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Tortora Chapter 4 Quiz


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A group of cells that usually have a common origin & a specialized function is called a _________.
Secretions of _______ glands enter the interstitial fluid, and then diffuse into the blood stream.
The three components that can be used to classify connective tissue are ______, ______, & ______.
ground substance,
Connective tissue fibers that are arranged in bundles & lend strength & flexibility to a tissue are collagen fibers. (T/F)
Due to its ample blood supply, damaged cartilage is quickly repaired. (T/F)
The tissue type that can detect changes in the internal & external environments & respond to the changes is?

a. nervous tissue
b. muscle tissue
c. connective tissue
d. epithelial tissue
a. nervous tissue
Which statements are true of epithelium?

1. Cells are arranged in continuous single- and multiple-layer sheets

2. Attachment between the basal layer & the connective tissue is called the basement membrane

3. Tissue ha
1, 2, 3, & 4
The type of exocrine gland that forms its secretory product & simply releases it from the cell by exocytosis is the?

a. apocrine gland
b. merocrine gland
c. holocrine gland
d. endocrine gland
e. apical gland
b. merocrine gland
The connective tissue cells responsible for secreting fibers & ground substances are?

a. macrophages
b. mast cells
c. fibroblasts
d. adipocytes
e. plasma cells
c. fibroblasts
The membrane lining a body cavity that opens directly to the exterior is a?

a. serous membrane
b. mucous membrane
c. synovial membrane
d. plasma membrane
e. basement membrane
b. mucous membrane
The muscle tissue that forms the bulk of the wall of the heart is?

a. skeletal muscle
b. smooth muscle
c. involuntary, non-striated muscle
d. cardiac muscle
e. striated, voluntary muscle
d. cardiac muscle
Contains a single layer of flat cells; found in the body where filtration (kidney) or diffusion (lungs) are priority processes
simple squamous epithelium
Found in the superficial part of skin; provides protection from heat, microbes, & chemicals.
keratinized stratified
squamous epithelium
Contains cube-shaped cells; found in the kidney that function in secretion & absorption
simple cuboidal
Lines the upper respiratory tract & uterine tubes; wave like motion of cilia propel material through the lumen
ciliated simple columnar
Found in the urinary bladder; contains cells that can change shape (stretch or relax).
transitional epithelium
Contains cells with microvilli & goblet cells; found in linings of the digestive, reproductive, & urinary tracts.
nonciliated simple
columnar epithelium
Contains cells that are all attached to the basement membrane, although some do not reach the surface; those cells that do extend to the surface secrete mucus or bear cilia at the apical surface.
Pseudostratified ciliated
columnar epithelium
A fairly rare type of epithelium that has a mainly protective function.
stratified cuboidal
The tissue from which all other connective tissues eventually arise?
Connective tissue with a clear liquid matrix that flows in lymphatic vessels.
Connective tissue consisting of several kinds of cells, containing all three fiber types randomly arranged, & found in the subcutaneous layer of the skin.
areolar connective tissue
A loose connective tissue specialized for triglyceride storage
adipose tissue
Tissue that contains reticular fibers & reticular cells & forms the stroma of certain organs such as the spleen
reticular connective
Tissue with irregularly arranged collagen fibers found in the dermis of the skin
dense irregular
connective tissue
Tissue found in the lungs that is strong & can recoil back to its original shape after being stretched
elastic connective tissue
Tissue that affords flexibility at the joints & reduces joint friction.
hyaline cartilage
Tissue that provides strength & rigidity & is the strongest of the three types of cartilage
Bundles of collagen arranged in parallel patterns; compose tendons & ligaments
dense regular
connective tissue
Tissue that forms the internal framework of the body & works with skeletal muscle to generate movement.
osseous tissue
Connective tissue with formed elements suspended in a liquid matrix called plasma
Prevents organ contents from leaking into the blood or surrounding tissue
tight junction
Forms adhesion belts that help epithelial surfaces resist separation
adherans junction
Makes tissue stable by linking the cytoskeletons of cells together
Anchors cells to basement membrane
Allows epithelial cells in a tissue to communicate; enables nerve or muscle impulses to spread rapidly between cells.
gap junction
Results of repair of extensive tissue damage by both fibroblasts & parenchymal cells; provides a supporting framework for new tissue
granulation tissue
Near perfect repair of damaged tissue by parenchymal cells
tissue regeneration
Replacement of damaged tissue by collagen fibers & other matrix materials, forming scar tissue.

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