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- What is the primary purpose of blood?
- Blood supplies cells with necessary elements and removes waste products.
- What are the basic products that are supplied to cells by blood?
- Blood supplies cells with water, electrolytes, nutrients, and hormones.
- What are electrolytes?
- An electrolyte is a substance whose molecules dissociate into its constituent ions when dissolved.
- Which ions play an important role in regulating body processes?
- Ions that play an important role in regulating body processes include sodium, potassium, hydrogen, magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate, phosphate, and chloride.
- What is hematology?
- Hematology is the study of blood and disorders.
- What is an antigen?
- An antigen is a substance that can trigger an immune response, resulting in production of an antibody as part of the body's defense against infection and disease.
- Where are antigens found?
- Antigens are found in foreign proteins, microorganisms, toxins, and tissues from another body.
- What is coagulation?
- Coagulation involves a complex series of reactions in the blood plasma, whcih results in the formation of an insoluble substance called fibrin.
- What is fibrin?
- Fibrin is a stringy protein that is formed in blood as the end production of coagulation.
- What is thrombosis?
- Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot within an intact blood vessel.
- What are some of the symptoms that a thrombus has formed?
- Impaired blood flow through a blood vessel, reduced function of an organ or tissue, pain, or swelling.
- What are some of the causes that can create an abnormal clotting tendency?
- Abnormal clotting my results from a chemical imbalance in the blood, liver disease, inactivity, anesthesia, inflammation of blood vessel walls, development of atherosclerosis, or infection.
- What is the coagulation cascade?
- Coagulation cascade is a series of reactions in the blood triggered by tissue injury and platelet activation.
- What are the two main parts of the clotting process?
- The clotting process requires platelet activation and formation of fibrin filaments.
- What is a platelet?
- Platelets are the smallest type of blood particle and are also called thrombocytes.
- What can result from a deficiency in platelets?
- A deficiency of platelets can cause bleeding disorders.
- What is thrombocytopenia?
- Thrombocytopenia is a reduction in the number of platelet cells in the blood.
- What are some of the causes of thrombocytopenia?
- Thrombocytopenia may be caused by reduced rate of production of platelets by bone marrow or fast rate of destruction of platelets.
- What is a leukocyte?
- A leukocyte is any type of white blood cell.
- What is the basic purpose of red blood cells?
- The function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen to tissues at pressures sufficient to permit rapid diffusion of oxygen.
- What are the characteristics of red blood cells?
- Red blood cells are doughnut-shaped, with a large flexible surface area.
- What is the main function of red blood cells?
- The main function of the red blood cells is to act as containers for the protein hemoglobin.
- What is plasma?
- Plasma is the fluid part of the blood that consists mostly of water.
- What is the function of plasma?
- Plasma carries substances such as proteins, fats, glucose, and salts.
- What are the main constituents of blood?
- Half the volume of blood consists of cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, with the remainder being made up of plasma.
- What are the three main types of white blood cells?
- The three main types of white blood cells are granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes.
- What is the principal role of white blood corpuscles?
- The principal role of white blood cells is to protect the body against infection and to fight infection when it occurs.
- What is the primary purpose of hemoglobin?
- The purpose of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues where it is exchanged for carbon dioxide.
- What is the main product of tissue metabolism?
- The main product of tissue metabolism is urea.
- What is bilirubin?
- Bilirubin is a waste product from the destruction of hemoglobin.
- What is the process for removing bilirubin from the plasma?
- Bilirubin is removed from the plasma by the liver and turned into bile.
- When do bilirubin levels become abnormally high?
- Bilirubin levels become abnormally high in the presence of liver disease or when there is excessive destruction of red blood cells.
- What are reticulocytes?
- Reticulocytes are cells just released into the bloodsteam from the marrow.
- What information is provided by performing a count of reticulocytes?
- A count of the numbers of reticulocytes helps to estimate the rate at which red blood cells are being formed.
- How are blood cells formed?
- All types of blood cells are formed within the bone marrow by a series of divisions from a single type of cell called a stem cell.
