Mineralogy Terms
undefined, object
copy deck
- accessory mineral
- a mineral present in small amounts in a rock, unimportant for rock naming or classification
- accesssory plate
- a plate that may be inserted in the tube of a polarizing light microscope to produce interference of a known amountl typically made of quartz, gypsum, or mica.
- Acicular
- having a needle like shape
- actinide
- elements (such as Th, Pa, and U) with atomic numbers 90 through 103 and valence electrons in 5f orbitals
- acute bisectrix
- aline bisecting the angle formed by the two optic axes in a biaxial mineral
- acute bisectrix figure (Bxa)
- the interference figure seen when looking down an acute bisectrix
- adamantine
- a type of luster that is bright, sparkly, and shiny similary to that of diamonds
- aggregate (or crystals)
- a mass of crystals, of the same or different minerals, that may be physically separated, perhaps with some difficulty
- albite twin
- a common twin law in ticlinic feldspars, often resulting in polysynthetic twins
- alchemy
- chemistry of the Middle Ages that combind science, magic, and philosophy
- alkali element
- any element (such as Li, Na, or K)of the first group in the Periodic Table of the Elements; alkali elements typically ionize to form monovalent cations
- Alkaline earth element
- any element (such as Be, Mg, or Ca) of the second group in the Periodic Table of the Elementsl alkaline earth elements typically ionize to form divalent cations
- allochromatic
- a term descriving a mineral that gets its color from minor or trace elements (see also iodiochromatic)
- alloy
- a noncrystalline mixture of two or more metals
- alluvium
- unconsolidated sediment deposited by a stream
- amorphous
- having a random atomic structure (see also noncrystalline)
- amphibolite (facies)
- one of the principal metamorphic facies introduced by Eskola, corresponding to high-grade conditions of about 450 - 650 and 3- 8 Kbar
- amphibolite (rock)
- a metamorphic rock containing primarily hornblende and plagioclase
- analyser
- a polarizing filter that can be inserted in the upper column of a polarizing light microschope to view minerals under crossed-polarized light (see also upper polarizer)
- anatexis
- melting of preexisting rock
- andesite
- an extrusive igneous rock of intermiediate composition containing plagioclase as the only major feldspar; minor K-feldspar or quartz, pryoxene, biotite, and hornblende may be present
- angle of incidence
- the angle that an impinging ray makes with a normal to an interface
- angle of refraction
- the angle that a refracted ray makes wit ha normal to an interface
- anhedral
- a crystal that lacks well-developed crystals faces or that has rounded or irregular form due to crowding by adjacent crystals
- anion
- an ion having a negative charge
- anionic complex
- a tightly bonded, negatively charged moleculr group; in mineral formulas, often surrounded by parentheses
- anisodesmic
- describing an ionic compound in which the ionic bonds are not all of the same strength
- anisotropic
- having different physical properties in different directions
- anomalous interference colors
- interference colors that are not represented on the Michel Levy Chart; typically associated with minerals of exteremely low birefringence, such as chlorite
- aphanitic
- having no mineral grains that are visible to the naked eye
- aqueous solution
- a water-rich solution, usually containing dissolved elements or complexes
- arborescent
- a term descrving an aggregate of crystals having a treelike appearance (see also dendritic)
- arenite
- general term for detrital sedimentary rocks composed of sand-sized grains and lithic fragments; includes sandstone, graywacke, arkose, and others (see also psammite)
- arkose
- a feldsapr-rich sandstone
- asbestiform
- a crystal habit characterized by fine threadlike, fibrous, or acicular crystals; more specifically, sometimes defined as a crystal habit with a length:diameter ratio of more thant 3:1
- asbestos
- a genral term referring to minerals that have an asbestiform habitl chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite are typical asbestos minerals
- association (mineral)
- a group of minerals found together in a rock
- asterism
