undefined, object
copy deck
- novelty (novel)
- something new, newness
- pessimism
- belief that life is basically bad or evil, gloominess
- oblivion (oblivious)
- forgetfulness
- profane
- violate, desecrate
- relegate
- banish, consign to inferior position
- predilection
- partiality, preference
- morose
- ill-humoured, sullen
- nullify
- to make invalid
- meagre
- scanty, inadequate
- mitigate
- appease
- piety (pious)
- religious devotion, godliness
- parody
- humorous imitation, travesty
- magnanimous
- generous
- ratify
- approve formally, verify
- presumptuous (presumption)
- arrogant, taking liberties
- protract
- prolong
- mundane
- worldly as opposed to spiritual
- pragmatic
- practical, concerned with practical values
- prodigal
- wasteful, reckless with money
- lucid
- easily understood
- pervasive (pervade)
- spread throughout, permeating
- opportunist
- individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage ofcircumstances
- placate
- pacify, conciliate
- phenomena
- observable facts, subjects of scientific investigation
- proliferation (proliferate)
- rapid growth, spread, multiplication
- prudent (prudence)
- cautious, careful
- opaque (opacity)
- dark, not transparent
- perturbation
- agitation
- miserly (miser)
- stingy, mean
- prodigious
- marvellous, enormous
- quandary
- dilemma
- misconstrue
- interpret incorrectly, misjudge
- precarious
- uncertain, risky
- obliterate
- destroy completely
- pacifist
- one opposed to force, antimilitarist
- refute
- disprove
- ponderous
- weighty, unwieldy
- optimist
- person who looks on the good side
- prolific
- abundantly fruitful
- nurture
- bring up, feed, educate
- prevalent
- widespread, generally accepted
- peripheral
- marginal, outerperfunctory superficial, not thorough
- marred (mar)
- damaged, disfigured
- obstinate
- stubborn
- listless
- lacking in spirit or energy
- profusion
- lavish expenditure, overabundant condition
- relevancy (relevant)
- pertinence, reference to the case in hand
- lofty
- very high
- meticulous
- excessively careful
- notoriety (notorious)
- disrepute, ill fame
- philanthropist
- lover of mankind, doer of good
- rebuttal
- refutation, response with contrary evidence
- potent (potency)
- powerful, persuasive, greatly influential
- provoke (provocation, provocative)
- stir to anger, cause retaliation
- opulence
- wealth
- methodical
- systematic
- pretentious
- ostentatious, ambitious
- redundant (redundancy)
- superfluous, excessively wordy, repetitious
- ostentatious (ostentation)
- showy, pretentious
- profound (profundity)
- deep, not superficial, complete
- rectify
- correct
- proximity
- nearness
- predecessor
- former occupant of a post
- qualified
- limited, restricted
- poignancy (poignant)
- quality of being deeply moving, keenness of emotion
- provincial
- pertaining to a province, limited
- precocious (precocity)
- advanced in development
- rebuff
- snub, beat buck
- ominous
- threatening
- partisan
- one-sided, prejudiced, committed to a party
- recluse
- hermit, anchorite
- preclude
- make impossible, eliminate