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Topic 9: The Endocrine System


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What are endocrine glands?
1. are invaginations of epithelial cells 2. release product (ie: hormone) to inside of body; blood transports product
What determines response to hormone?
Specific target cells with specific receptors for that hormone.
What are the two general types of hormones?
1. Tropic: act on another endocrine gland to produce its hormone 2. Non-tropic: act on target cell to produce an event
What can a single endocrine gland do?
*produce more than one hormone (ie: anterior pituitary, produces 6 hormones)
What can a single hormone do?
*may be produced by more than one endocrine gland *may have more than one type of target cell
What can happend to target cells?
they can be influenced by more than one hormone
Can a single chemical be a hormone and a neurotransmitter?
Nervous system vs. Endocrine System
Nervous system - coordinates rapid, precise responses and is especially important in interactions with external environment Endocrine system - tends to control activities that require duration, not speed.
What are peptides?
*small proteins *produced by pancreas GI tract, kidney, liver, thymus, heart *hydrophillic and lipophobic *transports in blood: dissolved in plasma *ie: insulin
What are Amines?
*from amino acid tyrosine *two different types 1. thyroid amines 2. Adrenal medulla
What are Thyroid amines?
*T3 and T4 *lipophilic and hydrophilic *transports in blood: bound to protein in blood
What are Adrenal Medulla in Amines?
*catecholamines (NE and epi) *hydrophilic and lipophilic *transport in blood: dissolved in plasma
What is paracrine?
Chemical msg. is released and travels by diffusion ie: inflammation
What is Autocrine?
Chemical msg. acts on same cell that released it by diffusion.
What is a neurotransmitter?
chemical msg. released by neuron that travels by diffusion.
What is a hormone?
chemical msg that is transported to the target cell by the blood
What are steroids?
*derived from cholesterol *produced by: adrenal cortex, gonads, placenta during pregnancy *lipophilic, hydrophobic *transport in blood: bound to protein in blood
What are hydrophilic hormones?
*peptides and catecholamines *can't pass thru lipid bilayer of membrane *binds to receptor on membrane *opens/closes ion channels which changes membrane permeability/potential or *triggers second msger system which amplify the signla received by the membrane recptor which alters activity of pre-existing proteins (usually enzymes)
What are lipophilic hormones?
*steroids and thyroid homones *are able to pas through lipid bilayer of membrane of target cells *interact iwth DNA in nucleus of target cell *alter transcription of DNA *Causes the formation of new proteins (usually enzymes)
Name two systems in the Non-tropic endocrine system.
Pineal Gland Pancreas
What is the Pineal Gland?
*located in brain *responds to amt of light, wavelength of light *produces melatonin (primary func: regulates body's bilogical clock and promoted as wonder drug for jet lag)
What is the pancreas?
*responds to blood glucose levels *releases insulin which promotes uptake of glucose by cells from blood *releases glucagon which promotes incrase in blood glucose levels
Name the three tropic sytems of the endocrine system
Hypothalamus, pituitary and anterior

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