- the play of colors seen in some minerals that produces a rayed or star-shpaed figure when viewed in direct light; a star sapphire is one example
- atmophile
- an element that tends to concentrate in the Earth's atmosphere
- atomic absorption spectrophotometer
- an analytical instrument in which compoistion is determind by measuring the absorption of characterisitc wavelengths of light by an atomized and flamed sample
- atomic mass unit (amu)
- unit for expressing atomic mass, equal to approximately 1.66x10^-24 grams
- atomic number(Z)
- the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element
- atomic weight
- the weight of an atom or compound in atomic mass unitsl generally close to the total number of protons and neutrons
- Aufbaur principle
- the principle that states that electrons fill orbitals in a systematic way from the lowest energy orbitals to the highest
- augen
- lagrge lenticular mineral grains or mineral aggregates in a foliated metamorphic rock
- augen gneiss
- a gneiss containing augen
- authigenic
- formed or generated in place; used to describe minerals that form in a sediment or sedimentary rock after deposition of an original sediment
- Avogadro's number
- 6.022x10^23, equivalent to the number of atoms or molecules in a mole
- Axial ratio
- the ration of unit cell lengths along each crystallographic axis, a:b:c
- axis (crystallographic)
- one of the three edges of a chosen unit cell in a crystall lattice; the coordinate system used to describe points, lines, and planes in a crystal
- axis (rotational)
- a symmetry element that relate identical crystals faces or other things by rotation of 60, 90, 120, 180, or 360 about an axis
- Banded iron formation(BIF)
- a layered rock containing chert, silicate, carbonate, or oxide layers, giving a banded appearence
- Basal cleavage
- a term used to describe the cleavage in minerals such as micas that allows the ineral to break into plates or sheets
- Basalt
- an extrusive igneous rock of mafic composition containing plagioclase as the only major feldspar; clinopyroxene plus or minus orthopyroxene plus or minus olivine are typically present (see also gabbro)
- basement (rock)
- metamorphic and igneous rocks that underlie sediments and sedimentary rocks observed at the Earth's surface; often, though not exclusively, of Precambrian age
- basis
- a sufficient set of symmetry operators for descriving the symmetry of crystals (translation-free symmetry) or of atomic structures (space sysmmetry)
- bauxite
- name given to a rock or a mineral-like material composed primarily of a mixture of aluminum oxides and hydroxides such as boehmite and gibbsite;l bauxite is the most significant aluminum ore
- Baveno twin
- an uncomomon twin law in feldspar
- Becke line
- a bright line, visible under a microscope, that separates substances of different refractive indices
- bentonite
- a clay-rich earthy materal formed by devitrification and alteration of tuff or volcaing ash; sometimes used more generally to refer to any clay deposit rich in montmorillonite
- Berman blaance
- a type of balance scale used to determine specific gravity
- Betrand lens
- a lends that can be inserted in the tube of a polarizing light microscope to facilitate observation of interference figures
- biaxial
- describing a crystal having two optic axes and three principal indices of refraction. Such crystals belong to the orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic crystal systems
- binary solution
- a solid solution series that can be characterized by two end members
- birefringence (property)
- the property of a crystal that causes double refraction
- birefringence (value)
- the difference between the greatest and least indices of refraction
- bladed
- having the appearance of blades
- blocky
- a term used to describe crystals that have a blocklike appearance, generally with an approximately square cross section
- blueschist (facies)
- one of the principal metamorphic facies introduced by Eskola, corresponding to high pressure-low temperature conditions
- blueschist (rock)
- a vague term used to describe fine grained, bluish colored rock diagnostic of the blueschist facies. Key minerals include blue amphiboles (glaucophane and riebeckite), lawsonite, jadeite, and aragonite.