- What does a complete blood count test measure?
- A complete blood count test measures hemoglobin concentration, and the numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in one cubic millimeter of blood.
- What is the only known hemoglobinopathy of animals?
- The only known hemoglobinopathy of animals is porphyria.
- What is porphyria?
- Porphyria is any of a group of uncommon inherited disorders caused by the accumulation in the body of substances called porphyrins.
- What causes porphyrias?
- Porphyrias results from blocks in the chemical processes by which heme is formed, resulting in accumulation of porphyrins.
- What is hypoxia?
- Hypoxia is an inadequate supply of oxygen to the tissues.
- What is hypovolemia?
- Hypovolemia is an abnormally low volume of blood circulating in the body.
- What is an erythrocyte?
- An erythrocyte is a red blood cell.
- What is erythropoiesis?
- Erythropoiesis is the production of red blood corpuscles.
- What does it mean when a blood cell is described as being senescent?
- A senescent blood cell is one which is in the state of growing old.
- What is a phagocyte?
- A phagocyte is a cell capable of surrounding, engulfing, and digesting microorganisms, and forms part of the body's immune system.
- What is a macrophage?
- A macrophage is a large phagocytic cell found in connective tissues.
- What is ATP?
- ATP is the abbreviation for adenosine triphosphate, the chief energy-carrying chemical in the body.
- What is the purpose of the energy of ATP?
- The energy of ATP is used to maintain red blood cell membrane pumps so as to preserve shape and flexibility.
- What are globulins?
- Globulins are any of a group of proteins characterized by being insoluble in water but soluble in dilute salt solutions.
- What are the three main groups of globulins?
- The three main groups of globulins are alpha, beta, and gamma globulins.
- What is the role of gamma globulins?
- All of the gamma globulins are antibodies.
- What is the makeup of beta globulins?
- Beta globulins consist mainly of low-density lipoproteins and transferrin.
- What is the purpose of transferrin?
- The purpose of transferrin is to carry iron in the blood.
- What are low-density lipoproteins?
- Lipoproteins are substances involved in the transport of fats in the blood circulation.
- What are two types of alpha globulins?
- Two types of alpha globulins include antitrypsin and haptoglobin.
- What is the role of haptoglobin?
- Haptoglobin is found in the blood where it binds together hemoglobin and prevents it from being excreted in the urine by the kidneys.
- Which hormones monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood?
- Blood sugar levels are kept within limits by inulin, glucagon, epinephrine, coricosteroids, and growth hormone.
- What is the main function of glucose?
- Glucose is the body's chief source of energy for cell metabolism.
- What is hemolysis?
- Hemolysis is the destruction of red blood cells, a process that releases iron for new red cells, bilirubin which is converted to bile, and other breakdown products of the red cell.
- What is chemotaxis?
- Chemotaxis is the movement of a cell or organism toward or away from a chemical stimulus.
- What is lysis?
- Lysis describes the destruction of a cell by damage to its outer membrane.
- What is interferon?
- Interferon is a group of proteins produced naturally by the body cells in response of viral infections and other stimuli.
- What is histamine?
- Histamine is a chemical present in cells that is released during an allergic reaction.
- What are the three types of granulocytes?
- The three types of granulocytes are neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils.
- Which is the most important granulocyte?
- The most important granulocytes are neutrophils which make up 60% of all white blood cells.
- What is the main purpose of neutrophils?
- Neutrophils are responsible for isolating and killing invading bacteria.
- What is aggregation?
- Aggregation is the clumping of blood cells.
- What is albuminuria?
- Albuminuria is the presence of the protein albumin in urine.
- What does the presence of albumin in the urine indicate?
- The presence of albumin in the urine usually indicates a failure of the kidney's filtering mechanism.
- What is the most abundant protein in the body?
- Albumin is the most abundant protein in the body.
- How is albumin created in the body?
- Albumin is made in the liver from amino acids absorbed from digested protein.
- What are the two most important functions of albumin?
- Albumin regulates movement of water between tissues and bloodstream by osmosis, as well as helps to retain substances in circulation by binding to them.
