - payment
- fastidious
- adj. - extremely neat and tidy
- meticulous
- adj. - paying careful attention to detail
- pristine
- adj. - pure, clean
- punctilious
- adj. - nit-picky
- purist
- n. - one who prefers for things to be in their original state
- pander
- v. - to act as a go-between in sexual liasons (to act as a pimp); to cater to the lower desires of others
- plagiarize
- v. - to steal ideas
- conflagration
- n. - a large, destructive fire
- slander
- n./v. - a false and malicious statement about someone (to speak such a statement)
- libel
- n./v. - a false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, which damages a person's reputation
- subterfuge
- n. - something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
- jurisprudence
- n. - the science or study of law
- arbiter
- n. - one chosen or appointed to judge or decide a disputed issue
- sequester
- v. - to shelter away from (sometimes juries are sequestered)
- incontrovertible
- adj. - undeniable; unquestioningly true
- substantiate
- v. - to prove
- exculpate
- v. - to free from guilt (carries the implication that the person who is exculpated is innocent)
- exonerate
- v. - to free from blame or responsibility (does not necessarily carry the implication that the person is 100% innocent-rather, the person is freed from blame)
- vindicate
- v. - to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof; to exact revenge for, avenge
- asylum
- n. - refuge; safe haven (literally or figuratively)
- unfettered
- adj. - unchained; unrestrained
- ruse
- n. - a clever trick
- bilk
- v. - to steal from
- charlatan
- n. - one who deceives or tricks
- duplicity
- n. - deception, lying
- equivocate
- v. - to lie
- guile
- n. - deception (sometimes with charm or cunning)
- stratagem
- n. - plan (usually deceptive)
- apocryphal
- adj. - untrue (as in tall tales); of questionable origins (rumors)
- obsequious
- adj. - brown-nosing, fake
- specious
- adj. - having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually false
- spurious
- adj. - lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine; false
- heretic
- n. - one who defies commonly held beliefs
- parochial
- adj. - narrow-minded
- penitent
- adj. - sorry for wrongdoing
- proselytize
- v. - to preach or try to convert
- tenet
- n. - a fundamental belief
- dogged
- adj. - persistent (in a productive way)
- dogmatic
- adj. - characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles
- immutable
- adj. - unchangeable
- impervious
- adj. - unable to be penetrated
- implacable
- adj. - unable to be calmed
- incorrigible
- adj. - unable to be reformed or corrected
- intractable
- adj. - difficult to manage or govern
- intransigence
- n. - the act of stubbornly refusing to compromise
- obdurate
- adj. - hardened in wrongdoing or wickedness
- recalcitrant
- adj. - marked by stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority or guidance
- tenacious
- adj. - holding or tending to hold persistently to something, such as a point of view
- trenchant
- adj. - forceful, effective, vigorous (as in an argument)
- harbinger
- n. - something that indicates or foreshadows what is to come
- ominous
- adj. - foreboding, signaling bad things to come
- portend
- v. - to serve as an omen or a warning of
- prescient
- adj. - perceiving the significance of events before they occur
- prophetic
- adj. - able to see into the future
- conundrum
- n. - puzzle; tricky situation
- quandary
- n. - puzzle; tricky situation
- abstruse
- adj. - difficult to understand
- dubious
- adj. - doubtful
- trepidation
- n. - fear, nervousness
- capricious
- adj. - fickle, subject to one's whim or passing fancy
- ambivalent
- adj. - having conflicting feelings
- ambiguous
- adj. - having more than one meaning, unclear`
- dolt
- n. - idiot
- apathy
- n. - a lack of feeling, indifference
- cryptic
- adj. - secretive, difficult to understand (like a code)
- vacillate
- v. - to waver
- impenetrable
- adj. - unable to be understood
- nebulous
- adj. - unclear, vague
- naive
- adj. - unsophisticated, inexperienced
- tenuous
- adj. - having little substance, flimsy (a tenuous argument)
- boisterous
- adj. - loud, full of energy
- bombastic
- adj. - pompous, arrogant or overblown in style of speaking
- clamor
- n. - loud noise, usually from a crowd, usually of protest; a hubbub
- garrulous
- adj. - given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative
- loquacious
- adj. - talkative
- raucous
- adj. - loud and rowdy