- body centered
- said of a unit cell that has an extra lattice point at its center
- body diagonal
- aline passing through the center of a cube or other three-dimensional geometric shape and connecting opposite corners
- Bohr model of the atom
- a fundamental model of an atom that states that electrons orbit atomic nuclei in orbits associated with specific energy levels
- bomb
- a laboratory reactor vessel used to synthesize gems and minerals at high pressure and temperature
- bort
- dimond of low quality that is unsuitable as a gem but useful in industrial applications
- botryoidal
- a term used to describe a mineral habit that appears like a bunch of grapes
- boule
- a oblong-shaped synthetic mineral crystal that is produced from the Verneuil technique
- Bowen's reaction series
- a hypothetical series that describes the order of crystallization of minerals from magma
- Bragg law
- a mathematical law that describes the relationship between the angle of diffraction, x-ray wavelength, and atomic plane spacing
- Bravais lattices
- the fourteen possible three-dimensional lattices that can describe mineral structures
- Brazil twin
- a common type of twinning in quartz
- Breccia
- a clastic sedimentary rock composed of large angular broken rock fragments in a finer grained matrix
- Bridging oxygen
- an oxygen atom in a crystal structure that is shared by two or more equivalent coordinating polyhedra
- brittle
- a term used to describe minerals that shatter or break easily when struck
- brucite layer
- a sheet of Mg(OH)6 octahedra in a layered crystal structure
- Buerger precession camera
- an instrument designed to record single crystal diffraction patterns on film
- burial metmorphism
- metamorphism affecting a large region; caused by pressure related to depth in the Earth and temperature related to geothermal gradient (see also regional metamorphism)
- Cabochon
- a gemstone that has been ground and polished into a domed shape
- calcine
- the heat material, such as limestone, to high temerature, breaking down minerals and driving off carbon dioxide or other volatiles
- capillary
- having a hairlike or threadlike appearance (see also filiform)
- carbonate (mineral)
- a group of minerals with formulas characterized by (CO3) 2- radicals
- Carbonate (radical)
- the (CO3) 2- anionic group
- Carbonate (rock)
- a chemical sedimentary rock dominated by carbonate minerals; limestone or dolostone
- Carbonation reaction
- reaction of a mineral or minerals with CO2 to produce a product carbonate mineral
- Carlsbad twin
- a commmon twin law in orthoclase, less common in other feldspars, often resulting in penetration twins
- Cartesian coordinate system
- an X-Y-Z coordinate system in which all axes are at 90degree and the unit distances along all axes are equal
- Cataclastic metamorphism
- metamorphism caused by a transient high-pressure condition such as a meteor impact (see also shock metamorphism and dynamic metamorphism)
- Cathode ray tube
- Vacuum tube in which beams of high-energy electrons pass through magnetic fields and hit a fluorescent screen
- cation
- an ion having a positive charge
- cementation
- lithification of clastic sediments resulting from the deposition or precipitation of minerals in the spaces between individual clastic grains; it may occur at the time of deposition or during diagensis
- centered
- said of a unit cell that has (an) extra lattice point(s) at its center, in the center of its faces, or in the center of two opposing faces..
- chain silicates
- silicate minerals characterized by SiO4 tetrahedra joining to form chains either one tetrahedron or two tetrahedra wide (see also inosilicates)
- chalcophile
- an element that tends to concentrate in sulfide minerals and ores
- characteristic radiation
- high-intensity radiatioin of one or a few wavelengths emitted by the target of an X-ray tubel the wave length(s) or characteristic radiation depend on the elements in the target
- chatoyancy
- the play of colors seen in some minerals in which a silky sheen is seen to form a narrow band that changes position as the mineral is turned; for example cat's-eye chrysoberyl
- chemical precipitate
- a solid that precipitates from an aqueous solution, typically due to supersaturation
- chemical sedimentary rock
- a sedimenatray rock composed primarily of material formed by precipiation from solution; for example, most limestones and all evaporites
- chemical sediments
- sediments produced by dissolution and precipitaion resulting from chemical weathering; they may precipitate where weathering occurs or at a different place
- chemical weathering
- type of weathering involving chemical reactions that transform or decompose miinerals and rock
- chert
- a hard sedimentary rock composed primarily of cryptocrystalline silica, generally in the from of cibrous chalcedony with lesser amounts of quartz and opal
- chromophores
- elements that give minerals their color
- clast
- a mienral grain, lithic fragment, or organic remnant that is produced by mechanical weathering and bcomes part of a clastic sediment or rock
- clastic
- being composed of grafments (clasts) derived from preexisting rocks
- clastic rock
