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Level II Canine Massage


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Father of Sports Massage

Jack Meagher
(pronounced "Mar")

What is the job of a sports massage practitioner?

To find damaged areas and restore them through a prescribed program of canine sports massage therapy.

What is our focus in sports massage?

PREVENTION of future injuries and RELIEF from muscular pain.

The 5 benefits of massage

(1) Increases blood circulation
(2) Increases lymph movement
(3) Muscle Health
(4) Noticing Structural Imbalances
(5) Stimulating Acupressure Points
(6) Emotional Health

RMSAAM Injury Prevention and Maintenance Program for Athletes.

Week 1 (while competing): Massage every other day
(3-4x per week)

Week 2-5: One massage per week

Thereafter: One massage every 2-3 weeks or more as needed post event

What is R.I.C.E.

The western way to treat sports related soft tissue muscle injuries.



Ice - constricts the blood vessels and reduces swelling. 10-15 minutes each hour for the first day.

Compression - alternate using a cold compress, then a warm compress to injured area.

Elevation - if practical and using a sling if necessary.

List 4 massage strokes

(1) Effleurage (gliding)
(2) Petrissage (compression)
(3) Friction (pressure)
(4) Tapotement (percussion)

List 5 types of bones

(1) Long bones (limbs, digits)
(2) Short bones (cube-shaped)
(3) Flat bones (skull)
(4) Irregular bones (spine/hips)
(5) Sesamoid bones (patella)

How many cervical vertebrae?


How many thoracic vertebrae?


How many lumbar vertebrae?


How many sacral vertebrae?


How many caudal vertebrae?

Up to 20

How many ribs?


Three types of joints

(1) Synovial
(2) Fibrous
(3) Cartilaginous

What are the best gaits to use for gait analysis?

Symmetrical gaits, including the walk or the trot.

Walk - 4 beat
Trot - 2 beat

What is over-reaching?

When the hind feet are thrust past their front counterparts.

Average heart rate of a dog

70-120 beats per minute

Respiration Rate for a dog

18-34 breaths per minute


The forward motion of the legs.


The backward motion of the legs.


Inward motion of the legs.


Outward motion of the legs.


The muscle is the PRIMARY mover and works with the opposing muscle to create movement.

A muscle whose action is opposed by the action of another muscle. (This happens in a concentric contraction)


This muscle is the OPPOSING MUSCLE that works in opposition to the agonist.

It elongates during concentric contraction and is often responsible for eccentric contraction.

Concentric Contraction

When the muscle shortens to contract and creates movement in the joints.

(protraction, retraction, abduction, adduction)

Eccentric Contraction

When a contracted agonist releases very slowly to allow better muscle control for slow (non-jerky) stops, and smooth movement and landings.

Name 5 body systems.

(1) Digestive Systems
(2) Cardiovascular System
(3) Immune System
(4) Respiratory System
(5) Urinary System
(6) Nervous System
(7) Female Reproductive System
(8) Male Reproductive System
(9) Endocrine System
(10) Integumentary System
(11) Body Cavities and Serous Membranes

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