Gente Utopica
undefined, object
copy deck
- El boicot/boicotear
- boycott/boycotter
- Delincuencia
- delinquency/crime
- Deportar
- to deport
- Derecho
- right
- Esclavo/a
- slave
- Estadia
- stay
- Inmigrante
- immigrant
- La lema
- motto
- La ley
- law
- Manifestacion
- manifestation
- Meta/destino
- goal, aim, finish
- Ministro
- minister
- El mitin
- meeting
- Partido
- game
- Propuesta
- proposal, offer
- proyecto
- project
- redada
- raid
- reformar
- to reform, change
- reivindicar
- to claim, demand, restore, vindicate
- sanidad
- public health system
- tasa
- rate
- vivienda
- housing
- votar
- to vote
- becas
to award a grant to/
to award a scholarship to - facilidades
- facilities
- impuestos
- taxes
- nivel de vida
- level of life
- pobre/pobreza
- poor
- rico/riqueza
- rich
- aumento de sueldo
- increase in pay/wages
- cobrar
- to earn, collect, charge
- cotizacion
- membership fees, subscription
- desempleo/paro
- unemployment
- fondos
- bottom
- huelga
- strike
- jornada laboral
- working day
- jubilacion/retiro
- retirement
- ser bilingue
- to be bilingual
- Basta ya!
- Enough already!
- Esto no puede seguir asi!
- This can not follow this!
- No es mi culpa!
- It isn't my fault!
- ahorro de energia
- energy saving
- basura
- trash
- combustible
- combustible
- envoltorio de plastico
- plastic wrapper
- humo
- smoke
- motor de combustion
- engine
- naturaleza
- nature
- reciclar
- to recycle
- ruido
- noise
- sequia
- drought
- aguantar
- to tolerate
- estar harto de
- to be fed up with
- fastidiar
- to annoy, bother
- indignar
- to infuriate, make angry
- molestar
- to disturb, bother
- odiar
- to hate
- oponerse a
- to be opposed to
- protestar
- to protest
- rechazar
- to reject
- soportar
- to support
- apoyar
- to learn
- aumentar
- to increase, to enlarge
- contar con
- to count on
- convencer
- to convince
- culpar/echar la culpa
- to blame, to accuse
- cumplir promesas
- to carry out, fulfill promises
- exigir
- to demand
- fomentar
- to promote
- frenar
- to brake, to slow down
- luchar
- to fight
- mentir
- to lie
- prohibir
- to prohibit
- promover
- to promote
- redactar
- to write, to draw up, to compile, to edit
- subvencionar
- to subsidize
- suprimir
- to supress
- trasladar
- to move, to transfer