- sedimentray rock formed by the lithification of clsatic sediments; for example, sandstone, shale, and siltstone
- Clausius-Clapeyron equation
- an equation relating the slope of a reaction on a prssure-temperature diagram to the entropy volume change of the reaction
- clay (grain size)
- a clastic fragment of any cmposition smaller than silt, having a dimaeter less that 1/256 mm
- clay (mineral)
- member of a group of loosely defind hydrous sheet silicates formed primarily by alteration or weather of primary silicates. The most common clays belong to the illite, jaolinite, or montmorillonite groups
- cleavage
- the breaking of a mineral along a set of parallel identical atomic planes
- clinonet
- a two-dimensional lattice characterized by two translations of different magnitudes at nonspecial angles to each other
- clinopyroxene
- monoclinic pyroxene subgroup dominated by end members diopside and hedenbergite. The most common of all pyroxenes
- closet packing
- the most effecient way to pack like atoms together in three dimensions; each atom is surrounded by 12 others
- colloform
- appearing as spherical or hemispherical shpaes made of radiating crystals (see also globular)
- color
- a sensation produced by different wavelengths of light hitting the eye
- columnar
- having the appearance of an aggregate of slender, elongated individual crystals, nearly parallel in arrangement
- complex twin
- a twin composed of more than two individual crystals
- compositional zoning
- variation in the composition of a crysta, typically from core to margin (see also zoning)
- compound (chemical)
- a substance of fixed atomic proportions made by the combination of two or more elements
- concentration fact
- the extent to which an element must be concentrated above normal crustal levels to make minig it profitable
- conchoidal
- a term describing fracturing that produces curvged surfaces similar to when glass breaks; for example, quartz has a conchoidal fracture
- condenser
- a lens, or several lenses, that may be inserted in the substage of a polarizing light microscope to cause light rays to converge on a sample (see also condensing lens)
- condensive lens
- see condenser...
- conglomerate
- a coarse-grianed clastic sedimentary rock with fragments larger that 2 mm in diameter in a fine-grained matrix; the equivalent of lithified gravel. The clats are rounded in conglomerates in contrast with breccias
- conoscopic illumination
- describing the strongly convergent light produced by the insertion of a condensing lens in a polarizing light microscope substage
- constructive interference
- the addition of two waves that are in phase with negligible or no loss of energy
- contact aureole
- a contact metamorphic zone surrounding an igneous intrusion (see also aureole)
- contact metamorphism
- metamorphism localized around an igneous rock body; primarily in response to heat and flowing fluids.
- Contact twin
- a twin in which two individuals are symmetrically arranged about a twin plane
- Continuous radiation
- the low-intensity radiation covering a range of wavelengths , produced by and X-ray tube; continuous radiation provides the background for characteristic radiation
- continuous side (Bowen's reaction series)
- the side of Bowen's reaction series characterized by plagioclase
- coordinating polyhedron
- polyhedron formed around an atom or ion by ocnnecting the centers of the coordinated atoms or ions
- coordination number
- number of neighboring atoms to which and atom is bonded
- country rock
- rock intruded by and surrounding an igneous intrusion
- coupled substitution
- simultaneous substitution of two or more different ions in a structure in such a way that charge balance is maintained; for example, the substitution of Ca, Al, for ?Na, Si, in albite
- covalent bond
- an ideal chemical bond that involves the sharing or orbital electrons between elements that have little or no difference in electronegativity
- cover slip
- a thin piece of glass that is placed over grains and liquid to make a grain mount
- critical angle
- the angle of incidence that yields an angle of refraction of 90 degrees
- crossed polars
- the condition caused when the upper polarizer is inserted in a polarizing light microscope
- cryptocrystalline
- a term describing a material containing generally submicroscopic grains whose crystalline nature is not easily determined
- crystal
- a homogenuous solid body of an element, compound, or solid solution having a regularly repeating atomic structure that may be outwardly expressed as planar faces
- crystal classes
- the 32 possible combinations of symmetry elements that a crystal may have; in modern usage, practically synony mous with the 32 possible point groups
- crystal morpholofy
- the shape and form(s) of a crysral
- crystal structure
- spatial arrangement of atoms or ions, and their bonds in a crystal
- crystal structure determination
- determination of the spatial arrangement of atoms and their bonds in a crystal
- crystal system
- one of the six distinct coordinate systems: cubic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, hexagonal, monoclinic, and triclinic. The trigonal subdivision of the hexagonal system is sometimes counted as separate crystal system.
