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SPED 400 Test 3


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To describe deaf as a disability it is spelled...
To describe Deaf as a culture it is spelled  

True or False

The sense of hearing is a complex and not completely understood process 

What are the 4 steps taken to create hearing?
o    The auricle funnels sound waves into the auditory canal
o    Variations in sound pressure cause the eardrum to move in and out
o    The vibrations of the bones of the middle ear transmit energy t
If a student is unable to hear even after the use of a hearing aid
significant hearing loss that makes special adaptation necessary
Hard of hearing

True or False 

Many persons who are deaf do not view hearing loss as a disability


Hearing loss present at birth due to:

o    Genetic Factors
o    Maternal Rubella
o    Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
o    Premature birth

Congenital hearing loss

Hearing loss that occurs after birth

Prelingual hearing loss:  occurs before speech develops

Postlingual hearing loss:  occurs after speech develops


Acquired hearing loss
Name four causes of acquired hearing loss
•    Otitis Media:  ear infections
•    Meningitis
•    Meniere’s Disease
•    Noise Exposure

Levels of functioning for deafness/hearing loss is influenced by
•    Degree of hearing loss
•    Attitudes of parents and siblings
•    Opportunities to acquire a first language
•    The presence of other disabilities

True or false

Deafness itself imposes limitations on the cognitive capabilities of the individual 


True or False

The extent to which a child successfully interacts depends largely on other’s attitudes and the child’s ability to communicate in some mutually accepted way 

How many people out of every 1000 have a chronic hearing loss?
95 out of every 1000 people
How many children out of 1000 have an educationally significant hearing loss?
83 out of a 1000 children
About what % of students who are deaf or hard of hearing have another disabling condition
Three educational approaches to deafness/hearing loss
•    Oral/Aural Approaches
•    Total Communication
•    American Sign Language (ASL) and the Bilingual-Bicultural Approach
Approximately of children who are deaf or hard of hearing attend local public schools
Supports and technology for deafness/hearing loss

•    Interpreters

•    Speech-to-text translation   

•    Television captioning

•    Text telephones

•    Alerti

Technologies and Supports that Amplify, Provide, Supplement, or Replace sound

Hearing aids

Assistive hearing devices

Cochlear implants 

unilateral deafness
deaf in one ear
bilateral deafness
deaf in both ears
o    Dysfunction of bones, joints, limbs, and associated muscles
o    Dysfunction of central nervous system affecting movement
o    Adversely affecting educational performance

Orthopedic Impairments (OI)
o    Limited strength, vitality, or alertness due to chronic or acute health problems
o    Adversely affecting educational performance

Other Health Impairment (OHI)
Name some causes of physical disabilities due to health impairments other then Orthopedic impairments:
•    Heart Condition
•    Tuberculosis
•    Rheumatic fever
•    Nephritis (kidney)
•    Asthma
•    Sickle ce

True or false

Children with physical disabilities are more alike than they are different. 

Name the two factors of physical disabilities that affect educational needs:

Age of onset

The visibility of the impairment 

A person whose visual acuity is 20/20 or less after the best possible correction with glasses or contact lenses is considered legally blind
A person whose vision is restricted to an area of 20 degrees or less
Legally blind
Receives no used information through the sense of vision
Totally blind
Learns primarily through the auditory channel
Functionally blind
Uses vision as primary means of learning
Low vision
Cognition and language: difficulty to see connections between experiences Motor develoment and mobility: delays and deficits in motor development Social adjustment and interaction
Characteristics of people with visual impairments
Fewer than 2 children in 1000 have visual impairments
Almost 1/2 of school age children with visual impairments also have another disability
86% of children are educated in public schools
True7.5% of schools are children with visual impairments attend residential schools
Occurring after an individual has developed the use of language
Occurring before an individual has developed the use of language
able to speak two languages with the facility of a native speaker.
of, pertaining to, or combining two cultures.
Permanent disorder of voluntary movement and posture
Cerebral Polsy
The most common physical disability
Cerebral polsy
A permanent condition resulting from a lesion to the brain or an abnormality growth in the brain
Cerebral Polsy
Does not get progressively worse It is not a disease, fatal, contageious, or inheirted
Cerebral polsy
1/3 of children with Cerebral palsy have normal or above normal intelligence
What is the ratio of children with Cerebral palsy who have mild cognitive delay
1/3 of the children with cerebral palsy have severe mental retardation
injuries or low oxygen levels are the causes of?
Cerebral Palsy
what is the population that has cerebral palsy
1.5 in 1000 births
What percent of all individuals with CP have spastic cerebral palsy which is characterized by tense, contracted muscles (hypertonia)
A birth defect in the vertebra in which part of the vertebra is exposed.
Spina Bifida
True or Flase: Fluid builds up in the brain for spina bifida is treated by a shunt
Progressive weatkening and degeneration of the muscles
Muscular Dystrophy
Caused by frature, stretching or compression of spinal cord and can often result in paralysis below affected vertabra
Spinal Cord injuries
Caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain
Chronic disorder of metabolism in which the body is unable to break down sugar
Diabetes is treated with what three things?
Insulin, diet, and exercise
Chronic lung disease resulting in a narrowing of airways
What Other Health Impairment is the leading cause of absenteeism in school?
Genetic disorder resulting affecting pulmonary and digestive systems
Cystic Fibrosis
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is also known as?
Person is unable to resist infections because of a breakdown in the immune system
True or flase: Saliva, nasal secretions, sweat, tears, urine, and vomit do not transmit HIV unless blood is visible
List three educational approaches for physical disabilities
Interdisciplinary team of teachers, therapists, and health specialists
1948 case in which the court decided that a school district has obligated to provide clean intermittent catheterization to a young child with spina bifida
Irving Independent School Distric v Tatro (1948)
A case in which nursing services such as a tracheotomy, positioning of wheel chair, catherteriation, and assistance with food and drink
Cedar Rapids Community School District v Garret F. (1999)
The two cases are used as a standard for which test, in which states that if a licensed physician is required to do a service then it is not the schools responsibility to pay for it
Bright-line test
ADHD fall under which special education category?
Other health impairments
what is the percent of school children who have ADHD?
3 to 5%
What two treatment approaches are there for ADHD?
Drug therapy and behaviroal intervention
What are the percentages of people with ADHD? For example the inattentive?
50% are diagnosed with both 30% are inattentive/dreamer 20% are hyperactive/impulsive
What percent of ADHD have a learning disability
True or False: Children who are not served under IDEA can use Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
What percent of adolescents with ADHD develop at least one additional behavioral problem
ADHD reflects to much or to little?
To much
ADD reflects to much or to little?
To little
What is the percentage of children who respond positively to Ridolin?
What is the ratio of boys more likely to suffer from ADHD than girls?
3 to 10 times more likely
Symptoms are present before age 7 Symtoms must be present in two or more settings Symptoms must cause impairment in social, academic or occupational function
Use of symptoms to determine ADHD
True or false: Self-monitoring and self-control must be taught and reinforced with students with ADHD

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