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Human Phys Lab Quiz I


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having polar and nonpolar regions
equilibrium potential
the electrical potential necessary to balance an ionic concentration gradient across a membrane so the net flux of that ion is zero
95% confidence intervals
if the ________ overlap, the groups aren't different from each other (they belong to the same pop.)
light receptors that convert light energy into a neural signal that is relayed to the CNS
contralateral reflex
when a stimulus occurs on one side of the body and the reflex action occurs on the opposite side of the stimulus
correlation analysis
a measure of association between two variables; assumes no cause-and-effect relationship between the variables and attempts to find possible correlates, uses r, use word: association!
transparaent structure covering the front of the eye; helps focus an object's image on the retina, helps with the coarse focusing of light rays as they enter the eye
measures of central tendency
describe how a set of observations estimate/are centered around a true population parameter (ex. mean)
measures of dispersion
range, variance, standard deviation, and standard error (they describe the amount of variation about the mean)
visual angle
as an image moves farther from the eye and becomes smaller, the ______ becomes smaller till the image can no longer be seen
tympanic membrane
eardrum; membrane stretched across end of ear canal
autonomic nervous system reflexes
assist in regulating the activity of almost all physiological systems (ex. the endocrine system)
Weber's test
tells us there is conduction damage due to cochlea damage or due to middle ear damage but doesn't distinguish between the two
farsightedness, eyeball is too short, images of near objects converge behind the retina
regression analysis
to determine the value of parameters for a function that causes the function to best fit a set of data observations that are provided; determines if there's a cause and effect relationship, determine the nature of the relationship w/ an eq., evaluate how accurately the mathematical eq. defines the relationship with r^2
absolute refractory period
duration of time following an action potential during which a 2nd one can't be generated no matter how strong the stimulus
a change in the ________ constitutes the response of the feedback system
the refractive power of a lens is measured in __________ (1/focal length in m)
_____ stimulus doesn't depolarize cell enough to generate an action potential
outermost layer of the eye
visual acuity
the ability of the lens of the eye to bend or refract light to focus an image on the retina
length of the eyeball
the cornea, lens shape, and ____________ determine the point where light rays converge
lucus, malleus, and stapes
three bones in the middle ear that transmit movements of hte tympanic membrane to the inner ear
used to compare the means of two populations/distributions
afferent pathway
in reflex arc, transmits info from receptor->integrating center
concave lens
corrects myopia, the focal point of light rays entering the lens occurs in front of the lens, (-)
process by which stimulus energy is transformed into a response
color photoreceptors, need more light energy to become excited
any stimulus greater than the threshold voltage
compound action potential
sum of all action potentials occurring within individual axons at a given point along a nerve, varies w/ the # of axons within the nerve that are generating action potentials
positive feedback
the physiological responses are in the same direction as the original stimulus
negative feedback
induces changes that are opposite from the initial stimulus or disturbance in homeostasis
involuntary and sterotypic response to a stimulus that serves in the maintenance of homeostatis
reflex arc
sensory receptors->sensory/afferent neurons->synapses/integrating center->motor/efferent neurons->effector
efferent pathway
in reflex arc, transmits info from integrating center->effector
hair cells
mechanoreceptors (sensory receptors) in the ear
extra-cellular fluid surrounding the hair cells of the cochlea contains a higher concentration of __________ than the intracelular fluid
performs the fine focusing of light rays, helps focus an object's image on the retina
convex lens
corrects hyperopia, the focal point of light rays entering the lens occurs behind the lens, (+)
changement of the membrane potential value toward zero so the cell interior becomes less negative than resting level
where molecules are further apart and pressure is decreased
polysynaptic reflex arcs
include interneurons in the integration center between the sensory and motor neurons
ipsilateral reflex
when a stimulus occurs on one side of the body and the reflex action occurs on the same side of the stimulus
fovea centralis
area of highest visual acuity and contains the highest concentration of cones
like a t-test but is used to statistically compare more than two groups
skeletal muscles
the effectors of somatic reflexes; are usually under voluntary control
the condition where the eye exhibits a progressively diminished ability to focus on near objects with age
# cycles per second
where molecules are cloes together and pressure is increased
unlearned response
any response that you haven't previously learned
reqiure a protein channel to passively diffuse across the nonpolar region of the plasma membrane
eyeball is too long, images of objects coverge in front of the retina
reciprocal inhibition
muscles on one side of a joint relaxing to accommodate contraction on the opposite side of that joint
blind spot
sightless area within the visual field of a normal eye, caused by absence of light-sensitive photoreceptors where the optic nerve enters the eye
inner-ear, fluid-filled spiral-shaped structure
________ is responsible for the pitch of sound
external auditory canal
outer canal of the ear
thin layer of tissue lining the back of the eyeball, contains sensory receptors for vision
optic disc
region of the retina where neurons to the brain exit the eye, lacks photoreceptors
monosynaptic reflex
reflexes which lack interneurons (and have only one synapse in the spinal cord), only seen in stretch reflexes
adjustment of eye for viewing various distances by changing lens shape
nonmotile cilia, in hair cells, bend in response to the transmission of sound waves
________ is responsibble for the loudness of sound
relative refractory period
second action potential may be generated, but it requires a stronger stimulus than the one that generated the first action potential
somatic nervous system
part of the peripheral nervous system associated with the voluntary control of body movements through skeletal mscles
integrating center
receives info. from my diff. types of sensors and relays info to the effector
action potential
an all-or-none depolarization of membrane polarity; has a threshold and refractory period and is conducted w/o decrement
detecs a change in the internal/external environment
photorceptors with low-light perception, are used in black and white vision
infinite distance
at the ________ (around 20 ft), light rays entering the ey from an object are parallel and are naturally focused on the fovea centralis while the lens is in its relaxed state
type of sensory stimulus
Rinne's test
tells us there is conduction damage due to cochlea damage or due to middle ear damage and distinguishes between the two
one-minute arc
the smallest visual angle that can be seen by the normal eye; a measurement of visual acuity

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