- crystalline
- having a crystal structure; having a regular arrangement of atoms characterized by a space lattice
- crystallographic axis
- a direction corresponding to one of the three edges of a chosen unit cell in a crystal lattice
- cube
- a closed form of six identical square faces of 90degree to each other
- cubic
- having a cube shape or belonging to the cubic system
- cubic (coordination)
- the bonding of an ion to eight others arranged so that connecting their centers forms a cube
- cubic (system)
- a crystal system characterized by lattice symmetry 4/m32/m and containg point groups with symmetry no greater than 4/m32/m; one cell parameter (a) is needed to describe the shape and size of a cubic unit cell
- cubic closest packing
- closest packing of atoms in a pattern similar to a face-centered cubic lattice; closest packing equivalent to stacking closest packed layers in an ABCABC sequence
- cumulate
- a layer of minerals accumulated by gravity settling of crystals as they form in a magma chamber
- cyanide method
- a method for extracting valuable metal ore that involves hydrogen cyanide
- cycle
- one complete upward and downward motion by a wave
- cyclic twinning
- repeated twinning of three or more individuals according to the same twin law but with the twin axes or twin planes not parallel, usually producing a twinned crystal in which twin domains are related by aparent rotational symettry
- cyclosilicates
- silicate minerals characterized by SiO4 tetrahedra joining to from rings (see also ring silcates)
- Czochralski process
- a method of making synthetic gems that involves a seed crystal drawing materals out of a melt
- d-value
- the distance betwen adjacent planes with the same Miller indices
- dacite
- an extrusive igneous rock of silicic composition that contains more plagioclase than K-feldspar; biotite and hornblende are typically present (see also granodiorite)
- daughter element
- the product element of radioactive decay
- daughter isotope
- the product isotope of radioactive decay
- Dauphine twin
- a common type of twinning in quartz
- Debeye-Scherrer camera
- the most commonly used and most versatile camera for obtaining powder diffraction patterns
- decarbonation reaction
- a reaction that liberates CO2 from a mineral
- defect
- a flaw in an otherwise ideal crystal structure
- degrees of freedom
- the number of intensive variables that may be changed independently without causing a change in mineral assemblage or composition
- dehydration reaction
- a reaction that liberates H2O from a carbonate mineral
- dendritic
- a term describing an aggregate of crystals having a treelike appearance (see also arborescent)
- density
- he quantity of matter in a unit volume; mineral densities are typically given in units of gm/cm3
- destructive interference
- the addition of two out-of-phase waves resulting in a total, or significant, loss of energy
- detrital
- referring to a product of mechanical weathering
- detrital sedimentary rock
- rock formed by lithification of detrital sediments
- detritus
- broken-up material resulting from mechanical weathering
- diagenesis
- chemical, physical, and biological changes that affect sediment or sedimnetary rocks after initial deposition, but excluding weathering or metamorphism
- diamagnetism
- a property of minerals that causes a small negative reaction (repulsion) to a magnet
- diamond (shape)
- a parallelogram having four sides of equal length and no angles at 90 degrees
- diamond lattice
- see diamond net
- diamond net
- a two-dimensional lattice characterized by two translations of the same magntude at nospecial angles to each other
- disphaneity
- the ability of a mineral to transmit light; often described as transparent, translucent, or opaque
- diaphragm
- an adjustable opening used to control the size of a light beam in a polarzing light microscope
- dichroism
- pleochroism of a mineral that is observed as two different colors
- diffraction
- apparent bending of radiation by evenly spaced atoms, slits, or gratings
- diffraction grating
- a grating that causes diffraction
- diffraction slit
- a slit that causes diffraction
- diffractometer
- an instrument that recods x-ray diffraction patters
- dioctehedral
- describing a layered mineral structure in which only two or three available octahedral sites are occupied
- diorite
- an intrusive igneous rock of intermediate compositio containing plagiocalse as the only major feldspar; minor K-feldspar or quartz, pyroxene, biotite, and hornblende may be present
- diploid
- a closed cubic form of 24 quadrilateral faces; a from of crystal class 2/m3
- dipyramid
- a closed crystal form of 6, 8, 12, 16 or 24 faces, comprising two pyramids related by a mirror plane of symmetry
- discontinuous side (Bowen's reaction series)
