1960s slang
undefined, object
copy deck
- ankle biters
- little children
- bad scene
- an unpleasant event
- bat phone
- police officer's phone
- beach bunny
- non-surfing girl at the beach
- birdie biker
- female motorcyclist
- boss
- super
- boxes
- guitars
- brain drain
- emigration of a country's scientists
- bum trip
- an unpleasant event
- bummer
- a bad experience
- bug
- to annoy someone
- catch some rays
- sunbather
- chick
- a young woman
- clanked
- tired
- clutz
- awkward person
- cool it
- calm down
- copping out
- renege, break a promise
- crash pad
- place to sleep
- deb's delight
- eligible bachelor
- dingaling
- odd person, nerd
- do your own thing
- do it your own way
- dove
- peace lover
- downer
- an unpleasant experience
- dropout
- nonconformist
- dullsville
- boring
- fab
- attractive, exciting
- fink out
- to back out, quit
- flake off
- scram
- flower child
- hippie, member of the counterculture
- for real
- truly, indeed
- freedom riders
- civil rights protesters
- funny money
- counterfeit bills
- funky
- excellent
- gasser
- the very best
- generation gap
- difference between youth and their parents
- get it together
- straighten out one's life
- get-up-and-go
- energy, pep
- glitch
- an obstacle
- go ape
- lose control
- go-go
- of discotheques or a style of music
- go with the flow
- to relax, be passive
- greaser
- person with long oily hair
- groddy
- disgusting
- gross
- repulsive
- grossed out
- disgusted
- groovy
- outstanding
- hack
- cope
- hang a left
- make a left turn
- hang loose
- relax
- hang-up
- problem
- happening
- special event
- hawk
- war supporter
- heavy
- powerful
- hood
- small-time, petty criminal
- hot dog
- show-off
- hustle
- to persuade or pressure
- mod
- modern, in fashion
- mop-top
- one with a Beatle haircut
- mover
- influential person
- nifty
- useful, good
- No Way!
- Definately not!
- now
- fashionable
- off the wall
- strange
- out of sight
- great, unbelievable
- pad
- bed, place to sleep
- payola
- money, a bribe
- pits
- disgusting, unpleasant
- plastic
- artificial, fake
- psychedelic
- bright, dreamy patterns of light or color
- rag top
- convertible
- rap
- to talk, chart
- rap session
- discussion
- rat fink
- detestable person
- right on
- yes, okay
- rip off
- robbery, theft
- shades
- sunglasses
- shot down
- rejected
- shrink
- psychaiatrist
- shuck
- a phony
- sit in
- to take over an area in protest
- spaced out
- high on drugs
- spify
- neat, good
- squaresville
- a dull place
- straight
- not using drugs
- street people
- the homeless or poor
- sweat
- to worry
- teenie bopper
- young teen rock fan
- tell it like it is
- talk candidly
- the man
- anyone in authority
- threads
- clothes
- together
- free of anxiety
- total
- completely demolish
- tough toenails
- too bad
- trash
- to destroy
- tuff
- excellent
- tune in
- pay attention
- tune out
- igonore
- turn off
- to repulse someone
- uncool
- bad, tense
- unreal
- outstanding
- uptight
- nervous, tense
- vibes
- person's aura
- whiz kid
- intelligent child
- wow
- fantastic
- yuck
- expression of disgust
- zap
- wipe out, defeat
- zilch
- zero
- zit
- pimple
- zot
- zero