Med terminology
undefined, object
copy deck
- -ac
- pertaining to
- -malacia
- abnormal softening
- -plasia
- development, formation, growth
- abdominal cavity
- cavity from the diaphragm to the pelvic girdle
- abodominopelvic cavity
- ?
- adedectomy
- surgical removal of a gland
- aden/o
- gland
- adenoma (ad-eh-NOH-mah)
- A benign tumor of glandular origin
- adenomalacia
- abnormal softening of a glad
- adenosclerosis
- Abnormal hardening of a gland
- adip/o
- fat
- adipose tissue
- fat storage in tissur
- anaplasia
- a change in the structure of cells and their orientation to each other
- anomoaly
- a deviation from what is regarded as normal
- aplasia
- defective development or congenital absence of an organ or tissue
- caudal
- pertaining to tail
- cephal/o
- head
- cephalic
- pertaining to the head
- coron/o
- coronary,crown
- coronal
- pertaining to ?
- cyt/o
- cell
- cytoplasm
- fluid inside the cell
- deoxyribonucleic
- The chemical inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms
- distal
- away from the body
- dorsal
- back of the body
- dysplasia
- abnormal tissue development
- endemic
- Endemic means a disease occurs all the time, and with predictable regularity, in a specific area or population
- endo-
- in, within, inside
- endocrine glands
- glands that secrete hormones
- epidemic
- widespread disease
- epigastric region
- above the stomach region
- exo-
- out of, outside, away from
- exocrine glands
- release secretions on the skin or inside the mouth
- hemophilia
- a group hereditary bleeding disorders in whih one of the factors needed to clot the blood is missing
- hist/o
- tissue
- hyperplasia
- the enlargement of an organ or tissue because of abnormal increase in the number of cells
- hypertrophy
- a general increase in the bulk of a part or organ due to an increase in size but not cell number in tissues
- hypochondriac regions
- areas of misinterpreted signs and symptoms falsely believing one has a disease
- hypogastric region
- area below the stomach
- hypoplasia
- The incomplete development of an organ or tissue
- idiopathic disease
- An illness without a known cause
- iliac regions
relating to, or located near the ilium
2 : of or relating to either of the lowest lateral abdominal regions - inguinal
- relating to or situated in the area of the groin
- lumbar
- lower back region
- mesentery
- double folded membranes that line the abodominal cavity and organs
- midsagittal plane
- a median vertical longitudinal plane that divides the body symetrically
- oma
- tumor, neoplasm
- path/o
- disease, suffering, feeling, emotion
- pelvic cavity
- the cavity of the pelvis comprising in humans a broad upper part and a comprised lower part
- peritoneum
- serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity
- peritonitis
- Inflammation of the peritoneum
- phenylketonuria
- A genetic disorder in which an essential digestive enzyme is missing
- retroperitoneal
- situated or occuring behind the peritoneum
- transeverse plane
- a plane made at right angles the the midsagittal line midway up the body