- the side of Bowen's reaction series characterized by olivine-pyroxene-anphibole-biotite
- disequilibrium
- dispersion
- dispersion
- a difference in wave velocity for different wave lengths
- disphenoid
- a closed crystal form comprising two sphenoids related by 222 symmetry
- disseminated deposit
- an ore deposit in which the ore mineral is scattered throughout a host rock
- dissolution
- the process of dissolving
- divalent
- having a charge of -/+ 2
- divariant field
- a region on a phase diagram characterized by two degrees of freedom
- divergent (crystals)
- slender crystals emanating from a common point (see also radiating)
- dodecahedral (coordination)
- 12-fold coordination
- dodecahedron
- a closed cubic form of 12 faces that may have any of a number of shapes and point group symmetries
- dolostone
- a chemical sedimentary rock composed primarily of dolomite
- domain
- a region within a crystal having a structure or orientation that differs from other regions within the crystal
- dome
- an open crystal form composed of two nonparallel faces related by a mirror
- dop
- a sticklike device that holds a gem crystal for grinding on a wheel
- double chain silicates
- silicate minerals characterzied by SiO4 tetrahedra joining to form chains two tetrahedra wide (see also amphibole)
- double refraction
- the ability of a mineral to split ordinary light into two waves of different velocities and polarization
- doubly primitive
- term describing a unit cell containing a total of two lattice points
- drusy
- having surfaces coated with fine crystals
- ductile
- a term used to describe the tenacity of mienrals that are capable of being drawn into a wirelike shape
- dull
- a type of luster that does not reflect significant amounts of light or show any play of colors
- dunite
- an ultramafic intrusive rock in which the only major mineral is olivine; chromite is typicall ypresent as an accessory mineral
- dynamic metamorphism
- metamorphism caused by a transient high-pressure condition such as a meteor impact (see also shock metamorphism and cataclastic metamorphism)
- E-ray
- see extraordinary ray
- eclogite (facies)
- a high-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic facies characteristic of the mantle
- eclogite(rock)
- a high pressure/high-temperature rock containing Mg-rich garnet (pyrope) and Na-rich clinopyroxene (omphacite); mostly of mantle origin
- edge diagonal
- a line passing through the center of a cube or other three-dimensional geometirc shape, and connecting the centers of opposite edges
- edge dislocation
- a kind of line defect caused by a terminated roc of atoms
- edge sharing
- the sharing of two atoms or ions by two adjacent coordinating polyhedra; the coordinating polyhedra appear to be sharing an edge
- effective ionic radius
- radius of a spherical volume effectively occupied by an ion in a particular structure
- effervescence
- a bubbling reacton; the term used to describe the reaction of calcite with dilute hydrochloric ace
- elastic
- a term used to describe mienrals that return to their original shpae after bending
- electromagnetic radiation
- emission or transfer of energy in the form of waves; includes x-rays, visible light, infrared light, radiowaves, and television waves
- electron
- an extremely small atomic particle having little mass and the smallest negative electric charge occurring in nature. Atoms have electrons orbiting around a nucleus.
- electron cloud
- the space occupied by electrons surrounding an atomic nucleus
- electron microprobe
- an analytical instrument in which a finely focused electron beam hits a sample, causing emission of elemental characterisitc radiation
- electronegativity
- measure of the tendency of elements to acquire electrons
- electrostatic valency principle (Pauling's rule 2)
- the strength of an ionic bond is equal to its ionic charge divided by its coordination number
- element
- a basic chemical unit composed of atoms having the same atomic number; elements cannot be separated into simpler parts by chemical means
- elliptic
- a term describing crystals that are very small ellipsoids
- enantiomorphic
- a term describing two crystals whose atomic structues are mirror images of each other
- end centered
- a term describing a unit cell with an extra lattice point in each of two opposing faces
- end member
- an ideal chemical formula representing one limit of a solid solution
- energy level
- the enrgy associated with a particular electron orbit in an atom
- enthalpy
- a thermodynamic variable related to the Gibbs free energy
- entropy
- a thermodynamic variable representing the degree of randomness or disorger in a system
- epigenetic
- refers to a mineral deposit that is emplaced after its host rock already exists