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A member of a group of English Protestants who in the 16th and 17th centuries advocated strict religious discipline along with simplification of the ceremonies and creeds of the Church of England.
In 1628, group of distinguished Puritan businessmen formed a venture named the Governor and Company of ----------, which was initially conceived as a profit-making endeavor in the New World. A land grant was received from the Council of New England, the
Massachusetts Bay Colony
In 1608, a community of English separatists decided to escape persecution by moving to Holland, an area long known for its toleration. Dutch society was so welcoming that the -----, as they had come to be known, eventually feared that they were losing co
The pilgrims' solution to the problem of the lack of authority was to create it themselves. The document known as the ------ was drafted aboard ship and signed by 41 of the adult males. The agreement first acknowledged the colonists' loyalty to King Jame
Mayflower Compact
In 1639, representatives from Hartford, Wethersfield and Windsor met to establish a government for the growing settlements. They drafted the ---------, sometimes cited as the first constitution written in America. The settlers emulated many of the practi
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
after getting chucked out of Salem, this outspoken religious nonconformist founded Rhode Island.
Roger Williams
Big deal with the Spanish Armada, tried to found a bajillion and 2 colonies in virginia, was imprisoned in the tower of london for secretly marrying one of elizabeth's ladies in waiting. ah yes, and the lovely place we live is named for him.
Sir Walter Raleigh
--------- early history alternated between near disaster and faint success. The root difficulty was that the colony needed soldiers, craftsmen and farmers, but instead was populated largely by self-important gentlemen unaccustomed to manual labor. Energy
Cecilius Calvert (son of Lord Baltimore) encouraged fellow Catholics to settle there. While establishing a refuge for Catholics who were facing increasing persecution in Anglican England, the Calverts also were interested in creating profitable estates.
In 1681, Charles II of England granted 40,000 square miles of land controlled by his brother, the Duke of York, to -------, son of a famous admiral of the same name. Quakers settled there, as well as other religious refugees.
From the beginning, ----'s aims were twofold: to provide a haven for fellow Quakers (“the Holy Experiment”) and to produce a profit. He arrived at the new colony in 1682 and set about meticulous planning for the city of -----. ----- was generally succe
William Penn
In 1662, several congregations met and approved the "-------," a move designed to liberalize membership rules and bolster the church's position in the community. Henceforth, children of partial members could be baptized and, with evidence of a
Half-Way Covenant
By 1735, ---- had become the editor of the New York Weekly Journal and developed a reputation for sympathy with the popular side of public issues. In that year, ----- was brought to trial on charges of printing false and seditious statements about coloni
John Peter Zenger
Lasting fame resulted from the publication of Common Sense in January 1776, followed some months later by the first of a series of pamphlets called The Crisis. With the continental forces in retreat, American readers received encouragement from the insta
Thomas Paine

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