- What is an alkali?
- Alkali is known as a base and is chemically defined as a donor of hydroxyl ions.
- What is alkalosis?
- Alkalosis is a disturbance in the body's acid-base balance.
- What are the two types of alkalosis?
- The two types of alkalosis are metabolic and respiratory.
- What is a cause of metabolic alkalosis?
- Metabolic alkalosis can be caused by sever vomiting.
- What is the cause for respiratory alkalosis?
- Respiratory alkalosis is caused by a reduction in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood.
- What are amino acids?
- Amino acids are a group of chemical compounds that form the basic structural units of all proteins.
- What are the characteristics of amino acids?
- Each amino acid molecule consists of nitrogenous amino and acid carboxyl groups of atoms linked to a rink of carbon atoms.
- What are the differences between proteins?
- The difference between proteins is the arrangement of amino acids.
- What does the term humoral describe?
- Humoral is a term used to pertain to the fluids of the body.
- What are the two branches of the immune system?
- The two branches of the immune system are humoral and cellular.
- Which type of lymphocyte cells are responsible for humoral immunity?
- B cells are responsible for humoral immunity.
- Which types of lymphoctyte cells are responsible for cellular immunity?
- T cells are responsible for cellular immunity.
- What is the difference in the formation between T and B cells?
- B cells migrate directly to organs, while lymphocytes migrate to the thymus and differentiate further under the influence of thymic hormones to become T cells.
- What do stimulated T cells produce?
- Stimulated T cells produce lymphokines, which are chemicals that destroy abnormal cells.
- What are immunoglobins?
- Immunoglobins are antibody molecules.
- What are some of the classes of immunoglobins?
- Classes of immunoglobins include IgA, IgM, IgG, and IgE.
- What is the functional characteristic of IgA?
- IgA is the principal antibody of respiratory and intestinal secretions.
- What is the functional characteristic of IgM?
- IgM is the first antibody produced in response to a newly recognized antigen.
- What is the functional characteristic of IgG?
- IgG is the principal antibody of the circulating blood.
- What is the functional characteristic of IgE?
- IgE is the principal antibody involved in allergic reactions.
- What does the term neoplastic refer to?
- Neoplastic refers to the progressive abnormal multiplication of cells.
- What are mast cells?
- Mast cells are a type of cell that plays an important part in the body's allergic response.
- What is the role of mast cells during an allergic response?
- Allergens stimulate the release of antibodies which attach themselves to mast cells, and mast cells release histamine.
- What is atopy?
- Atopy is a predisposition to various allergic reactions.
- What is urticaria?
- Urticaria is a skin condition characterized by the development of itchy wheals.
- What is the most common known mechanism of urticaria?
- The most common known mechanism of urticaria is an allergic reaction in which the chemical histamine is released from skin cells, causing fluid to leak from capillaries into skin tissues.
- What is aplasia?
- Aplasia is the incomplete or reduced growth and development of any organ or tissue.
- What is fibrosis?
- Fibrosis is an overgrowth of scar or connective tissue.
- What are some of the causes of fibrosis?
- Fibrous tissue may be formed as an exaggerated healing response to injury, infection, inflammation, or lack of oxygen in tissue.
- What is endothelium?
- Endothelium is the layer of cells that lines the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic ducts.
- What is the purpose of endothelium?
- Endothelium cells are squamous to provide a smooth surface that aids flow of blood and lymph, and helps prevent formation of blood clots.
- What are the characteristics of Von Willebrand's disease?
- Von Willebrand's disease is an inherited lifelong bleeding disorder caused by a defective gene.
- What is anemia?
- Anemia is a condition characterized by insufficient circulating hemoglobin.
- What are the characteristics of regenerative anemias?
- Regenerative anemias have a high reticuloycte count and are due to red blood cell loss.
- What are the characteristics of nonregenerative anemias?
- Nonregenerative anemias have poor bone marrow response and reticulocyte count is low.
- What does low corpuscular volume indicate in an anemic animal?
- A low MCV indicates iron deficiency from slow loss of blood.